Blogs from Berkshire, England, United Kingdom, Europe - page 22


Europe » United Kingdom » England » Berkshire » Windsor May 22nd 2008

We've been here for just over a week, but it feels like much more than that. Our job hunt has begun in earnest - Mon is rocking the web with her business acumen while I stare blankly at a computer. I find searching fo jobs on the web singularly dispiriting due to the lack of interaction - it's you vs the screen. If I see the words 'implement' and 'deliver' in the same sentence again I may give it all up and become a nun... No pressure, though - we are happily ensconced in the Eton Manor, the jet lag has worn off and we are enjoying the weather here (I kid you not!). Our jobhunting is punctuated by walks along the Thames or in Windso Great Park; the latter a public piece of Crown land ... read more
Modern Etonian transport
River and Castle
A known substance abuser...

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Berkshire » Windsor May 19th 2008

That's right folks! The greatest travel blog by someone with the initials CJB is back online. Rejoice! It's a different kettle of fish this time round - from the backblocks of South America, we've landed smack bang among some of the richest people on earth. It's great! Sightings so far include beagles, an ambassador and St Paul's Cathedral (only outside the latter - it costs $25 to get in! Jesus wouldn't have allowed it, folks). I almost need to devote an entire blog entry (or webpage) to Eton itself - for the philistines among you, that's the college formerly attended by the Princes of Wales. Everything here is weird, astonishing or both. They've taken the English habit of mispronouncing everything (say Worcestershire) to its logical conclusion - the complete stripping of meaning from words: 'morning tea' ... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Berkshire » Windsor May 15th 2008

Good afternoon all, We got here on Monday morning, and the fiendish jetlag is only just subsiding. I was awake at 5 this morning, and went for a long run (one of those statements is a lie). It's been interesting - so far, we've heard the American ambassador to the UK speak about democracy (not sure he was qualified), seen the Eton beagles scamper about the College, had a vegetarian lunch in Richmond and marvelled at the paintings on the Chapel here that date back to 1440. Standard stuff, really. Most importantly of all, I have seen my Mummy and Daddy! It had been a while, so it's been lovely to catch up on their ailments. I joke! They're not that old. Yet. This being an introductory blog, I'll keep it short - don't want to ... read more
A theatre in Richmond
Chris and Ruth
Contemplation at St Paul's

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Berkshire » Reading May 12th 2008

I arrived home safely Sunday evening and was glad to find the sunny weather had followed me!! I've now uploaded all my 1500+ pictures (!!!) onto the computer and have now added some of my peru ones onto my blog page and some of the pictures people have sent me after my camera died. I'm sure the next time you see me you will get a full load down on the trip! thanks again Kez... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Berkshire » Windsor May 4th 2008

Hello again! This weekend is a long weekend for us (Monday is a holiday, although we have no idea what the holiday is.) We've been rather busy enjoying our three days off! On Saturday we went into Milton Keynes to watch a football match (soccer) with some colleagues. We met up at a pub for a few pints before the match and enjoyed a social day out. We had a great time! It was the last match of the season so the fans were in high spirits! On Sunday we ventured to Windsor to see Windsor Castle. We took a train from Aylesbury to London where we then hopped on the tube to Paddington station. From there we took another train to Windsor with a transfer in Slough. Windsor castle is the oldest and largest occupied ... read more
The Round Tower at Windsor Castle
Windsor Castle
Bri at Windsor Castle

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Berkshire » Hungersford April 26th 2008

The day has come and we are ready to go. Everyone has been so kind and helpful we are so lucky to have so many great friends. The weather was absolutely foul but it did not drench the moment when the limo turned up at the door the look on the boys faces was a picture the best kept secret and how else to leave Great Shefford in style 'A la Pretty Woman' but in a limo (shame Richard Gere could not make it!) The young children from playgroup must have wondered who these strange people were in the big car and why were they standing in the rain waving flags at strange people acting strangely? The drive up the motor way was great fun and we all enjoyed a glass or two of champagne even ... read more
Send off in the rain
Arriving in Style

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Berkshire » Newbury April 19th 2008

Getting ready to move house has been a huge task and taken many man hours to prepare and still we are not ready. The loft contents are awiting packing in the lounge and the garden shed is swept and cleaned! Even the bikes have been scrubbed with a toothbrush, there is no mud on the tyres now! Shoes have been washed and disinfected and Eddie has washed all the garden furniture and sheila has emptied the kitchen cupboards and washed all the storage jars, oh so many!! Its not like just throwing it in the van and driving down the road everything will be in the container for 8 weeks and then checked by customs so we cannot risk any thing. Yesterday the removal guys turned up ladened with packing boxes and gaffer tape. The speed ... read more
Not another box?
How many chairs did you say?
Friends friends friends.

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Berkshire » Newbury April 18th 2008

Time is ticking by and every day I intend to write something and find that it is too late or another job on the list has to be done first so tonight I intend to try one more entry and navigate my through the bog pages of instructions. i also realised I did not check my spelling either last time so apologies for any more typos! After almost three happy years at Priors Court School the time came to leave last Friday and I had the opportunity to say good bye to many dear friends and close working colleagues. It was alovely day and we enjoyed lunch together in the classroom and an opportunity to chat and exchange email addresess etc. Farewells in the big hall was sad and lovely to see so many people there ... read more
Friends and Farewells

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Berkshire » Newbury April 6th 2008

Hi to all our friends and family who may have found this webblog and can't understand it all! Not being a technical wizard like Alex and Anne I do not expect this travelblog will be has good and as interesting as theirs but I will have a go. Once Kevin has joined us on our travels he will be able to add his comments too! This is only a short message and a trial entry really to see if I can get it to work so will explore there where's and 'whatfors' in more detail later and then begin to share with you all our exciting adventure as we move across the world to our new home in Australia!... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Berkshire » Reading March 27th 2008

Well here it is, our first blog entry. Life in the office is about to cease, replaced by life on the road. And we are starting to panic! We have been planning this trip for what seems like years (we first decided to go when living together in 2004), and the countdown started officially at around 90 days. Suddenly we are down to 22 and it is finally starting to sink in... we are going round the world for a whole year! ... read more

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