Blogs from Plitvice Lakes National Park, Central Croatia, Croatia, Europe - page 5


There is nothing like breakfast of cereal,scrambled eggs and toast on the terrace, in the sun.And that is what we had this morning before we packed up and headed for 3 nights to Central Croatia and Plitvice Lakes National Park. But first there is the all important check on Googles maps as to where our next accommodation is and what the terrain around it looks like to help identify it in case the GPS can't recognise the actual address as has happened several times already.Mind you Vicky and on one occasion Serena has found the location much quicker than we used to achieve on the BBA V1 using Google maps and writing down the instructions to decipher when we got near our destination. We have found that almost all of our accommodations have had a good ... read more
Foundations for our mobile home
Croatian Riviera from near Rijeka
Lifeboat practice at Bakar

Salimos por la mañana de Rovinj y con las muchas paradas que hicimos para comer y tomar cafés terminamos llegando a Plitvice como a las 4pm, y sin haberlo planeado resultó ser la hora perfecta para la larga caminata que implicaba el recorrido por el parque, indudablemente hubiese sido un poco pesado hacerla más temprano con el sol y el calor en su máximo esplendor. El parque consiste en una serie de lagos y alguna que otra cascada en medio de bosques, es hermoso, el color del agua parece de mentira de lo intenso de su azul, y es tan transparente que puedes ver todo lo que hay en el fondo como si no hubiera agua en absoluto. Al atardecer nos fuimos, el plan era conseguir un camping cerca de Prizna, el lugar del que tomamos ... read more

I am so excited I finally have a few minutes to update you! We have had difficulty getting online so know that there is (obviusy) sooo much to tell one challenge has been foreign keyboards that have english letters but they dont match when typing so please forgive my rudimentary typing and any typos. ž We just returned from a fantastic week of sailing around the islands off of Zadar, Croatia with Elle and Kaya. The winds were mostly strong enough for some real fun + feeling our chartered boat which was a retired racing boat really show her colors. Several times we would jump overboard and tow each other behind our sailing boat in the incredible turquoise water which was soooo refreshing + though sometimes the boat was going so fast we cold act like ... read more

Nous avons quitté le bord de la mer ensoleillé pour nous diriger dans les montagnes vers les lacs de Plitvice. Pour ce faire, nous avons emprunté l'autoroute-à-130 et puisque la route montait... montait... alors ils ont bien pensé à ça les croates : ils ont construit plein de tunnels! Il y en avait un qui était de 5km! C'est long 5km dans un tube noir (eille on ne roulait pas à 130 là-dedans!) À notre sortie du tunnel, une mauvaise surprise nous attendait : la température avait complètement changé! On était rendu dans les nuages gris et il pleuvait! Malheureusement pour nous, il aura plus au cours des 2 jours où on aura voulu aller voir les lacs :( Ils se trouvent dans un parc immense qui peut se visiter en 2 jours, même plus, et ... read more
À quelle vitesse on roule? ;)
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When we left Zagreb, we went out the western side of the city which is newer and a growing area. The buildings were much nicer with less graffiti; there were also lots of new shopping centres. Zagreb has 800,000 residents and is the biggest city and capital of Croatia. It also has the biggest and most respected university in the country with 40,000 students flocking to the city to study, many stay on afterwards and contribute to the population growth. There is no one major campus but a series of facilities spread around the city. TITO’S HOME AND LUNCH IN RURAL CROATIA From Zagreb we headed to the rural town of Kumrovec the birthplace of the great Yugoslavian dictator Tito (Croatia was part of Yugoslavia). A section of the village (including his childhood home) has been ... read more
Bullet Holes
First Man Shot
View from restaurant

today we were traving to plitvice lakes were we would be spending 2 nights. On the way stopped In sater for a couple of hours were we saw some roman ruins the sea organ which we could hear (it was pretty cool) and st marys church. After that we had a wee bit of time to look around so I went for a wee wander through the streets and found a market and then came across a few of the group having a beer in a resturant on the sea side so I joined them before heading back to the coach to finish the journey to plitvice lakes. we got there and did the usual set up of camp, we had a yummy dinner of basil chicken pasta followed by a punch party which was entertaining. ... read more

Very cold last night, we had our own sleeping bags and I was still cold! Today we had the optional extra to go to Plitvice National Park (it was highly recommended because there was not anything else to do at the campsite). We all arrived and choose the path we wanted to do, we chose the 4-6 hour walk which ended up only taking us 4 hours with stops included. Another group did a longer walk which was meant to take 6-8 hours (it was 21 km) and they came back 30 minutes after us saying they managed to walk 21 km as well as having 2 half hour stops... I don't think anyone believed that they actually managed to complete 21 km in such a short time... CHEATERS!!!!!! We were picked up again at 5pm ... read more
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Another travel day so another boring blog entry. We packed up the ususal way to head to Plitvice Lakes (in Croatia). We drove for a long time to a place called Zadar where the 'Sea Organ' is located . An artist put 30 odd pipes in the sea under the dock and the way the water moves makes the pipes make noises. It was kind of weird. The same artist also made a massive sun on the dock out of reflective materials so when you walk over it it shone pretty colours because of the reflection of the sun. We were given about 2 hours free time to look around the place but being a Sunday a lot of shops were closed. We found a few nice stalls and bought some very cool things then went ... read more

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