Blogs from Berlin, Germany, Europe - page 151


Europe » Germany » Berlin » Berlin July 30th 2006

We've really been looking forward to Germany. Perhaps Brian felt some sort of draw to his ancestral land (or at least the half of him that is German), and Alissa was definitely looking forward to staying at the Marriott in Berlin (Thanks entirely to Lisa Rooney and her employee discount). Berlin also turned out to be a totally appropriate place to transition between the formerly Communist eastern and central European countries and the unadulteratedly capitalist havens of Frankfurt, Dublin, and finally back to Boston. The Marriott, in fact, was 5 meters from the (former) Berlin Wall. To start off, Berlin is enormous. Over four and a half days we were able to visit only a handful of the city's dozens of distinct neighborhoods, and wish that we'd had another month to fully feel the place out. ... read more
Alissa at The Wall
German going to work
Nerd monument

Europe » Germany » Berlin » Berlin July 30th 2006

Europe » Germany » Berlin » Berlin July 29th 2006

So.... Robyn and I have developed a talent for following vans that are giving out free coke... 'Zero Coca Cola' to be exact. It all started in Mainz. We had just finished a wonderful 8-hour boat ride down the Rhine River (lots of castles, which made me very happy!). Anyway, we were wandering through Mainz, trying to find our train station, when Robyn suddenly said 'Hey! Are those people giving out free coke?' Sure enough, they were. It was a fantastic surprise on a very hot day. So now we're in Berlin. We've had a really interesting time here. There is so much history in this city. Yesterday, we took a walking tour of the city. Our tour guide was very funny and dynamic, which made the tour extremely enjoyable (plus he was VERY tall, but ... read more

Europe » Germany » Berlin » Berlin July 29th 2006

Well, I discovered that if I upload pictures from my camera at the internet cafe near my house, it goes way faster than at Goethe due to the faster internet connection. So, here are a few snapshots from the last few days here; I've also gone in and added a few that go with earlier blog entries, so go back and scroll through those too if you are interested! But all this adding of pictures has taking time and now I don't have much time to write, will write again with an actual text update soon. :)... read more
Friedrichshain Graffitti
Me, Natalie, Dorothee at Goethe Institut
Whitney, Doris, Fiona at Goethe

Europe » Germany » Berlin » Berlin July 28th 2006

Berlin... Berlin... that place is amazing anytime of the year! And even though Germany has lots of great, beautiful, interesting cities, I still think Berlin should be a country!! I took a ride there on Wednesday (really.. cheapest, faster way to travel in Germany!! Mitfahrzentrale- english version) and got there around 11pm, so I just went to my "hostel" to check it out: Hauptbahnhof. Yes, that's right, main train station.. slept with the view from the Reichstag and even had a roommate! This guy that asked me if I knew any hotels but only needed to wait for his train for about 3 hours.. he even offered to pay for me to go to the hostel too, that was very nice!! He said the police told him it wasn't allowed to sleep at the hbf... ... read more
World's best entertainer
Sightseeing at 5am

Europe » Germany » Berlin » Berlin July 27th 2006

The first leg of my European adventure started in berlin. I got there from new york after an overnight flight and was stuffed by the time i got arrived. By the time i got there at midday however, Blake and Luke were waiting for me in the lobby of the hostel and ready for some beers. After an hour or so of catching up and telling stories about what each of us had done in the last 7 months, Tristen joined us. We spent the rest of the day hanging around the hostel and it was really good to see a few mates again. The hostel was huge with a capacity of around 900 people I think and was full practically every day I was there. First night, Luke had grand plans to go see a ... read more
Victory monument all lit up
Hitlers Bunker
Luke at the berlin wall

Europe » Germany » Berlin » Berlin July 27th 2006

I have no idea what the exact temperature is, but i can tell you that there are small rivulets of sweat dripping down the back of my legs and my wrists are making small puddles on this keyboard as I type. Also, it is almost 8 pm and definitely cooler than earlier in the day. Class today was a break from the normal routine, as we divided into small groups and went on little field trip/scavenger hunts at various places around the city. My group went to Oranienberger str., where we stopped outside the Neue Synagogue, which was badly damaged on Krystall Nacht, but has now been rebuilt and is both an operating Synagogue and a museum. I plan to return and go inside. We also explored Tacheles, a big old un-renovated building that became an ... read more
Neue Synagogue
Neue Synagogue Plakat
Neue Synagogue Carpet

Europe » Germany » Berlin » Berlin July 27th 2006

about 3 times we are finally staying in Germany. The train ride here was crazy because they put the train on a big boat and sail from Sweden to Germany and then the train gets on the tracks and goes like normal. Unfortunately it was only a three hour trip from the coast so we are all pretty tired. Speaking of us all, we met two Swiss guys, Felix and Kim, and have been hanging out with them. They are both 16 which is kind of crazy to think they have been travelling alone for about a month. Today we went and saw the Checkpoint Charlie museum which is about the Berlin Wall. We also saw where the West and East started/ended which is really crazy. Tomorrow I think we will go to the Reichstag and ... read more

Europe » Germany » Berlin » Berlin July 27th 2006

第一站係德國柏林。一落機係朝早8點幾,就要開始第一日o既行程啦,真係攰!首先去睇威廉大教堂,之後去睇新國會大樓、勃蘭登堡門等等。我一直期待睇柏林圍牆,但真係令人失望呀,我地只係坐o係車上面繞牆行左一周,o係哨站度落車影左d相ja。唉。 最震撼係去帕格蒙博物館。德國人將土耳其一座倒塌左o既希臘神殿、神像、巴比倫建築等等搬番泥德國重建!簡直...你唔識欣賞都會覺得震撼!入場費€40,好貴,但值得。 晚餐係地道著名啤酒及香腸,哈哈,不過我冇得飲。 酒店o係郊區,好好feel。 柏林俾我o既感覺係...十分之親切。好鍾意周圍都係德文o既感覺:)而且佢o既歷史令佢散發住一種好特別o既味道。... read more
Humboldt University

Europe » Germany » Berlin » Berlin July 26th 2006

After Prague we headed to back into Germany and its reborn capital Berlin, but not before driving through very 'interesting' and 'amusing' sites near the Czech / German border - back were the garden gnomes and brothels. We were really looking forward to Berlin, and I was especially curious as my last visit was in 1989 about 5 months before the Berlin Wall came down. I was expecting it to have changed, but not sure to what extent. There were no campsites near the city centre so we stayed out near Potsdam on a very large lake surrounded by a very large park, so plenty of places to unwind and relax when not sightseeing (I know I can hear you all saying 'I think you have already done enough of that'). It was also a great ... read more
Checkpoint Charlie
Remains of the Wall at Checkpoint Charlie Museum
Sites on the Berlin Walking Tour

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