Blogs from Catalonia, Spain, Europe - page 267


Europe » Spain » Catalonia » Barcelona September 21st 2005

Ok, so it's 8:46am and I'm off to the airport. I'm a little nervous, but I'm trying to keep in the "take it as it comes" frame of mind. I tried to look at some more information about Barcelona, but my mind screamed "No more! information overload!" Aren't you supposed to feel burnout AFTER you come back from travelling? :-) I really am tired so I'm on a ramble.... I started with a really punchy title didn't I and now I can't seem to carry to on! ANYWAY So here is my blog, that's about it, here is my blog. ... read more

Europe » Spain » Catalonia » Barcelona September 19th 2005

So we returned from Barcelona- alive! Our hostal turned out to be in the best possible location ever! Good job, B! It was right on Las Ramblas, the main street in Barcelona, which starts at Placa de Catalunya (center of town and shopping) and goes all the way to the Meditteranean. Also, our hostal was right between two Metro stops which was very helpful since we opted to make our way around the city to all the tourist places on our own using the train as opposed to paying 42 Euros total for touristy bus passes. We ended up spending only 12.40 Euros on travel—not to mention the 3 Euros we had to spend for cab fare Saturday night after the trains stopped running. So first, we stayed in Barcelona for two days … Touristy places ... read more
La Sagrada Familia (front)

Europe » Spain » Catalonia » Barcelona September 18th 2005

Last stop on my first Spanish journey. Barcelona On arriving in Barcelona and having a small sleep I was ready to take on Barcelona. So off I went on a exploration of Barcelona then preparing to head to the beach for my last few days of relaxing and topping up the tan before heading back to London. But silly me with my high expectations, I actually had to buy a long sleeve top because it was cold and then the heavans opened and I had to buy an umbrella. It rained so much that I thought I was going to have to build an ark and start gathering animals. It also squashed all my ideas of spending the next couple of days on the beach. Late in the afternoon I went back to my hostel which ... read more
Sangrada Familia
Sangrada Familia
Princess Sparkle taking on the street performers

Europe » Spain » Catalonia » Barcelona September 8th 2005

Your not in France anymore when prositutes line the main highways under sun umbrellas looking to make someone a lucky man, whilst that man is on transit to the nearby airport. It hits you in suprise and it is damn classy. Particulary the "we don't even need to stop to take off my clothes" aspect of their atire. Wonder if those on arrivals or departures get more buisnes? I LOVED Barcelona!! (not because of the prositutes). It was fantastic. The culture is fantastic wine and fantastic tappas, music and dancing, the colours are bright loads of red). Archictecture is amazing, especially all the Gaudi around the city. The unfinished cathedral particulary spectacular. The city's landscape and lights particularly attractive. The waterfront and beaches beautiful, expect mind the plastic bags when your wading out in the water. ... read more
dinner isn't dinner without an accordian
fountains at the palace
the back of ol' chris

Europe » Spain » Catalonia » Barcelona September 7th 2005

At 4 AM, I woke up to thunder and lightning. I wasn´t about to miss it, so I got up and made my way to the living room. I opened the doors to the balcony and stood out there watching the sky. Magnificent streaks of lightning lit up the dark sky. It was glorious! Later, I fell asleep on the couch, thunder lulling me to dream land. I woke up so late in the morning that didn´t actually get out of Badalona until 10:30 AM. No itinerary, but I knew I wanted to walk around and get situated. Took the train to Plaça Catalunya, the station just at the top of La Rambla, and took a detour to the west of La Rambla. I found two asian markets on my excursion. Extremo Oriente and Superstore Asia ... read more

Europe » Spain » Catalonia » Barcelona September 6th 2005

Strange morning. I was a big girl and joined Mark (Mark David) and Gudrund (or however you spell it) at breakfast. The tension between me and Mark was so thick I bet trying to cut it with diamond blade knife would be rough going. He is probably the first person that I didn´t exchange information with and we gave each other the coldest goodbye. He asked if I was heading out to see the sights one last time because that´s what we had planned and I said I didn´t have enough time (excuses are better when they´re actually true). So we looked at each other one last time and said “goodbye”. No hug. No “if you´re ever in my part of the world look me up”. Nothing. It was like a “have a nice life” farewell. ... read more

Europe » Spain » Catalonia » Barcelona September 5th 2005

the past couple of days has been quite good. i think i've seen most of barcelona now. yesterday i went to see traditional catalan (the region of spain that barcelona is in) dances. they weren't that good. actually, quite boring. i was expecting some kind of traditional costume but the dancers were all about 70 yrs old and wearing normal casual clothes. the band was really good though. they were playing traditional music and had some weird instruments that i hadn't seen before. so that was a highlight. the rest of the day was spent wandering around the city, shopping at some awesome markets that i stumbled across. i also went to the picasso museum. it had lots of his paintings, but none of the really famous ones. today, i went to park guell. it's this ... read more

Europe » Spain » Catalonia » Barcelona September 5th 2005

Well I am sorry it has taken me a week to write but it has been hard to find the chance to sit at a computer for long enough to write all the things I want to write because there is so much! Now that I am settled I have found a really nice, little internet café just 3 ½ blocks away. My senoras name is Ana and she is so nice, a bit of an exhibitionist but so sweet. She is actually Kelsey (my friend from school who is here with me) senoras mother so I refer to her as grandma. Not to mention she takes good care of like a grandmother. She also is not a bad cook. Ana’s apartment is really nice and big. It has four bedrooms and for the next month ... read more

Europe » Spain » Catalonia » Barcelona September 4th 2005

......and continue to do so for several nights as this city knows how to party! With Barcelona's La Rambla coming alive from 11pm, there are many travellers earning a quick buck dishing out drink and entry vouchers for the plethera of pubs and clubs!.... which means.. great deals for us other travellers that are a little short of Euros that don't have the time to work, but rather party a little bit instead! There are living statues sprayed silver and blue, covered in glitter with wings or in smart tuxedo even hiding in boxes just to startle the unassuming passers by, bouncing gymnasts & stilt walkers performing all sorts of acts in front of the alfresco diners as well as the tunes, both spanish and alternative, supplied by budding musicians.. both young and old. It is ... read more
A real live mountain goat!
La Rambla @ night
A bit of Culture

Europe » Spain » Catalonia » Barcelona September 3rd 2005

i'm definitely back in the reality of travelling (no longer holidaying)!! i arrived here on thursday night after a full day of flying. oh by the way, i flew with virgin express (equivelant of virgin blue) and i had a 3 hour stop over in brussels. it was good to get back to belgium again. not that i saw any of it. i was hanging for some belgian chocolate again but a box the same size that i bought for 3 euros in brugge cost a very affordable (not) 15 euros. no belgian chocky for me. how sad!! flight was ok. no tv though. no food either. so it was pretty terrible actually. luckily i had a good book - my 3rd dan brown so far. yesterday wasn't the best day. didn't get much done. i ... read more

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