Blogs from Bushehr, West, Iran, Middle East


Middle East » Iran » West » Bushehr July 23rd 2010

I’d finished with Shiraz and so the plan was to continue on my journey in Iran. I wanted to head north but the only option was an overnight bus journey that was ten hours long.I can't sleep on buses, something to do with being in an upright position. I also dislike being sleepy and grumpy the next day and so many other things... so Fatima suggested we go to her home town instead. I hadn't planned on going to Bushehr but that sort of appealed - there's way too much planning involved in my trip so far. Here's to the unplanned... I had arranged to meet Fatima at the bus station in Shiraz but as they never seem to be in the centre of town I had to get a taxi from my guesthouse. The taxi ... read more
Ticketman - Real nose job bandage? or fashion?
4 - Shiraz to Bushehr - 29 June 2010
7 - Shiraz to Bushehr - 29 June 2010

Middle East » Iran » West » Bushehr October 18th 2008

I met Saed on the bus. Everything about him was dodgy, and he looked like a stereotypical junkie. He tells me that Bushehr was uber dodgy, and that as a tourist I would probably be bashed, robbed, and left for dead. He offers to show me around town and says I can stay at his house as he lives just outside the city centre. Stupidly, I agree. We get off the bus outside Bushehr and jump in a taxi. I ask him how far it is to his house. "Thirty-five kilometers" he replies "and I haven't got any money, can you pay for the taxi?". As we drive, he tells me how dangerous the road is, and that anyone hitch-hiking will certainly be murdered and left in the desert. "Everyone here carries a gun - its ... read more

Middle East » Iran » West » Bushehr August 3rd 2007

Lasciamo la sonnolenta Kashan, ed i suoi 42 gradi, in un caldo pomeriggio d'inizio agosto: direzione Esfahan. Questa citta' viene considerata la piu' bella dell'intera Persia, viene addirittura definita "la meta' del mondo", e folle di turisti da ogni dove la visitano ininterrottamente durante tutto l'anno. Ci saranno degli ottimi motivi per tutto questo, ma non saro' di certo io a raccontarveli... Mi limitero' a parlare dell'Amir Kabir Hotel, storico ritrovo dei backpackers che negli anni hanno percorso questa via. Situato in centro citta', offre diverse sistemazioni: camere doppie e singole, camere condivise e dormitorio, camera con tappeti e, in caso di pienone, il pavimento. I prezzi sono davvero contenuti e partono dai 30.000 Rials (1 euro = 12.500 Rials). Il fulcro di tutto cio' e' il cortile interno che offre riparo dal sole nelle ore ... read more
Esfahan: pulcini colorati in vendita al bazar...
Esfahan: la gioia per il ritrovamento
Esfahan: un brindisi per festeggiare

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