Blogs from Jamaica, Central America Caribbean - page 20


Get up. Turn on the shower. No water pressure. Call, ask them to turn on the pump. Shower and get ready. Walk with Keith down to the ATM. Come back and have breakfast. Steamed veggies! What a surprise. I used to love the veggies, but last Friday at dinner I was happily eating the veggies when all of the sudden my mouth caught on fire, i couldn't breath or talk and my eyes started watering. Keith asked if I was okay, and I could only shake my head and choke out a "no." It turns out that an insanely hot pepper was put in the veggies and not properly cooked. Needless to say I couldn't taste anything for a few days, and I am a bit scared to now eat the only thing thing for ... read more

I arrived in Jamaica after flying through Barbados and Antigua, meaning in a five hour period that morning I was in fact on four different Caribbean islands. The Norman Manley airport in Kingston is at the end of a long strip of land jutting out into the sea, with which it is level. This basically means that when the water rises, the sole road to the airport is usually washed out with flights cancelled or changed on a regular basis during the rainy season. Despite a rainy forecast the skies were clear and sunny when I landed which basically put me in a fantastic mood for what became a very random four days in Jamaica! I was in town gatecrashing the work and hotel room of my friend Derek, who was in Jamaica for the week ... read more
Emancipation Park
Will, myself and Derek at our usual spot at the bar

So, just to catch up on the last few days... Keith and I spoke to the woman at our guesthouse and told her what happened when we tried to buy bus tickets to Ocho Rios and she flipped out. Turns out she knows the guy who runs the bus company -- she called him immediately, and told him what happened. We were assured that we would get on the bus Saturday morning without any problems. We get up bright and early, get over to the bus place and get our tickets. The woman that checks us in and gives us our tickets is the one we saw about 12 hours earlier that told us there was no room on the bus. EEK! We take the bus and arrive in at the Ocho Rios Jerk Centre. A ... read more

Get up this morning. Turn on the shower. No water pressure. Don't slip. Ask to turn on the water pump. Get down to breakfast. Pour myself a cup of coffee, pick up the cream container and accidently drop it all over my plate of pineapple, the table, myself and the floor. I'm too tired and hot to react. I sit there dumbfounded. I did this in front of Jeff, 2 other guests and one of the staff. I pathetically mop up the spill with a napkin. I go change my clothes. Not a drop of cream actually made it into my coffee. Apologize to everyone that works at the guesthouse, and eat my breakfast. Rocky takes us to work. Half way there we hear this weird noise -- I think it might be a flat tire? ... read more

I get up early this morning -- the earliest I've had to wake up yet. 5:30am. Start showering. No water pressure. Get out, only slip once. Ask for them to turn on the water pump. Get downstairs at 6:30am and our taxi is already waiting. Rocky couldn't meet us this morning so he sent "Double Zero." We start heading to Spanishtown bypass, where we were instructed to head to meet the woman from the Ministry of Health. She said we should call her in the morning on our drive there and she would give us further instruction. I call her as we pull out of the guesthouse -- leave a message, ask for a call back. 15 minutes later still no word from her. Keep driving. 20 minutes. No word from her. Keep driving. I call ... read more

Get up this morning. Eat breakfast -- get excited because we think its the vegetarian meal (my favorite so far) -- turns out there is fish hiding amidst the veggies. BOO! So dissapointed. Jeff the other guest joins us for breakfast -- he announces that he is moving to Houston, TX. I share how much I hate Houston...(I got stuck there last summer). Rocky arrives early. Go to work. Go downstairs to meet with our supervisor for the Ministry of Health to go with him over to the psychiatric hospital (the only one in all of Jamaica). We arrive and both he and his secretary are MIA. Sit awkwardly in the middle of a hallway on folding chairs (mine is broken and the seat is collapsing). They eventually arrive. We sit there for 45 minutes before ... read more

Get up early this morning to shower, which I normally do the night before b/c the water pressure is better at night. The water pressure is FANTASTIC! (The best I've seen it since we've arrived!) Put shampoo in my hair. NO WATA. I remember that I'm suppose to call "0" to tell them to turn the water pump on. Get out of the shower -- dripping every where -- nearly slip and break my neck twice walking out of the bath around the room to the phone. Get back in the shower, nearly slipping again. Great way to start the day! Get breakfast. Keith is running a lil late. Rocky is running a little early. I've been awake for nearly two hours and already had a couple of close calls. Get to work. Arrange transport to ... read more

Got up this morning, and had breakfast -- Keith and I decided that it is ground up corned beef and cabbage (it most closely resembles raw ground beef -- which I am a HUGE fan of) -- this is actually the second time we have had this meal, and its one of my top two favorites for breakfast! I try to focus on the flavor not what it looks like. We eat breakfast with the other guest we have become friends with, Jeff (a late 50's American born in Pittsburg, PA that works IT and has spent the last 20 years living in Bermuda). I sit uncomfortably at the table while he recounts tales of the weekend that might include a night at the strip club(?)/lack of employment/history of depression/insomnia/and advice seeking on IT jobs in ... read more

So Keith and I decided that living in Kingston isn't enough of an adventure for us...we decided Saturday afternoon to rent a car and just drive east. Now mind you, in Jamaica they drive on the left side of the road, which I have done in we decide that I'll drive and Keith will navigate (using this brilliant $5 map from the rental car place). In an effort to stay out of the reeeaalllyy bad ghetto we decide to take the longer route through the Blue Mountains and then back down to the coast. We did see some very beautiful landscapes up in the Blue Mountains, and coffee fields. Turns out that despite the efforts -- or lack there of on the maps behalf -- we got lost multiple times, because funny story -- in ... read more

Get up early, Clifton will be here between 7:30 and 7:45am to pick us to to be at the office at 8am. He arrives at 7:35am. The woman that runs the guesthouse asks if she can speak with our driver because when he picks us up so early we miss breakfast. We tell her no. Go into work at 8am (as we were told to), and NO ONE is there. Get locked out of the PAHO/WHO office b/c our security badge only gets us through one set of locked doors. Wait until our driver comes in and gets us in the second set of doors. Work. Email. Eat lunch (cup o' noodles -- keith has the Jamaican version that comes with the fold-up fork -- I am super jealous. Again we discuss the brilliance behind the ... read more

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