Blogs from Muntenia, Romania, Europe - page 7


Europe » Romania » Muntenia » Arges June 17th 2012

Obisnuinta de a studia vara sau de a participa la orice fel de activitate educationala nu este specifica elevilor si studentilor romani. Vara ne distrm. Punct. NU este loc de altceva. In ciuda acestui fapt, demaram un proiect de vara sub sigla VARA 100 in care ne propunem ca in lunile iulie si august sa continuam a invata si exersa limba engleza. Cu activitati menite sa aduca in prim plan creativitatea, spiritul de echipa, dar de ce nu? si cel competitiv, dorim sa organizam un curs in care nu numai ca nu vom avea timp sa ne plictisim, dar in care vom invata distrandu-ne!!... read more
VARA 100
VARA 100
VARA 100

Europe » Romania » Muntenia » Arges June 17th 2012

PRIMUL EXAMEN CAMBRIDGE PE CALCULATOR IN PITESTI a fost organizat de centrul nostru!!! Dupa indelungate consultari cu British Council, am reusit sa sustinem primul CB (computer-based) FCE in Pitesti pe 9 iunie 2012 - proba de Speaking si 16 iunie - probele Reading, Writing, Use of English si Listening. A fost senzational, o experienta unica pentru copii si pentu organizatori!! Speram ca acesta sa fie primul dintr-un lung sir de examene CB organizate de centrul nostru in Pitesti!!!! The first computer-based Cambridge exam in Pitesti was a huge success. Despite not being easy to organise, our center has successfully coped with the pressure of organising a Cambridge ESOL event and met the strict requirements of British Council. Our lovely and very enthusiastic 12 candidates that signed up for this great feat were very pleased with the ... read more
Speaking Test
Speaking Test
Speaking Test

Europe » Romania » Muntenia » Bucharest June 13th 2012

Geo: 44.4479, 26.0979My tour of part of Moldova north east of. Chisinau consisted of a monastery complex set in delightful gardens but what you see are modern reconstructions of buildings that were destroyed during the Soviet period, Moldova. was part of the Russian Empire, in 1918 it became independent and joined with Romania but in 1940 they split again, Romania supporting Germany and Moldova supporting Russia and Russia annexed it. They are ethnically Romanian and the moldovan language is Romanian. Then went to a historic church complex in caves in an amazing ridge formed where a river does a u-turn when it runs into rocks it can't get through. Nice old priest let me take his photo. Then we went for lunch at the drivers home in a village, cooked by his wife. Quite primitive, outside ... read more
Me and an old cross and some other folk
Slightly odd but friendly priest
Slightly odd but friendly priest

Europe » Romania » Muntenia » Bucharest June 12th 2012

May 27 .... Arrived in the city of Bucharest late in the evening and after asking two people, found the IBIS Hotel. There is one of these in almost every city and they can be trusted to be nice. After a much needed shower, ate peasant veg soup and desert but no coffee after my 18 hour fast... well almost ... cannot count that white bread with one slice ham one slice cheese I bought while the train was standing forever at a spot in Bulgaria. The room is excellent with TV and WiFi. To get to the room one has to go thru two security locks... one to the corridor and then the one into the actual room ..... shades of Cuba from ages ago .. there in the 70's cubans could not come upstairs ... read more
Impressive Parliament
Find Me in the Peasant Museum
A  Stroll in the Park

Europe » Romania » Muntenia » Bucharest May 18th 2012

Our European travels have quickly come to an end. Mike headed back home a few days ago and I decided to have one last hurrah and spend a few weeks traveling before going back to Canada. The first stop on my trip was Romania. Fortunately I was joined at the last minute by Mike's classmates Aloysious and Fuad, which made traveling in this "Global South" a bit easier. We left London early (as usual), flying on Wizzair, and arrived in Bucharest just after lunch. The flight was about 3 3/4 hours long, which is a long flight by European standards (they often consider an hour and a half hour flight long), and the time zone is behind London by 2 hours, which makes it seem really far. The Romanian language is very similar to Italian in ... read more
A construction site near the hotel
Heading out for a walk into downtown with Aloysious and Fuad
A Romanian Orthodox Church

Europe » Romania » Muntenia » Bucharest April 18th 2012

Geo: 44.4479, 26.0979Having left Marta's beautiful Hungarian hospitality we were on the road again. This time, on the road again for a loooonnnngg time. It was to be a ten hour truck day. We stopped at a supermarket to spend the remainder of our Forits on Haribo mainly... our usual border routine ..... and soon crossed into Romania. This was the first proper border control we experienced, with stern faced, uniformed, eastern European guards entering the truck requiring passports. Yet still no stamp to document this adventure! Silly European passport. Although they will come soon enough!!!... read more
The gang in front of the the castle
Spooky looking clouds loomed as we left
little towns, with awesome mountians

Europe » Romania » Muntenia » Bucharest April 10th 2012

C'est avec une grande fatigue que nous sommes arrivés à Bucarest, en Roumanie. (Contrairement à Nellie, qui s'est endormie dès que l'avion a décollé d'Ottawa, et jusqu'à ce que nous atterissions à Londres - un gros 6h!). Il y avait même quelqu'un qui nous attendait à l'aéroport de Bucarest pour nous emmener à notre appartement. Alors tout s'est bien passé et on a pu s'installer facilement dans notre super appartement :) C'est grand et c'est très tranquille... et c'est exactement ce qu'on avait besoin pour se remettre sur pied! Est-ce que c'est joli Bucarest? Disons que ça dépend dans quel coin on est. J'ai bien aimé le quartier historique avec ses rues piétonières en pierres :) Il y avait plein de restaurants avec de belles terrasses, des petites boutiques, une rue avec plein de magasins de ... read more
Je relaxe en lisant un livre
Ajouter du neuf à du vieux
Photo 5

Europe » Romania » Muntenia » Bucharest March 16th 2012

The hotel was so little. It only had 4 rooms. We had this bread that was so good with cinammon. We went to a park with old houses and played house. We ate in the hunting room of Dracula's Restaurant. - Sofia It was time to leave the medieval towns of Transylvania and Dracula and get back to Bucharest to catch our flight the next day. As we had not spent anytime in the city on our arrival, daddy thought it would be a good idea to get there early to have at least 1/2 day in the capital. So after a few hour drive from Hotel Dracula in Capatatenii near Dracula's real castle, we arrived in Bucharest. We stayed at a very cute hostel/Bed and Breakfast called Vila Gabriela in Otopeni less than 2 km ... read more
Yummy Kurtos Kalacs
Caru cu Bere
Kurtos Kalacs in front of Palace of Parliament

Europe » Romania » Muntenia » Arges » CURTEA DE ARGES March 14th 2012

We went to a hotel. We went up more than a thousand steps to go to Dracula's real castle. I was a little scared. Vlad Tepes is not Dracula. He does not bite people on the neck. He is a hero in Romania because he saw mean people and put a stake up their butt. - Sofia After 2 really fun days in Sibiu it was time to go see Dracula's Real Castle. By this time in the trip I really began to understand that difference between Dracula and Vlad Tepes. I learned that Dracula from the movie (book) was a vampire who sucked blood and was not real. However, he was based on Vlad Tepes whose father was nick named Dracul and he had the nick name of Draculea. Daddy told me that he learned ... read more
Having Fun in Dracula's Real Castle
Another Dracula Pose
Almost There

Europe » Romania » Muntenia » Bucharest January 25th 2012

Whether his intention was to enhance his own personal glory, or the glory of the party, or perish the thought even the glory of the Romanian people; Ceausescu left the capital city of Romania a far different place than it was before he came to power. Bucharest was at the centre of his grand obsession to outdo the French, with it's main boulevard built slightly larger than the Champs D'Elysees, and the Arch of Triumph also larger than the famous Paris attraction. The sheer scale of the work recently undertaken in Bucharest may never be matched in Europe, and could only have occurred under a communist dictator. Sixty thousand houses were flattened and their tenants evicted to clear the land for the Palace of Parliament, with matching architecture in the new buildings lining the three kilometre ... read more
Bucharest church
Arcul de Triumf
Village museum, Bucharest

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