Blogs from Jena, Thuringia, Germany, Europe


Europe » Germany » Thuringia » Jena April 23rd 2015

Well, it finally happened, and knowing that it was coming didn't make it any easier. I'll keep you in suspense, for now. I've been in Jena for 2 days now, and it's been a good break from the normal touristy thing. The main thing is I've been able to spend it with good (old) friends. They're not old, but we've known each other for a while. Erica lives here and teaches at the university while finishing her doctorate. I've spent the night on her couch for two nights, and she has been a gracious host, as always. Katie came up from Bamberg last night, and we went out to a nice East German tavern before walking around downtown at night and ending up enjoying reminiscing in Erica's office before coming back to Erica's place and laughing ... read more
Jena at night
Jena viewed from the tower

Europe » Germany » Thuringia » Jena August 18th 2004

1107 ICE 1515   讀《檔案羅密歐》剛提及Weimar。 1258 Jena West Gleis 1 天晴涼風   走到Information Centre一問,才知Carl Zeiss在Jena沒有專門店,僅有的幾間店舖所見,Carl Zeiss望遠鏡的價錢亦非我所能負擔,結果還是買了一個不知名的望遠鏡,算是打著Jena的旗號好了。   現在身處的Jena West火車站很殘舊,鐵支架撐著木條鋪成的上蓋,到埗的Jena Paradies車站更簡陋,連欄杆也是木構件,站在時間表前查班次,其他乘客路過附近時我也能感受到地下傳來的震動(別告訴我這些又是東德遺風......)   Jena不是在平地上,要到Weimar便要上一段小斜路找上Jena West車站,我想問路,那騎單車的婦人正越過對面馬路,我以為她看不到我,但我又傻傻地留在原地等候,直至她過了馬路,回頭望我,我便指那條斜路問"Jena West?" 1321   繼BuchloeAugsburg之後,再次乘搭那種高車身同時低地台的火車(不知為何如此設計),速度雖然不是很快,但感覺有如巴士在公路行駛般。... read more
Old and New
Astronomy in Shopping Centre
Bahnhof Jena West

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