Blogs from Catalonia, Spain, Europe - page 268


Europe » Spain » Catalonia » Barcelona » Monistrol de Montserrat September 1st 2005

Well now that I have a stunning set of permanent sunglasses attached to my face there will be no pics of me for awhile! After my wonderful time of the beach, shopping in the markets off Las Ramblas and generally watching the world pass me by in Barcelona I decided that a day on a mountain with monks was in Montserrat here I come. Well in the middle of NO where there is a magical mountain that houses the art work of the likes of Monet, Picasso and Renoir to name but a few. It also has the most amazing cathedral with the shire to the Black Virgin and a very friendly kitty cat. For those of you who know how much of a bad mother I am for having left my little Mickey with ... read more
La Boqueria
Wonderful street art
Just don't ask...caus I don't know!

Europe » Spain » Catalonia » Barcelona August 29th 2005

Yo Yo, Its was as we tried to head to Barcelona that we realised we should probably have done some sort of planning. The only way we were gonna get out of Pamps was to hire a car and luckily after a day of hunting we picked up one of the last cars available - A Alfa 156 hatch - Sweet. A few off the clock attempts and near misses later we arrived in Barcelona were we spent a few days chilling at beaches and checking out the sights on some rental bikes - more scary moments. Then it was to the top of Spain to a wicked little coastel town called Cadaques with some of 'Raule Got Game the Wanderers' female friends. They cooked us all a massive feast for Raules birthday which was awesome ... read more
More Gaudi action
The crew chilling at a Gaudi Special

Europe » Spain » Catalonia » Barcelona August 29th 2005

Spent alot of time near Las Ramblas. Visited the Olympic Stadium, ate paella and ice cream waffles, went to the Sagrada Familia (amazing!) and Parc Guell (also brilliant). Picasso museum and a day by the 'beach' and lots of shopping! ... read more
Parc Guell
Olympic Stadium

Europe » Spain » Catalonia » Tarragona August 28th 2005

Europe » Spain » Catalonia » Barcelona August 28th 2005

Since we were taking a night train from Barcelona to our next stop, we had a beautiful full day of sight-seeing during our last day there. We started with a trip to the Picasso Museum, then on to a Don Quixote exhibit, and then took a walk through the beautiful Park Guell which features much more work by Gaudi. At the Picasso Museum we saw the evolution of Picasso's work. I'm glad we were able to catch it there since we didn't have time to make it to the Picasso museum in Amsterdam! And Don Quixote was very educational for me since I didn't really know anything about him (including the spelling of his name)! Keith took Spanish in high school and knew about Don Quixote from having read the book (yes, I know it's fictional) ... read more

Europe » Spain » Catalonia » Barcelona August 28th 2005

What is the best thing to do when recovering from heat stroke....write a blog to all the folks back home suffering through winter! Arrived in Barcelona last night after a turbulent flight from hell but made it to my hostel after train and metro rides later. Stayed up until the very weee hours talking with two Scot girls from Inverness, now teaching in Edinburgh. It was too hot to sleep anyway. Ok so sunday is truly a day of rest over here as no shops open (except the souvenir ones) and everyone heads to the beach. So after wandering through the Gothic region of the Old City, down Las Ramblas, I made my way to the beach and joined all the topless locals getting some rays. After a few hours of that much needed sun I ... read more
Gothic Area
The water front
Sun baking with the rest of Europe

Europe » Spain » Catalonia » Barcelona August 27th 2005

First of all, the night train was awesome. Except for the fact that we were late for breakfast (honestly... no one told us there was a time limit) and we missed it, the ride was great. The train was a little shakey, but that may have actually helped us to sleep better. The beds were pretty comfortable, and we both slept really well! Two thumbs up for night trains from us! So, we arrived in Barcelona bright and early yesterday morning, immediately bought our train ticket leaving Barcelona (we´re finally catching on to the whole "buy the ticket ahead of time, and don´t put it off so that you have to make a special trip to the train station just to buy the ticket" thing), then found our way to our hotel. For those of you ... read more

Europe » Spain » Catalonia » Barcelona August 25th 2005

Here are some pictures that we wanted to add. They are from the past few days in Barcelona. Enjoy! ... read more
krista´s back
julia´s back

Europe » Spain » Catalonia » Barcelona August 24th 2005

Well with our Contiki tour all finished up it was time to split from the rest of the group (most of who left for Scotland yesterday - which is a bit of a shame really as if we adn't have booked Spain before leaving Australia we would have gone with them). Made our way out to Stansted Airport, my first experience with Ryan Air, and jumped to the back of the very long and very slow moving check in line. Finally we got our extremely technologically advanced handwritten boarding cards and moved through to the departures area. Here is where we got the second part of the Ryan air experience where there are no reserved seats and its get on board and just sit down anywhere. Finally in the air and in just under 2 hours ... read more
Barcelona - View from outside Olympic Stadium
Barcelona - The ever exciting Olympic stadium
Barcelona - The beach on a crappy day

Europe » Spain » Catalonia » Barcelona August 23rd 2005

Sometime things just work out. After the wedding everyone was off to thier respective locations. I however didn´t have a plan. My friend Tim said he would want to see Barcalona. One of the people at the wedding said they had a friend in Sitges which is just a short distance from Barcalona and I could stay there, which I am learning is really the way to see the world, not just because it is cheaper, but because you have someone to talk with and also a local guide which is great, so I don´t even need a guide book. Well it turns out Sitges is having a major festival and I just saw theses crazy 15 foot dolls dancing through the street and the human castel which is a tradional festival activity. Tonight is fireworks ... read more

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