Blogs from Vienna, Austria, Europe - page 117


Europe » Austria » Vienna » Vienna June 14th 2006

In our Europe travel guide under Vienna, the author tells an oft-told story about an airline pilot whose prelanding announcement advised, “Ladies and gentlemen, we are on the final approach to Vienna Airport. Please make sure your seat belts are fastened, refrain from smoking until you are inside the terminal, and please set your watches back 100 years.” We thought this was more of an exaggeration, but it seems many of modern and technological advancements we have become so accustomed to and reliant on have yet to find Vienna, and it seems this does not bother the Austrians in the least. The city has some remarkable historical points and many beautiful buildings, which we enjoyed exploring, but we found ourselves a little lost in the time warp. As we strolled along the streets expecting to find ... read more
Kimberly in Palace Gardens
Shannon at wine house in Grinzing
Kimberly and Shannon at Heuriger

Europe » Austria » Vienna » Vienna June 11th 2006

我在家裡發現家姐有一本藝術家Hundertwasser的作品集,發現他的風格天馬行空,很是特別,而當我知道維也納有著一所依他的藝術風格設計Hundertwasserhaus時,它自然成為行程的一部份了。 幾經辛苦,才找到了Hundertwasserhaus。幸好Hundertwasserhaus果然是一所有趣的公寓,雖然明知不能內進,但在附近走一趟也挺覺得有趣味,而且紀念品也價錢合理。Wien的特色朱古力確實種類繁多、精美,而且相比起德國的物價,它們亦很「便宜」,但看我的「瘋狂賽程」,買了朱古力的話,回香港的話早已變形了。惟有寄望München有大平賣。 in conclusion, i had found "Before Sunset"s Paris, but i couldn't dig up "Before Sunrise" from Vienna. ok, they are just fictions, i know, i know. 1747 IC 62   還以為是報站廣播,豈料傳來的是"Niederlande gegen Serbia & Montenegro, eins zu null"(「荷蘭對塞爾維亞和黑山:一比零」)!! 1755 EC 62@Linz Hbf 有少許熱   坐呀坐的,雖然談不上極度舒服,但似乎忽然尋回那種期待已久的閒適感覺。 在München Hbf下車時給便衣探員查護照,他竟然拿出放大鏡。也許因為那是由Budapest開來的火車吧,又或者,假如我沒有在下車前把Schneider脫下,又會否「避過一劫」呢,哈哈! 還有,那名便衣探員極有「許紹雄飾演警察」的熟悉感覺,若非他閃閃縮縮地亮一亮警章,我斷不會相信他是個警察! ... read more
a modern hostel
a tiny room
locker room?

Europe » Austria » Vienna » Vienna June 11th 2006

Vienna Beginning with the pleasant and efficient subway experience from the bus stop to my hostel, I instantly took a liking to Vienna. The city has both a modern feel and a deep sense of history, which you pick up as you walk by the Hofburg palace complex and other buildings in the center of the city. Living life as a backpacker for three months, I am already beginning to appreciate some of the basic things that I was used to from even budget hotels like the Hampton Inn. Several things stood out at my hostel, Ruthensteiner, one of the nicest that I have ever stayed in. My "small" dorm had three bunk beds and was always full of people. We shared our own private bathroom, and the sheets even came nicely packed in a plastic ... read more
Pub crawl
Vienna Boys Choir

Europe » Austria » Vienna » Vienna June 10th 2006

我告訴hostel職員我會暫離一天,想寄存行李;今天早餐後他示意進內,那其實是舍監的辦公室…… 今早甫進Augsburg Hbf,迎面而來的中年男人便對遇見的一位女士說「那是越位球」…… if the attitude of public transport in paris was a nightmare, then the railway system of vienna was a COMPLETE FAILURE: no main station in the city centre, complicated street maps without index and grid reference, let me make it short, it's totally user-unfriendly, even a burden to the tourists, on the streets u can find lots of puzzled and depressed eyes. notes to the new-comers: 1. don't save money, buy a detailed map, and make sure the location of the target before u go, while u may not find the way inside the railway station 2. don't save money again, buy a 24 hour-ticket, your cost of getting lost would be reduced to minimum, since the probability of getting lost is close to 100% 3. don't save money, i repeat, please take ... read more
S-Bahn of Vienna
railway map: extremely user-unfriendly
performance on the street

Europe » Austria » Vienna » Vienna June 10th 2006

We arrived in Vienna and I had no idea which direction to go in. The guys help me with my luggage and I catch the D tram going the wrong way. Bad directions to hostels are turning out to be one of the main frustrations of travel. Often, the hotel/hostel assumes you know the city so finding your accommodations can be tricky and very trying. After go... read more

Europe » Austria » Vienna » Vienna June 8th 2006

I haven't been on any crazy adventures lately. Well none at least that warrant a write up. I'm right now enjoying my last few days in Vienna. Correction. I will be here another 2 months still. But everyone is starting to leave to return home. Seb is leaving for Poland and will come back next week to join up with me for our big trip. Although Im not really going anywhere but on vacation, a lot of the people I've met here will be gone when I come back. So I am trying really hard to enjoy my last few days with these people. It's really crazy how quickly you become attached to some people! How fast some people enter into your life and how comfortable you get. And then they have to leave again. I'm ... read more

Europe » Austria » Vienna » Vienna June 7th 2006

So. thankfully the trip has resumed in proper once again, and we are back doing what we do best (queing with millions of Americans to see every famous renaissance item in the world ever!). Incidently whilst this entry is listed as Vienna it will seek to incorporate any number of other places, activities, and freak weather patterns. After exiting Berlin, which was difficult and took several tries missing two trains and madly running back across Berlin to pick up Abbie's video camera from the hostel safe, we headed down for a rather lovely evening in Dresden. Whilst this may not seem at all logical to those wth more than a passing knowledge of German geography, especially given that our final destination was the British embassy in Dusseldorf, but as of this moment our route map resembles ... read more

Europe » Austria » Vienna » Vienna June 3rd 2006

Was June 1, and I celebrated by buying a pair of mittens for €5. I subsequently lost them on a tram, oh well, as we have found out on this trip - easy come, easy go. On this particular June 1, we made our way by train to Sound of Music town - Salzburg. the train ride in was incredibly picturesque, snow capped mountians and everything. However when we got off the train the rain that would continue for the next 3 days began. Salzburg, at least old Salzburg, reminded me of being in New Zealand's Queenstown - crisp mountain air, gondala type structures to an amazing view from the top, obviously tourist focused - I think it has to be one of my favourite european towns so far. Unfortunatley as the rain was becoming oppressive, ... read more

Europe » Austria » Vienna » Vienna May 31st 2006

It's going to be tough to top Cesky Krumlov. I was so sad that we had to leave today. We've all said that when we come back to Europe we will make sure to end our trip there and chill for the last days of the trip... that and we want to come back when it's warm. After leaving the internet cafe in Cesky it started raining and got really cold. Stupidly I gave all my laundry to the hostel and was wearing shorts. They hang dry the clothes so I had to brave out the rest of the night in shorts and a thin hoody jacket. Bleh. Luckily when we met back up with A & K, Adrian was nice enough to give me his jacket which looked pretty ridiculous on me but made it ... read more
Horror Bar in Cesky
Bear Hunting
Mother Teresa

Europe » Austria » Vienna » Vienna May 30th 2006

Vienna was beautiful. Phuong and I saw Stephansdom, the Rathaus and the Votivkirche. Stephansdom was very elaborate, very beautiful, with artwork and statues from different periods, including some from the 13th century! We also went to the Sächer hotel to try the *famous* (at least in Vienna!) Sächertorte, which is a very light, fruity chocolate cake. I bought a small one to take home to my parents! Yes, taking the train through the country, everything did look quaint and perfect. In the city, it´s still a *city* experience, but it´s fun just the same! ... read more
Vienna Streets
Church candles

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