Blogs from England, United Kingdom, Europe - page 1898


Europe » United Kingdom » England » Oxfordshire » Oxford December 4th 2006

Ummm I come back to the states on Saturday. I'm freaking out. Yes, I'm excited to come home and see all of my friends and family. But, I don't want to leave Oxford. I love this city. And I'm really going to miss the friends I've made here...most notably Ashley, Kate, Lindsay, Cate, and Liz. I love those girls more than I can really say. Then I think of everyone and everything I get to come home to and leaving doesn't seem bad. I'm so torn right now. What do I do? How can I be excited to go home when it means I have to leave the people who've become like a family to me over here? How can I not be excited to go back to the people I've known for so long when ... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Cambridgeshire » Cambridge December 4th 2006

Me again. So, I'm not actually studying, but we are in Cambridge, so I guess I could be! Last blog was until Bath, so I'll catch you up since then. We spent the day wandering around Bath, doing the obligatory things, like going to the Roman Baths! They were actually really interesting, lots of information, and an included audio guide in the admission price is certainly a must. Lots of stuff to listen to, and lots of stuff that the Romans did way before their time! Central heating in the Roman Baths when the Romans built it! Very impressive. We also saw the Bath Cathedral, the Jane Austen Museum (she lived a couple of years in Bath). We also did the internet thing, hence my last blog. Dinner was another take away affair, watched TV, the ... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Surrey December 4th 2006

It's Monday morning. This time on Wednesday I hope to be at or very near Heathrow! I'm more or less packed. Mind you, I had to half unpack it this morning to get some underwear. I think I need to do a couple laundry runs before I go! I've got my first few nights accommodation sorted out and a few things in the first week booked. I think it's going to be a lot of flying by the seat of my pants though! I needed much more time to actually sort this out that I obviously had. At least I have a rough plan though. ... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Berkshire » Caversham December 4th 2006

Well, finally it's almost time to leave on our epic voyage to NZ. We have planned to do this for so long that it seems really weird, and still quite unreal that on Friday we'll actually be on our way. We (Denise and Eric) are flying to Auckland to spend 5 days on North Island, before travelling on to Christchurch where hopefully we will meet up with Alan and Ralph, who are unable to join us until the following week. We will then spend 2 weeks travelling around South Island, spending Christmas in Queenstown, before returning to UK on New Year's Day. The focus of our trip is the family celebrations for direct descendants from around the world on Dec 15th/16th to commemorate the 150th anniversary of the arrival of Eric's great great grandfather there as ... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » England » East Sussex » Hastings December 4th 2006

Hi everybody, Just a little message before I go to say bye ( and see if I can work this thing!!!) Please don't forget me and make sure u keep me updated with all the gossip!! Miss you already, Love Sinead xxxxxx... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Cambridgeshire » Cambridge December 3rd 2006

Only 3 Days to go, and counting Well, I can't believe it's only a few days until I set off on my round the world trip. I've finished work and have moved out of my London flat and am spending a few days back in Cambridge until I leave on Wednesday. At the moment I'm feeling a mixture of nerves and excitement, and to be honest it still hasn't really sunk in that I'm going travelling. For those of you who don't know my plans, although I'm sure I've bored you all to death with it, I'm going to Thailand for a week, and then on to Sydney and travel around Australia on my WHVisa. I'll hopefully pop over to New Zealand's South Island for a bit as I've heard so much about the scenery ... read more
Me and Eve
Teddy Bigfoot
Me, Ginette, Eve and Lucy

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Berkshire » Bracknell December 3rd 2006

So the countdown has begun and this time next week I'll be in Innsbruck about to begin my training course. I have to say that the thought of speaking german at this point intimidates me a little to say the least but I'm assured that it will all come back eventually. Just to be on the safe side though, i've invested in a mini-dictionary to keep with me at all times and grammar so I can be a dedicated student of german! Is that going to help me in Austria?! Lets hope so but just in case, i'll pack the little book of slang too... ... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Greater London December 3rd 2006

I have spent the past two months or so just chilling out and enjoying London, with many a farewells, visiting friends and christmas celebrations. The Guy Fawkes day fireworks are the unofficial start to the silly season - friends, fireworks and booze, what more do you need? There has been a multitude of farewells with loads of people heading home for christmas. Kent & Kirst headed back to NZ and got engaged on the way home - Congrats guys! Anna and Marcus headed back to Oz to visit the for christmas and Nic headed back to Melbourne for good! Its always tough saying goodbyes over here, some you never know if you will see them again! But atleast Nic is keeping Melbourne warm for us and got home in time for Renee and Steve to become ... read more
Fireworks Night - Clapham Common
Me, Si and Rick - Post firework drinks
Me, Si & Rick

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Hertfordshire » Welwyn December 3rd 2006

It feels real now...We've just got back from a weekend in Birmingham, and saying goodbye to everyone has brought the trip even closer. We even had a mini Christmas lunch this afternoon, which was lovely. One week left of the daily trek to work and back - I think we're both in agreement - its going to be a tough week... I think Friday's going to be a late one, got to make sure we pack everything that we need, and that's including the his & her long john's - dont laugh! China being our first stop at -3 it's essential that we pack everything from scarves, gloves and thermals! We've read all the essential guides, and the more we read, the more excited we get...! Anyway, I'm sure we'll have more to say when we ... read more

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