Blogs from London City, Greater London, England, United Kingdom, Europe - page 108


Europe » United Kingdom » England » Greater London » London City August 6th 2005

Hi All Sorry it's been a while since our last entry. There is pleanty for us to fill you in on....but the first thing of note is that we have finally moved out and are no longer crashing on Steve, Breck, Simone and Loz's floor. They have finally got us out of their house and are ready for the next lot of Aussies to take our positions. We loved our time there, but felt that after 3 was time to move on (We still find ourselves there every weekend though). We thought we would take this opportunity to update you on our new friendly neighbourhood and our new pad......Pictures say a thousand words so we'll let them do the talking! We will have some more blogs out to you real soon...... We hope you are ... read more
Our room
The stairs to our room
Our front door

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Greater London » London City August 4th 2005

After a short sleep (yes, last night went until 2:30am - but then again, we didn't go out for dinner until 11pm so...) we got up at 7:30am to get ready to catch our flight to Heathrow. Airplane travel is so much more civilized than train travel. I know trains are big in Europe and for the most part they're a great way to get around but we're tired of lugging our stuff. Check-in for the plane, hand over our bags and c'est ca! Done. Think I mentiond this before but we're staying at hotel in Heathrow and are heading into London to have dinner with John's cousin Chris and his wife Mariko. We must admit we were a tad nervous taking the tube into London on this Thursday - exactly one month to the day ... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Greater London » London City August 2nd 2005

The anticipation is kicking in now and I'm in serious 'to do list' mode...if we manage to get rid of the builders, load the ipods, fit all the suncream / insect repellent / toilet paper and Pot Noodles etc. into the rucksack and add all the email addresses to the hotmail account, then we might just get to the airport on time - can't wait... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Greater London » London City August 2nd 2005

I only have 5 min. and a crappy keyboard here at the hostel, but I am in London tonight, first night in a hostel, then off to Frankurt Germany tomorrow. Ireland was great staying with Kingsley's parents. I even got a load of laundry done. London is a big ol' town that can be as inpersonal as any other if you let it. There are a lot of Assies working here. They even have a few of their own papers. They call the brits POMs for Prisoner of her Magisty. I thought that was funny. I haven't been much for the night life. I have just felt like going to bed. It has been a bit tough for me reaching out and meeting people. Same as in the states, I have become TOO good at fending ... read more
great hosts
scouting in Dublin

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Greater London » London City August 2nd 2005

This first little bit is to post some nice pictures from previous trips as a practice run. We're still in London for about another month or so.... read more
Still life with camel
Moscow Jessup
Hooka in Sidi Bou Said

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Greater London » London City August 1st 2005

Well, I certainly had a lovely start to my holiday, despite the fact I woke in a pretty foul mood on Monday morning! I had not had a good night in the stifling London summer weather, with the fan whining all night in what may possibly be the hottest flat in south London. After a hot, noisy night I woke with a banging headache and to top it off I had to log on to my laptop and finish off some work! So what does Russ do..? Well, he went out to the Italian bakery at the end of the road and brought back croissants and orange juice for breakfast. With a bunch of yellow roses and lillies (to put me in a sunny mood). Which you have to admit is lovely. So after I had ... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Greater London » London City July 31st 2005

Hello! This will probably be an incredibly dull entry, as to date we have travelled nowhere and done nothing! Russ and I are at the very first part of our trip, so far having only booked our flight tickets, and applied for just one visa. I haven't even given my notice in at my job yet (will be done next week). However we are both extremely excited and trying to prepare (hence setting up this site to stay in touch)! The travel plan has been decided on as Ho Chi Minh city overland through Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand, Malaysia to Singapore, flying to Sydney where we are planning on travelling up the Gold Coast and to Ulhuru, to South island and North Island New Zealand and through the pacific islands (Fiji, Rarotonga, Tahiti). Followed by Los Angeles ... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Greater London » London City July 29th 2005

Yesterday was the first real day of the trip. After an 11pm arrival to Heathrow airport I was relieved to exit the immigration area to see Jason, a school teacher on holiday, waiting for me with a my name on a sign when I was expecting to give him a call and buss it over to his place. He is actually from Brisbane Australia and has been in the UK for only 2 years now. I didn’t even tell him my flight number, but he figured it out from the flight time which is no small task at an airport as large as Heathrow. He is someone I wrote to as a stranger on the internet looking for a place to crash and am so glad I did. I have stayed at his flat the last ... read more
the guards
St. James park

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Greater London » London City July 15th 2005

What an amazing performance! I was trepidatious b/c Les Mis is my favourite musical and I didn't want to be disappointed. No worries b/c London theatre does not disappoint. John Owen-Jones played Jean Valjean. He's the longest running actor to perform as the Phantom in Phantom of the Opera (1400 performances) and is the youngest to play Valjean so I was a little skeptical - especially b/c Colm Wilkinson was the star of that role as far as I was concerned but Owen-Jones is very very comparable to Wilkinson - a true treat. AND John really really really enjoyed it. It was a great night - had dins at an Italian/French bistro (don't ask! what can I say but it was eclectic - foie gras and boccocini)!! London was hopping last night at midnight! LOVE big ... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Greater London » London City July 14th 2005

John's aunt recommended we visit Hampton Court, the palace of Henry VIII and his six wives, so we trained it out of Wimbledon this morning. The train system is amazing over here. They're on time to the second and you can go anywhere your heart desires with little hassle. Hampton Court is pretty amazing and I've decided I would like a throne over our bed. I think John would like to have separate wings like the King and Queen too! We wandered throughout the beautiful Royal Gardens and happened upon a maze. I felt like Danny in "The Shining". Redrum. A bit creepy! Now we're having lunch in the Tiltyard Gardens where the king used to watch jousting over 500 yrs ago. There's so much history in England it's amazing. Even the pubs we've gone to ... read more

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