Blogs from Middle East - page 1169


Middle East » Turkey » Marmara » Istanbul April 20th 2006

Hello, We have arrived safely after 24 hrs on the plane with 2 stops along the way in Singapore, Dubai and finally arrived today at 07:00 Turkish Time which is 14:00 Australian Time We left for this trip of a lifetime at 14:45 Australian, Time. Today in Istanbul, Turkey we visited the Grand Bazaar and we had many sales men trying unsuccessfully to sell us their goods (knock offs of Dolce and Gabbana, Gucci, Von Dutch and other expensive brands) We have tried many Turkish foods today such as Donor Kebabs, Turkish Meatballs, Calamari, Fresh Fish and also some Savory Treats from the Turkish Bakery. The Savory treats were so good we went back twice. We went to the street markets and found many more knock off goods! We also bought some fruit from the local ... read more

Middle East » Turkey » Central Anatolia » Cappadocia » Göreme April 20th 2006

Geo: 39.1452, 35.3437Didn't wake up to well this afternoon, had to be told to get out of the room! Whoops! I missed out on the Vespa ride around the valley, which was disappointing. There was no way I could drive a vehicle or be in one at the moment. Instead I slowly packed and sat out in the sun feeling sorry for myself. The rest of the group would be riding around and having fun right now. Went for a little walk around the hotel and took a few photos of the fairy chimney buildings. In the mid afternoon went for a walk into town to do some shopping and to have some food. On the way back to the hotel, bumped into the others who had just returned from their day of riding. There was ... read more
02 Fairy chimneys
03 More
04 Hotel

Middle East » Oman » Muscat April 19th 2006

Dubai and Muscat are like sisters. Dubai needs to be at the centre of attention at all times; she wears revealing clothing, lots of makeup, and chances are she'll be pregnant by the time she's 16. Muscat is the cooler, older, hippy sister; she is more modest, laid back and wears her beauty effortlessly... I could feel the pace of life slow to a leisurely halt as the plane touched down in Muscat. Everything about travelling in a foreign land that was challenging and difficult washed away when I saw the familiar faces of Dave and Jana on the other side of the extremely lax airport security. I was immediately welcomed and embraced as a temporary resident of the expat ghetto of MQ; a place where live in maids and gardeners are the norm for school ... read more
Rock formation overlooking Jebel Sham
Oh how I love those Veggie Dogs
The "Dave and Kris are Awsome" Fort

Middle East » Turkey » Marmara » Istanbul April 19th 2006

19th April. Flying in to Europe was unbelievable and as soon as we landed I could tell I was finally here; the terracotta rooftops were a sight I have been hanging to see since I can remember. I grabbed a cab with the two Aussies Kim and Mark from the flight to Cordial House where they were staying. The drive there made me fall in love with Istanbul immediately. Whether it was coming from dirty India or just the charm, cleanliness, and beauty of Istanbul I am not sure but I think it was the latter. The streets are clean, the air is fresh and the tulip festival going on so they are everywhere you turn adding beautiful colours to the streets. I can't even begin to describe how overwhelmed I was that I have finally ... read more
Inside the Spice bazaar
Inside the Spice bazaar

Middle East » Bahrain April 19th 2006

Today, we went to swim with a beluga whale! His name is Senja (not sure about the spelling, and it is short for Simone, I think, but it is the equivalent of Simon in Russian). So, he is a Russian whale. The place was a big indoor area used for dolphin shows, but only the trainer and a few other people were on hand. Shawn was the first to go and hopped down into the chilly water. Senja was waiting beside the edge. Thin instructor, Alexander, spoke very little English. Shawn put his hands on Senja’s front fins, leaned back a bit, and then Senja began to swim around the pool with Alexander guiding him around with a training pole (not sure what else to call it) and throwing in a fish or two along the ... read more
Augusta, Kai, and Shawn
The Pottery Makers
Shawn and Senja

Middle East » Oman » Dakhliya » Nizwa April 19th 2006

Day five of my adventures in Oman promised to fulfill all of my kitschy tourist desires as we drove to Wahiba Sands to stay at a desert camp set up like a traditional Beduin village in the middle of the desert. Barzani the Sketchbot Land Rover drove over the dunes in the mid day sun. We approached the abandoned village. It was Mahid (the equivalent of the Spanish siesta). Lying on a bed of pillows under the camps main shelter was Salam, the owner/ operator of the camp. Salam immediately began explaining to us that the reason for Mahid was so that muslim men would have more time to make love to their wives, thus populating the world with more America hating muslims (or at least that is what I got out of the conversation). Dave ... read more
kids at Nizwa

Middle East » Bahrain April 19th 2006

Today… I wore jeans. :) To start out the tour of the Grand Mosque, Augusta had to change into an abaya and we had to take off our shoes. They also gave us some juice while we waited for our tour guide. Ezra was our tour guide. She was very friendly (as was everyone there that we met or came across). The Grand Mosque (as all mosques in Bahrain) was built and continues to be funded by the Bahrain government. The mosque was built with materials all over the world… Italy, Canada (I think), and other countries. Its capacity is 7,000 worshippers, but often overflows into the parking lot on special occasions. The mosque itself is not too old… I think she said 16 or 17 years. Minarets, a courtyard, and domes are part of traditional ... read more
Colorful Buildings
Residential Architecture - 2
Residential Architecture - 3

Middle East » Bahrain April 19th 2006

Augusta, Kai, and I started out the day by going to the Grand Mosque. However, the Grand Mosque does not allow visitors in that are wearing shorts. So, we put this off for another day. We then went to the mall to grab a bite to eat. After that we headed off to the Souq to pick up my suit. When we got to the little shop I tried on the jacket and it fit very well. Everyone at the shop was very friendly. Also, they said that should I want to order another suit, I just need to tell them my number and they can make any other suit based on the measurements they have on file. Pretty cool, methinks. Augusta and Shawn said they could also ship it over pretty cheap through the base. ... read more
Side of the Grand Mosque
The Grand Mosque
Building Next to the Grand Mosque

Middle East » Israel April 19th 2006

Shalom everybody, My trip to Israel has been great. Full of amazing history, cultures, new people, and surprises. However, it's been a bit of a mess from the beginning. My last night in Cape Town my friend Aaron and I painted the town whatever color the alcohol we were drinking was. I was out until 3:30 in the morning and managed to wake up just 2 minutes before my ride to the airport left. So I tossed all my stuff into my backpack and left. I spent the next 24 hours on planes and in airports without having had a shower and being extremely hungover. When I finally got to Jerusalem I couldn't check into my hostel for another 6 hours. So I left my backpack there and went for walk. After walking a block I ... read more
The Old City
Seder 2

Middle East » Turkey » Central Anatolia » Cappadocia » Göreme April 19th 2006

Geo: 39.0425, 35.3437After breakfast, which we ate out in morning sun. We were told we were going for a hike this morning and had a local guide with us for the day. Was hoping it wasn't going to be too much hard work. We went for a short drive, then began walking into the valley. The area is covered by pointy rocks that have been formed due to erosion. The area is full of underground cities, caves, rock churches and chambers. People used to live in these caves. They are made of solidified volcanic ash and is soft to carve. We walked up a dodgy ladder to a small church- one of the highest spots in the valley. The walls were painted with bible scenes and in quite good condition considering they don't seem to be ... read more
02 Carved
03 Looking down
04 Going up

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