Blogs from Stockholm, Stockholm County, Sweden, Europe - page 15


Europe » Sweden » Stockholm County » Stockholm July 19th 2012

The fourth and final day of our Stockholm trip. This afternoon we begin to make our way back home. We do however, have time for one last excursion – the Royal Canal is a stretch of water that separates Djurgården Island from mainland Stockholm. What is it with boats and us?? Everywhere we go, even when we are not officially on a cruise, we seem to end up on a boat. You would have thought that this 'rule' shouldn't apply in the deserts of Jordan and Dubai but aren't camels also known as ‘ships of the desert'??!! Before we left the hotel for the last time there was a small matter of checking out the fitness centre. Now before you all begin thinking I have started to dabble in the world of fantasy and fiction let ... read more
Djurgården's ferry in front of the Kungligaslottet
St Jacob's church, Stockholm
Stockholm's canal from Nobelpark

Europe » Sweden » Stockholm County » Stockholm July 18th 2012

Gamla Stan (the Old Town) is the focal point of Stockholm. This has to be the number 1 attraction with its narrow cobbled streets, the Royal Palace and the cathedral. However, the old town is also full of people!!! It can get very busy with singleton travellers and group tours sharing the narrow thoroughfares all trying to snap that unique photo! The cafes and bars charge over the odds and the shops sell tackier souvenirs than usual. Although it is a 'must see' if you ever come to Stockholm, for Roisin and I, we have well and truly ticked this one off our bucket list on previous occasions. Today I suggested that we visit a real gem. It's another metro, train ride and walk from the centre of Stockholm but it is also a chance to ... read more
The terrace that is Millesgården
The Hand of God, Millesgården
The jewellry making Viking

Europe » Sweden » Stockholm County » Stockholm July 17th 2012

Woke up at 8am due to the sun shining directly through the window. Breakfast was busy. There was a mix of families, couples, singles (all, I assume on holiday), people on business and the odd back packer. There was a wide choice available and the organisation of replenishing stocks was first class. Today we had agreed to take a steam ferry out to Drottningholm, the official residence of the Swedish Royal family. The Royal domain of Drottningholm is situated on the island of Lovön in Lake Malären, West of Stockholm. It was originally built in the late 16th century and has remained a Royal Palace since day 1. The whole Palace and surrounding gardens were inspired by the chateau at Versailles. Drottningholm has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1991. We took the metro the ... read more
Dalahäst - how do I get this through customs!!
Drottningholm Palace - the official residence!
Sweden's royal look out!!

Europe » Sweden » Stockholm County » Stockholm July 16th 2012

A great advantage of cruising is that you get to visit so many diverse and interesting places in a single trip (or to give it it's technical name, 'voyage'!!). As you are rarely in any one port for more than a day you only really get to see a snapshot of the place. A taster. The benefit being that if you visit a shit hole you know in a few hours you'll be standing on the aft deck watching land fade away over the horizon thinking to yourself: ‘God, what a shithole. I'm glad we're well clear of that place. There is no chance of us ever visiting there again!!' On the other hand, if you like what you see there is nothing stopping you from adding it to your bucket list and returning one day ... read more
The Djurgården ferry from Strandvägen, Stockholm
Revolving doors at City Terminal, Stockholm
The unmistakeable Olympic logo, Stockholm

Europe » Sweden » Stockholm County » Stockholm July 14th 2012

Wanderer How does John Bauer see his trolls Trolls were not at all indifferent to the practical benefits. Quite often, they feature a large, robust real property bags. Good evening, old man! the boy greeted. This character has a typical for most of the trolls large round nose – almost like a scone (rarely, especially for troll wives we found a bird’s beak like noses).url= But on the next picture is a real cash-drawer. On the middle of the floor there was an open treasure chest and with two horrible trolls sitting. They were so busy counting the treasure that they neither saw nor heard Tjovik enter. Troll is at counting his money and his position ... read more

Europe » Sweden » Stockholm County » Stockholm July 1st 2012

Today we had breakfast in our hostel. It was a nice relaxing morning before heading off to the Royal Palace. We made it there for the changing of the guards. I much prefered this changing of the guard to the one in London. There were actually two sets of guards, wearing different uniforms that actually swapped places. Also having less people there meant that we got a better view this time! We went into the Royal Palace, which is the official residence of His Majesty the King of Sweden. We went on a guided tour of the Royal Apartments. It was a facinating tour. The Castle originally looked quite different. It started as a single tower and then a castle grew up around it. In 1697 they were going to renew the palace and they started ... read more
Royal Guard 2
Royal Guard 3
Royal Guard 4

Europe » Sweden » Stockholm County » Stockholm June 30th 2012

So our first full day in Sweden. There is a boat race here in Stockholm, right on our little island of Skeppsholmen. It is the ÅF Offshore Race. I don't know much about it because the newspaper that talks all about it is in Swedish. I did however learn that the starting point was moved to be here in central Stockholm. This race does mean that there are a lot of people here! We spent today walking around, a bit up in main Stockholm and then we walked around the island beside ours, Gamla Stan. Gamla Stan is the old town and while being very touristy now it is a lovely area of charming cobblestone roads and narrow streets. We got an ice cream to have while we wandered up and down looking into shops. We ... read more
The Royal Palace
A Bird

Europe » Sweden » Stockholm County » Stockholm June 29th 2012

Today was basically a travel day. We got up for our final breakfast in London, went out to the shops one last time and then checked out of our hotel. We took the underground back to London Heathrow airport and after checking our bags in and going through security we had lunch. Our plane was scheduled to depart at 1:50pm but due to heavy air traffic and a plane that needed an emergency landing got cleared to go into our lane. Eventually we took off only about an hour late. It was a fairly uneventful flight, when we got into Sweden we were met with a huge crowd of people going through passport control. When we finally got out to the main airport it sank in that we were in Sweden! Of course neither of us ... read more
Passport Control
Room 1
Room 2

Europe » Sweden » Stockholm County » Stockholm June 28th 2012

We heard UlaanBaator described as 'the ugliest city in the world' which is a bit harsh but it was an unfortunate place to spend so much of our time in Mongolia, so we got out as soon as the train timetable would allow. We had a 36 hour train ride to Siberia and Lake Baikal just over the Russian border; we couldn't work out why such a comparitavely short distance should take so long, but we hadn't banked on spending 10 hours crossing the Mongolian/Russian border. It was due to waiting for staff, then for engines, then more staff, further carriages and then another engine. But we got through without any real problem having been pretty nervous of the imfamous Russian border guards. Lake Baikal outside the town of Irkusk ('the Paris of the East' allegedly) ... read more
Lake Baikal
Crampoed cabin

Europe » Sweden » Stockholm County » Stockholm June 25th 2012

THE KINGDOM OF SWEDEN June 25, Stockholm, Sweden In the morning we woke to find heavy fog, pouring rain (and did we see snow?) as our ferry steamed through Stockholm's famous archipelago. From what I could see of the heavily treed islands with their small summer cottages and lovely winter homes, I was reminded of the similar islands and summer homes on NH's Lake Winnipesaukee. Stockholm, (in Swedish stock means fortification and holm means islet), the capitol of Sweden was founded in 1250 but there are some records that record its origins as early as 1187. As the story goes, Birger Jarl founded Stockholm to protect Sweden from foreigners invading the towns around Lake Malaren from the Baltic Sea. It is believed that Birger Jarl built the fortress Tre Kronor (Three Crowns) where the Stockholm Palace ... read more
New urban highways intersect old areas of Stockholm
Bicycles in the old and new Stockholm
Emma, our gracious receptionist at Hellstens Malmgard

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