Blogs from Greater London, England, United Kingdom, Europe - page 719


Europe » United Kingdom » England » Greater London » London City June 22nd 2006

The sun was shining and the music was so fine at the O2 Wireless Festival held annually in Hyde Park. On the bill for the 22nd was Captain, Missy Higgins (whoa!!!) Violent Femmes, K.T Tunstall, Ray LaMontagne and headlining was Mr David Gray. Pretty special lineup. There were rides, market stalls and a big screen for the World Cup Soccer - Australia V Croatia. So all in all it was a very entertaining afternoon in the park. Missy as usual rocked the house and I think the exposure she got from this festival will set her up for success in the UK and Europe. There is a definite trend over here for more acoustic, live music which Missy fits right into. Speaking of huge raw talent, I fell in love with the very Joe Cocker-ish voice ... read more
The stage late afternoon
Missy Higgins

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Greater London June 21st 2006

HI EVERYONE! O my gosh! we are here! after a very long flight of 14hrs we arrived at Dubai! the plane was very hot and so was dubai! we didnt leave the airport, but we heard it was 32 degreess out side and it was only 5.45 am! After a two hour stop over in dubai we borded our plane to london! on the plane there is a camera that you can watch which is either at the front or on the bottom of the outside of the plane! i watched that pretty much the whole way! dubai from the air is very arid looking. very sandy with white houses, not many trees! i saw snow on the mountains over bucharest, we flew over the middle east which was interesting!i saw the freway in vienna ans ... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Greater London June 21st 2006

Can you believe I lost my passport at Heathrow!!!! I had just got off my British Airways flight and was on my way to customs to go out and get my suitcase. There were HEAPS of people! As I was carrying so much stuff it was hard to rummage through my bags. In the end I got annoyed and got out of the line and literally took everything out of my bags. I tried to stay calm and take everything out methodically but then just kept getting stressed out! I knew I had to take flights to Singapore, then to Sydney, then to Gold Coast. If I didn't I would miss my cousin's wedding! I called Todd and burst into tears..."I lost my passport!". By this time an African guy at the airport had come up ... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Greater London » London City June 21st 2006

Well right now im in a small indian/muslim internet cafe in the eastern half of london (far from beautiful westminster) Im sitting next to my new friend Ed who is also on the internet. Today is the third day of our training for St. Petersburg. We are staying at the Wycliffe Center in High Wycombe, England, about a half hour train ride north of london. Its actually the place wheere most of the bible translations for other languages happen in the UK. It's pretty great fun. We are doing surveys in this little district of london because it is very heavily muslim/buddhist/hindu and for some reason, they want us to get a little cultural experience before we head off to a whole different culture. Watched the England v. Sweden World Cup football match last night, sadly ... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Greater London » Bayswater June 21st 2006

A Quick Note: Mom and Dad, your comments are getting through fine. As this is a public site and visible to all and sundry, posted comments do not appear until I have a chance to review them. I have the final word on what gets published and so comments that are really more messages or that contain sensitive info, I keep off the page. Were you to comment for example, "Wicked, Frikkin Cool! Can't wait 'til you get back so we can go down to the tavern and get wasted!" O would feel a smidge uncomfortable but I would also be obliged to post your comment. On to better things... For those who were concerned, Devan's card fiasco has been resolved and he owes Daniel, Stacey and myself a large sum of money. Good times. Today ... read more
The View From Our Hostel.

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Greater London » Bayswater June 21st 2006

I'm only updating because I'm sitting here whilst Devan tries desperately to figure out his bank card situation. I don't know what's going on but at the moment at least, it seems to be my role to play it cool. Last night we went a watched the England-Sweden match down at The Old(e) Swan. Great game. Tied 2-2 which means that England retains first seat or something of the like. Nothing more fun than hanging out in a pub with a bunch of drunk locals. Sweet. Stace inadvertantly befriended a portly fellow in front of us who couldn't seem to stop staring at her between bouts of rambling at us about cheering louder and whether or not California bikers would accept him given that he rides a BMW. He would've been creepy were he not so ... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Greater London » London City June 20th 2006

Finally my dearest friends from Brazil arrived! It was like a dream to have them here with me. As it was Ana's first time in London, we had to do all the tourist stuff but it wasn't painful at all, as I love London to bits. We had the chance to cheer for Brazil in the world cup together, as well as to have some of Laurita's delicious feijoada. Everything was great and we enjoyed every minute together. I just hope that this is not the first and last time they come to visit. Love you guys! ... read more
with Karina
Temple Church
Savoy Hotel

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Greater London » London City June 20th 2006

Well Clapham (where I’m staying with Rodney and Javier) is a rather nice spot in London, but like everywhere else it was it’s quirks………like the fisherman I stumbled upon who were camped out and fishing in a pond on Clapham Common about 10 metres away from a busy thoroughfare (it was an odd sight). The Tube is great to access everything in the city, and so I’ve used it to venture into the city centre on most days. I’ve already seen a few major sites that I missed on my last trip here (the National Gallery, Photographers Gallery etc), but there’s still plenty more to do when I’m back next. Rodney, Javier and I also took a trip to Brighton on Saturday (only about 45 minutes away by train from Clapham Junction). I was pre-warned that ... read more
Brighton Beach
Enjoying the pebbles
Rod and Javier

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Greater London June 20th 2006

So today was the day of the Lloyds visit. We all dressed in our smartest attire and arrived at the lovely building bright eyed & bushy tailed just in time for our strip searches. Okay so security wasn't that bad but they were wound a little tight. The building though was interesting. It is a drastic departure from all of the brick facades surrounding it. They built the insides on the outside (so like the pipes and the cooling units, etc are all external) and everything's connected with these amazing bridges and glass walls. The visit was terrific as well. I learned so much & had a good laugh looking around the lecture at all the other students drifting in and out sleep. As usual Jon asked some obscure question about international something or another. After ... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Greater London June 20th 2006

Hello again, Well it has been over a week since I have been able to get to a computer. Have had a great stay in England and been doing things every day but feel nice and relaxed! Have had a good catch up with my nan, then had a couple of days with Lesley and her girls and got to catch up with Lizelle - had a bit of an Aldgate Colony reunion which was a lot of fun, with lots of wine too! Then spent the weekend with Frances topping it off with a Champagne High Tea at the Ritz in Piccadilly on Sunday night which was very posh. Off to Paris tomorrow to meet up with my beloved! CAnnot wait to get over there and see him and hear all about his travels so ... read more

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