Blogs from Middle East - page 1078


Middle East » Israel » Jerusalem District » Jerusalem March 16th 2007

Tonight will be Shabbat so we are all excited to have a day of rest! We got up early and went to Yad Vashem, the Holocaust Museum which has been redone since I was here in the 90's----they gained huge ammounts of records,artifacts and knowledge when the Soviet Union broke up because the Societ Union had under lock and key most of the documents and artifacts that they had seized from the Natzis. The new museum is built in a triangle shape like a long knife slicing through the mountain as a reminder of the slice through is a long and winding path through the museum and it rips your heart out, then you come out at the end and it's a huge open triangle looking over Jerusalem reminding us that we endured... I may ... read more

Middle East » Turkey March 16th 2007

İ tilfelle noen som er innom denne siden blir nysgjerrig nok til å få lyst til å lese mer lødige reiseskildringer fra regionen, bringer vi her en liste over de bøkene som vi har fått mest ut av etter hvert som avreisen nærmet seg: 1. Neal Ascherson: Svarta havet (orginalens tittel: The Black Sea) Prisbelønnet britisk journalist har her gått grundig til verks og oppsummert regionens kulturhistorie fra antikken og gjennom det 20. århundre. Her har alltid ulike folkeslag møttes, i både fredelig sameksistens og blodige perioder.Europas historie som kolonimakt startet faktisk her, etterhvert som de greske bystatene trengte større matproduksjon enn deres små omland kunne sørge for. Silkeveien begynte også her. 2. Knut Hamsun: I æventyrland (opplevet og drømt i Kaukasien) Trolig Hamsuns eneste bidrag til genren, og sikkert en av hans minst kjente bøker. ... read more

Middle East » Turkey March 16th 2007

På hviledagen i Amasya ble det kaldere, med lett yr utover formiddagen. Dagen gikk med til trivielle sysler. På torsdag var det fortsatt småkaldt og regnbyger, men på tide å gnage vekk noen av milene mellom oss og İstanbul. Den lite inspirerende værmeldingen bidro til at vi tok en rettere kurs vestover, og fulgte E80 istedetfor en nordligere og mer kronglete rute hvor det trolıg er større høydeforskjeller og mindre veier. Etter sju mil i ganske hard sidevind, hadde vi valget mellom å ta sjansen på at vi ville klare fire mil til, over en fjellovergang på ca 950 moh før det ble mørkt, eller spore opp et hotell i småbyen Gümüşhaçiköy. Vi utsatte ferden over fjellet, og parkerte syklene. Det viste seg å være et greit valg, siden Sten Eriks mage etter hvert fikk symptomer ... read more

Middle East » Jordan March 15th 2007

It takes 20 minutes for the minibus in Aqaba to fill: a few dour old women shuffle in with plastic shopping bags, a man in a red-checkered kuffiyah limps in with a gnarled wooden cane. He makes a few wisecracks clearly delivered at my expense. “Enjoy the ride, young American,” his wrinkled face suggests. “It is my sincerest wish that a goat’s foreskin finds its way into your morning coffee.” I take a seat in the back, beside two cocky young guys puffing on a pack of L&M’s. They look my way and then exchange a couple of signals with their eyebrows, the implications of which I can’t quite suss out as the driver whips us into oncoming traffic. We’ve hardly gone a mile before one of the guys offers me a smoke. He makes ... read more
View of the Treasury, Petra
Killing time, Petra
Facades, Petra

Middle East » Israel » Jerusalem District » Jerusalem March 15th 2007

Today we woke up and had a lively pannel discussion/debate with members of the Kinneset which was really great. It was wonderful to hear the different sides and easy to see how hard it is to be in government in such a trouble filled region! We then went first to Mount Scopus to the old Hadassah Hospital where we saw some amazing physical therapy innovations they are doing, I tried to meet with the head of the social work department but she was busy and left me her card. We then went to the old city and shopping in the cardo and shook...then lunch on our own before visiting the Kotel, or Western Wall. (I forgot to mention it was snowing this whole day, big wet freezing rain and snow....NOT normal for Jerusalem and pretty miserable ... read more

Middle East » Jordan » South » Petra March 15th 2007

Our adventure for the fall of 2006 was a trip to Petra and Wadi Rum in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. From Eilat we crossed the border to Aqaba and caught a taxi to Wadi Musa. We were hosted at the Petra Gate Hostel during our stay. This hostel is really a hotel, and for a very reasonable price we were treated more as family than as customers by the staff. Unlike the hostel of the same name at Jerusalem, this hostel is highly recommendable. Petra is absolutely fantastic, a must see. The Bedouin are very friendly and happy to share information that you won't find in the tourist guides. The manager of the Petra Gate Hostel, Naser, arranged our return to Aqaba, this trip including an afternoon exploring the desert around Wadi Rum and a ... read more

Middle East » United Arab Emirates » Dubai March 14th 2007

Well the trip was begun for real now , and it has been a very interesting start. The farewell at the airport went well, and very quickly I was on the plane. Fate throws up interesting things now and again, but the person who was seated next to me was the perfect person at the perfect time. It was a guy from NZ, Connor. Basically he is where I want to be in 2 years. He has done my exact trip through the Middle East, including Alexandria, is also an Open Water Diver, has lived in London for 1 1/2 years, and was on his way to Melbourne for his brother's wedding. So I got heaps of tips about different places and just a general good vibe about the Middle East region. The flights themselves can ... read more
Dubai 2

Middle East » Israel » Tel Aviv District » Tel Aviv March 14th 2007

On this day we spent far too much time on the bus, but we first went to the Youth Village spnsered by Hadassah which is by Carmel, it was amazing. They started by serving troubled youth and now serve 250 youth in a boarding school type program that either are referred by social services or come from other countries and meager backgrounds wanting to move to Israel, as well as 300 youth from the area who are exceptional students who come as a day program---the school has a technical program, an agricultural program, and arts and performing arts program and a science program, they are winning awards all of the time and the students we met were truly exceptional! They havea much higher matriculation rate than the rest of the country and many students come back ... read more

Middle East » Turkey » Aegean » Kusadasi March 14th 2007

Zoals vermeld in ons profiel willen we elk jaar met ons vieren de wereld verkennen, dit jaar op het programma Turkije. Voor Turkije heb je niet veel voorbereiding nodig, maar in onze situatie moesten we wel kinderpasjes met foto laten maken, maar dat zal voor ieder kindje wel nodig zijn als je wilt reizen. Uiteraard kan je niet op reis zonder je reis te boeken, wij deden dit bij Neckermann. Meer informatie volgt eenmaal we vetrokken zijn. ... read more

Middle East » United Arab Emirates » Dubai March 14th 2007

Dubai…. One of severn emirates, together making up the United Arab Emirates, formed in 1971. Prosperous, growing quickly, building everywhere. Including on land ‘manufactured’, by dredging from the sea bed to make islands off the coast. An international financial and trading centre, a meeting point between east and west, as indeed it has been over the centuries. Very ‘oil rich’ and it shows! We have travelled 21500 miles so far and are continuing our way westward, and should complete our circumnavigation next week. Here in Dubai we have three days to catch up and relax. Not being on business it is our intent to see and to shop, the latter being one reason for visiting this city. After a good nights sleep and some superb omlettes for breakfast (best ever anywhere) we head for the ... read more
Burj Al Arab
cranes galore
Burj Dubai

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