Blogs from Berkshire, England, United Kingdom, Europe - page 23


Europe » United Kingdom » England » Berkshire » Windsor March 18th 2008

On the 17th of March we went for our American visas at the American Consulate in London. To make a weekend of it we went to Legoland Windsor which was fab, here's some photos.. and some videos. ... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Berkshire » Newbury March 12th 2008

So 2 days to go then! Having first applied for this VSO placement way back in April 2007, I've been feeling anxious to get on with it for some time now. Maybe giving up work so early was a bit optimistic, but really, this run up period has been absolutely amazing. Lots of lovely people to spend lovely time with, but also, I've really had an opportunity to ready myself emotionally for going away for so long. Whilst mindful that whatever I imagine my life will be like in India will no doubt be miles from reality, having had time to read, talk and imagine all the newnesses of my new environment, work life, social life and indeed spiritual life, has without doubt not only given me strength for some possible 'snakes' I might meet along ... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Berkshire » Newbury March 4th 2008

Imagine my delight when i checked and found that not only was the seat next to me on the flight free but all the ones to the front and back. Score! Imagine then my disgust when I walked up to my seat on the plane and a man (that smelt like the landing at Hollington when DizzyWizz has used it as a litter tray) said to me - "are you with me?!" followed by a leer. Hmmmm. He then proceed to tell me about how he was traveling with his mother, while he stuck me in the ribs in his fight for ownership of the armrest. Fun! Although I have to say I was quite impressed with Virgin in general and I'm sure I will have much worse flights during my travels ahead! The week or ... read more
Who knew Scratcham could be so beautiful?!
all the wee duckies in a row
St Nicks

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Berkshire » Windsor February 23rd 2008

Geo: 51.48, -0.605995Jess, Charne and I went on a day trip out of London today. We decided to visit one of the queen's other residences, Windsor.... read more
02 The sign
03 Outside
04 Entrance

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Berkshire » Newbury February 7th 2008

Gday Everyone At the moment we are sitting in a hotel in Newbury, Berkshire having coffee after another delicious dinner. Where we left off we were on our way to catch a train to Dover. After a heated debate between our consciences we paid for First Class Seats on the train which was well worth it as we had plenty of leg room and a table to plan the next stage of our journey. We arrived at Dover at about 1.00pm and caught a taxi to pick up our hire car, which wasnt ready as we had it booked for 2.00pm. They did their best but they had to upgrade us to a brand new (62 miles on the clock) Vauxhaul Zafira Station Wagon. After a hectic first few days we decided to just stay at ... read more
Me too....
The view from here
View too

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Berkshire » Wokingham January 31st 2008

I am working on uploading a few photos before I leave for India in 3 days. Well things are looking up, success at getting some photos added. I'll try to get the other photos of interest to some of my friends uploaded now. I will add the rest of some of the London photos and then in the next blog add photos of Gaye's property.... read more
Trower Bridge London
Pride Statue

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Berkshire » Maidenhead January 30th 2008

Oh well trust us to choose the best time to visit. Ach jo, to jsme celé my,vybrat si nejlepší čas na návštěvu. Wild China weather kills 25 Icy temperatures, snow and sleet blanketing much of central, eastern and southern China have crippled thousands of trucks and trains loaded with coal, food and passengers in the most severe winter weather seen in 50 years. Čína čelí nejhorší sněhové kalamitě za 50 let Komplikace, které způsobily v Číně přívaly sněhu a mráz, v úterý ještě vzrostly. Nejene se milióny lidí nemohou dostat domů na oslavu lunárního nového roku, nastala i energetická krize, protoe se nedaří dopravit uhlí do elektráren. Počet obětí vzrostl na padesát poté, co při úterní nehodě autobusu na namrzlé silnici zemřelo 25 cestujících. ... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Berkshire » Maidenhead January 29th 2008

FAMOUS 8 ( bylo nás osum) Well Off we go traveling the world. (A jdeme na to -cestovat do světa) Who is going, well Group (Renata six members in one) and We (Romi split personality) Kdo všechno jede, no tak Skupina (šesti členná Renatka) a My ( rozpolcená osobnost Romča) We are almost ready, meaning not packed, roughly knowing where we going but hey it is 8 of us we won´t get scared. U jsem skoro nachystané, tím myslíme nejsme zbalené, zhruba víme kam pojede ale co nás je 8 my se nebudeme bát vlka nic. Leaving Uk on sat 02.02.08 from Heathrow to Beijing at 16.35 arriving 03.02.08 at 10.30 Odjídíme z UK v sobotu 02.02.08 z Heathrow fo Beijing v 16.35 přitáváme 03.02.08 v 10.30 So wish us luck Tak nám přejte štěstí ... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Berkshire » Windsor January 26th 2008

Windsor is the oldest and largest occupied castle in the world and Official Residence of Her Majesty The Queen. Its rich history spans almost 1000 years. The Castle covers an area of about 5 hectares (13 acres) and contains magnificent State Apartments furnished with treasures from the Royal Collection, St George's Chapel (one of the most beautiful ecclesiastical buildings in England and the burial place of 10 monarchs), and Queen Mary's Dolls House, a masterpiece in miniature. During the winter months an additional five rooms, known collectively as the Semi-State Rooms, are included in the visitor route. WindsorCastle A day-trip with some fellow Aiesecers. Very nice outing, though Windor was quite breezy. The castle is breath-taking and we enjoyed the tour a lot!... read more
a day out with AIESEC

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Berkshire » Reading January 8th 2008

It's a new year, and with a new year has come a new job for me--I will no longer be making the hour and a half trek from Reading to London everyday (I have to take the slow train, unfortunately--the fast train only takes 25 minutes). I officially qualified as a social worker at the beginning of December. Right before I left for Munich I interviewed for a new position only 45 minutes away from Reading. So--while I am still doing Child Protection work, it will be in a slightly different position. And I get to earn a few extra pounds while doing it (money, not weight!) One of the benefits of riding the train to work is all of the books I get to read. Before moving to England, between a full-time job, grad school, ... read more

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