Blogs from Oxford, Oxfordshire, England, United Kingdom, Europe - page 30


Europe » United Kingdom » England » Oxfordshire » Oxford January 21st 2007

....and to all....Hello!!!! I trust you all had crackingly good holidays and saw in the New year in style. Jen and I enjoyed an early Kiwi Christmas dinner with Mal and Bec which involved some most excellent roasted eating and an almost successful pav. Way less sugar than the recipe recommends next time I think. Mal and I had whiskey and rather enjoyed it. Christmas Day was a little less manic and involved the McEwen traditional Christmas brekky of pancakes and champagne (and it was proper French champers too!) and then the rest of the day we lounged around in the warm house, not daring to set foot outside in the cold, and ate drank and undertook merriment. It was most excellent. To begin with, a summary of work Christmas dos. I had one of my ... read more
Jen and Stonehenge
Beer by Horse

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Oxfordshire » Oxford January 18th 2007

It has been a busy four days at RAF Lyneham. I am part of a Canadian military contingent conducting an assessement into the RAF C130 Hercules operation at RAF Lyneham. We are here to determine if the RAFwho are flying the new Hercules, called the Super Hercules (J-model variant) have the proper training equipment and methodology to produce tactical aircrews (we are also checking out the same on the maintenance side). We've called the mission a Training Needs Analysis. We have been here once before looking at the RAF schoolhouse under a Search And Rescue mandate. That project was supposedly on a fast track until the politicians stalled it - political hot potato apparently (read as unacceptable risk for a minority government). The entire project staff was then assigned to the Hercules replacemnet project and we've ... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Oxfordshire » Oxford January 5th 2007

Booking themselves another tour, not dissimilar to speed dating the English Heritage sites, Mum and Dad headed up to Oxford, past Stratford on Avon. Passing the school of Harry Potter, and the University of Tony Blair, they visited the house Shakespeare was born in and onto Warwick Castle which has been brought to life by Madame Tussauds figurines depicting life in the various centuries of the castle’s life. ... read more
Stratford on Avon
Harry Potters School
The university of Tony Blair, a part of Oxford

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Oxfordshire » Oxford January 1st 2007

Getting to Oxford took quite a long time, as the train must have made about 15 stops. I got to see quite a bit of the middle of England though! Once there I went exploring as best I could, since everything had closed and it was dark and cold. That night I met some interesting people in the hostel, including a guy from Zimbabwe, who told me of the country's condition and how his friends, family, everyone has left. He was going around Europe trying to decide basically where he wants to live and try to make a new life. Also met Larry, a very nice British guy, who was originally from Oxford and as such on the second day took me on a tour of the city. I of course spent a lot of time ... read more
Another fun house
University 2

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Oxfordshire » Oxford December 30th 2006

Started the day by heading out from Cambridge towards Oxford. There is not a single main road between the two, and even if there was it wouldn't have mattered since my mom wanted to see the countryside. So we stopped at a petrol station along the way and bought a more detailed map that would show us how to navigate through the small towns and country roads. In the morning the weather was partly cloudy, however, it got darker throughout the day and rain slowly moved in. Driving through the countryside was a great experience. Many of the buildings still have thatched roofs, albeit slightly more modernized thatched roofs ( Interestingly, thatched roofs can last 45-50 years and there are over 100,000 homes in England with them. Also, the UK has more thatched roofs that any ... read more
Duckie, Paddington, and Avis
Moving Along
Meeting Quinn

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Oxfordshire » Oxford December 8th 2006

Today marks the end of my time here in Oxford. I've been away from home for exactly 100 days. I've made countless friends, taken a bazillion pictures, made memories to last a lifetime, and had the time of my life. But now comes the hardest part of all: saying goodbye. It's Friday morning and while most people don't leave until tomorrow morning, some have already left. Just this morning I had to say goodbye to both of my roommates, Liz and Cate. They are both going to Scotland today, upon which Liz returns to the states on Tuesday while Cate will be traveling around Europe since she is coming back to Oxford in January. Saying goodbye to them was one of the hardest things I've ever had to do. Sure, we'll keep in touch. Yeah, we'll ... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Oxfordshire » Oxford December 4th 2006

Ummm I come back to the states on Saturday. I'm freaking out. Yes, I'm excited to come home and see all of my friends and family. But, I don't want to leave Oxford. I love this city. And I'm really going to miss the friends I've made here...most notably Ashley, Kate, Lindsay, Cate, and Liz. I love those girls more than I can really say. Then I think of everyone and everything I get to come home to and leaving doesn't seem bad. I'm so torn right now. What do I do? How can I be excited to go home when it means I have to leave the people who've become like a family to me over here? How can I not be excited to go back to the people I've known for so long when ... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Oxfordshire » Oxford December 1st 2006

.....I'm baaaaaaaa-aaack..... First of all, apologies for more slackness. I think one gets very caught up in the working and the living and the day to day monotonies of coming home to the French flatties and swearing about the British and what's wrong with them....teehee. Sorry Matt D. :) So I've started cycling to work in what has thus far proved to be a reasonably futile effort to improve my general fitness. It's a 12km ride down to Cowley, which has been very pleasant on the frosty mornings, but the ride home, uphill (yeah, it's uphill - you only really notice on a bike!) in the dark is less fun. I've nearly been killed on several occasions, thanks mostly to Oxford's alarmingly frightening elderly population. I've also had the pleasure of taking the company VW Golf ... read more
Blenheim Palace
Blenheim Palace
Blenheim Palace

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Oxfordshire » Oxford December 1st 2006

Oxford is the oldest university in the English-speaking world it's been around for nine centuries!! It's not a seperate campus, the whole town of Oxford is the campus there are colleges and buildings all over the place. Only taxis and buses are allowed in the town, so all the students just ride theri bikes it's beautiful. It has 39 colleges only one is still a women's only college. The college's were set up after the 'town and gown riots' where students rioted because the hotels they were staying in increased their price. Yeah for student activism. You can study anything at Oxford but the only degree you come out with is batchelor of arts. We walked around the beautiful old colleges including christchurch where Harry Potter was shot, saw the Radcliffe camera and the Rhodes building ... read more
Christchurch college
College gates

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Oxfordshire » Oxford November 30th 2006

OMG. Casey and I just got back from the Starbucks on Cornmarket Street in Oxford...and guess who we saw there?!?! EMMA WATSON...YUP! HERMIONE GRANGER from all the Harry Potter movies. Yup, my life is complete...well, okay, maybe it's not...but my trip to Oxford very well could be!!! Emma Watson goes to the Headington School in Oxford. It is a private, all-girls secondary boarding school on the outskirts of Oxford, namely Headington. It's a really pretty school and I always wondered what it was. But, it wasn't until I saw Emma Watson and looked her up online that I discovered what the school is! Anyways, it was really cool to see her. Some of my other friends have seen her, but this was my first celebrity encounter. I would have asked for her autograph, but it seemed ... read more

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