Blogs from Denmark, Europe - page 139


Europe » Denmark » Region Hovedstaden » Copenhagen August 19th 2007

I think most of you know, but when I returned to the US to renew my visa, I made a few side stops along the way in Copenhagen and Brussels. I heard how beautiful Copenhagen and how friendly the people were so wanted to stop to see for myself. Now do not get my wrong, I had a wonderful time and I did find the people very nice, loved the buildings, had a great tour guide; but I did not fall in love with it. Again, I recommend going, but it was not a place I would rush back to. A few days there and I think that is all you would need, but as you can see from some of the pictures, it was great weather and some wonderful skylines/buidlings. And yes, I did have ... read more
Central City
Wind Power
Sort of Like Amsterdam

Europe » Denmark » Region Nordjylland » Frederikshavn August 18th 2007

So, we have returned from the land of legos! On Wednesday morning we took off on a ferry from Gothenburg to Frederikshavn, Denmark, which is a 3 1/2 hour trip. It was a bit of a rocky trip, so it was funny to walk around in a zig-zag pattern! Once in Denmark, we had a 3 hour drive to the vacation apartment where we were to stay on the south side of Jutland in Denmark. Here there was a swimming pool, trampoline, play area, a beach...a wonderful family destination place. Nolan was the only English speaking kid in the swimming pool, but was quick to make friends with several other kids...some from Germany and some from Denmark. They all had the funniest way of communicating with each other, but had a wonderful time. On Thursday, we ... read more
Driving boy
drivers license

Europe » Denmark August 16th 2007

Well this is week 1 of school. The boarding students arrived on sunday. This week all the student missionary's have had to be on duty in the afternoon's. I have morning shift twice this week. This requires me to get up in time to start waking the guys in yr8/9 at 6:50am. We than have to go to the dining hall and mark off all who have attended breakfast. If they didn't attend they are told to stay in their rooms all afternoon without being allowed the use their computer. Some of the guy students have already missed 2 breakfasts and it is only been 4 days into the school year. If we have any students that are sick we have to put their name on a sick list which then is put into the staffroom ... read more

Europe » Denmark » Region Hovedstaden » Copenhagen August 14th 2007

First of all, sorry that I haven't posted in a while. Minus the fact that this entire website was down for about 2 weeks, I have been pretty busy. Busy finishing up my chair, busy going to Ibiza, busy preparing for presentations... Where to begin? The machines in the woodshop here were amazing. At Pratt, many of our machines are very old and donated, abused and not very well taken care of. At first, I was slightly scared (hah) to get to work 1) because my design was still being revised two days after working in the woodshop began and 2) because the brand new machines were so intimidating. Although, as soon as Lars or Gummi taught me how to use a machine once, I was able to use them on my own immediately without fear. ... read more
Lars helping me with my cross bars
My sitting on Hans Christian Andersons lap

Europe » Denmark August 8th 2007

Skrevet af: Ruben Simonsen Tjaeh, jeg har så påtaget mig ansvaret for at lave en blog, så folk hjemme i danmark kan følge med i hvad der foregår i brasilien. Jeg er sikker på hele teamet glæder sig rigtig meget, og jeg er da også selv spændt på at skulle opleve en hel masse. Hvis i nu sidder derhjemme og ønsker at i kunne hjælpe, vil jeg bare tilføje, at bøn er et fantastisk redskab, så forbøn vil bare være enormt dejligt. Jeg har en travl dag foran mig, men mere info om selve turen vil følge senere (i aften eller i morgen)... read more

Europe » Denmark August 6th 2007

Hey. I arrived at the school on sunday after being on spejderlejr (pathfinder camp). Over the last week I have been camping on a persons farm on a peninsula near a town called Roskilde. At the camp I got to meet a few of the older students and a few current ones. Some of the things we did at the camp were water skiing, rockclimbing, canoeing, kayaking. One of the jobs I had to do while I was at camp was lifegaurd duty. This required me to be at the water from 2pm-6pm. On the days I was down there I got sun burnt and tanned. I am going to be darker when I come back in Sept. One of the things that I liked at the camp was building the kitchen, table and "sofa's". The ... read more
Old buildings
Old buildings2
Castle Copenhagen

Europe » Denmark » Region Sjælland » Roskilde August 6th 2007

Goddag! Nous voici encore une fois, partis a l'aventure... cette fois en terrain plus connu, le Danemark. Pourquoi encore le Danemark? (ca fait quand meme, dans mon cas, 4 fois que j'y mets les pieds) Cette fois, nos amis danois, Karen et Lars se marient!!! Nous allons vous expliquer brievement, pour ceux qui ne seraient pas au courant, qui sont ces célèbres danois... En 1995 (apres etre tombee amoureuse des pays scandinaves lors des jeux olympiques de Lillehammer en Norvege), nous avons accueilli, dans la famille Isabelle-Turpin, une jolie danoise du nom de Karen Hyldegaard-Pedersen. Nous nous sommes revues ensuite plusieurs fois, en Amerique et en Europe. En 2000, son copain, Lars Von Gersdorff, est egalement venu au Canada. Bref, Karen est ma soeur danoise! Nous ayant invite au mariage, ma mere (Lou), son copain (Jean-Pierre), ... read more
Nouvelle demeure de Karen et Lars, Orsted
Orsted church
Pharmacie a Roskilde

Europe » Denmark » Region Hovedstaden » Copenhagen August 6th 2007

Kopenhagen ist wie Stockholm von der Stadt und den Gebäuden einfach traumhaft. Mit dem Wetter hatten wir hier jetzt auch wieder Glück. Frederik (Bekannter von Aljoscha-lebt in Kopenhagen) hat uns abends rum und ausgeführt - in die nicht Touri-Ecken. Das Nachtleben hat uns jetzt auch nicht umgehauen - klar, es ist mitten in der Woche, aber da ist ja fast in Bonn mehr los! Da wir am nächsten Tag unsere Fahrt nach Hause anteten wollten, haben wir es dann auch nicht übertrieben und sind schon um 3h in der Falle gewesen - die Jungs haben wohl noch den Champagner geköpft... Nach einem Kopenhagen Sightseeing Marathon (siehe Bilder) gings nachmittags los Richtung Heimat. Für die Fähre mussten wir schlappe 1,5 Stunden anstehen und ziemlich genau € 60,- zahlen - daher meine Empfehlung: lieber aussen rum fahren oder ... read more
hello there
brunnen mit oper im hintergrund
auf irgendjemanden wartende menge ;)

Europe » Denmark » Region Hovedstaden » Hillerød August 4th 2007

Vi pakkede vores 75 kg bagage om morgenen, og ved 10-tiden kørte vi til lufthavnen i Rio. Vores hjemrejse gik over Sao Paulo og London med 3-timers ventetid i Sao Paulo og 5 timer i London. I alt bliver det en tur på 28 timer før vi lander i Kastrup. Tania og Cristina klarede turen over Atlanten og ækvator fint. Denne gang var det mig der led. Jeg havde sat os to og to ved vindue og midtersæde, og det bliver virkeligt klaustrofobisk, når BA spare på den friske luft. En anden gang tror jeg det vil være bedre for os med fire midtersæder, så vi selv kan bestemme hvornår vi vil strække ben, og måske er der også bedre luft midt i kabinen. Igen havde BA problemer med deres In-flight entertainment system. På vejen ud ... read more
Her forlader vi hotellet i Rio
Uden for hotellet med 75kg bagage
Søen i Rio med Ipanema kvarteret på den anden side

Europe » Denmark » Region Nordjylland » Frederikshavn August 1st 2007

After the highs of South America it was time to look for a campervan back in good old England so that we could embark on the second leg of our journey in Europe. We must admit it did take us longer than anticipated, although we were a bit presumptuous of how long it would take considering we had never owned one before and were starting from scratch. Once again why let that stop us! Well having looked at hundreds of vans we ended up with an absolute gem. By chance we stumbled across a private sale and bought it at a bargain price, a combination of Rob’s good negotiation skills and the seller getting desperate, probably the latter. So I hear you ask........tell us about her. Yes, yes....she is only 4 years old(we were expecting to ... read more
Dining room.
..and office..
..and bedroom!

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