Blogs from Petén Region, Guatemala, Central America Caribbean - page 17


Central America Caribbean » Guatemala » Petén Region » Flores September 23rd 2009

We must confess we hardly gave Guatemala city a chance. We arrived from San Pedro on Monday afternoon, September 21. About an hour later we were sheltering from the worst rain storm we had seen yet. The streets flooded in a matter of minutes. After an evening meal of decent pizza (again!) we left the dark and dangerous night and hid in our hotel until morning. We arose early, took a few pictures in the Parque Central, and then boarded a nice air-conditioned bus to Santa Elena. At the Santa Elena bus terminal, we were greeted warmly by a horde of taxi drivers. Our taxi driver, after offering us a much better price to Flores than the one he started out with due to a bidding war, suggested we buy our shuttle tickets to Tikal for ... read more
Into Tikal
La Ceiba
Eva and Templo II

After a short mini bus ride back to Guatemala City, we jumped on to the bus to Flores, armed with jumpers in case it was cold. Unfortunately, jumpers weren´t enough and we found ourselves shivering in our seats and praying that the journey would go quickly. It wasn´t to be, and we arrived virtually sleepless in Flores early the next morning. As soon as we got off the bus, we were surrounded by taxi drivers offering to take us straight to the Tikal ruins. As we wanted to dump our stuff at a hostel and get a couple of hours rest first, and we had managed to find another couple who felt the same, we all got in a taxi to Hostel Los Amigos and arranged for the taxi to come back at 8am to take ... read more

Waking up before sunrise to animal noises, working all day cleaning up poop and dodging the monkeys peeing on you from above, eating tasteless horrible food, covered in bug bites, mopping up toilet and rain water from the bedroom floor daily, and at night checking each other´s hair for lice while the girls seperated by paper thin walls in the room nextdoor have dance parties listening to horrible music... Ah, the life of being an ARCAS volunteer. At 5:30 am every morning we get to awaken to the noisy squawks of rescued scarlet red macaws. Occasionally we hear the loud hooting, howling and grunting of the Howler monkeys that sound like lions. We wake up at 7.00 and begin feeding animals; we are usually assigned to one or two cages but this week many volunteers have ... read more
Spider Monkeys

Situated in the northern part of Guatemala, the ruins of Tikal are considered by many to be the best remaining examples of Mayan architecture around. They are certainly the hottest. As we climbed onboard the battered minibus in Flores at 5am the air was thick with anticipation. Even the driver, slumped half-asleep over the wheel with headphones hanging from his ears, failed to quell the feeling of adventure. Each traveller was lost in their own thoughts and the conversation was minimal as we left the small town and headed out into morning mist. As the bus, laden with well-fed westerners and their backpacks, struggled up a hill, we entered the jungle. The anticipation was heightened by yellow warning signs at the side of the road. The first showed the shape of a rattle-snake, the second the ... read more
Tikal Temple
Temple IV at Tikal

Health Alert... From the looks of it my frequent, painful battles with gastrointestinal complications are a thing of the past, if you don´t count my erosive esopheghitis. My system is as strong as a donkey. I´m back to the good ol´days of devouring any type of street food Hondu and Guate can throw at me. Once again I´m living an intrepid, gastronomic free for all. Over all, movements are solid, frequent and of a mocca color. However, for the second year in a row I´m battling some odd skin condition. In the Middle East last summer 3 mysterious concentric circles appeared on the side of my hand. They were painful and scary looking. I even visited a hospital in Eastern Turkey only to be told that i had Herpes. Even I knew it wasnt herpes. Currently ... read more

So yes, how many people can say they have done that in their lifetime?! It's certainly something I never envisaged myself doing! First things first, upon leaving Buenos Aires, I had a couple of flights, up to Miami, then back down to Guatemala City with a 9 hour wait at the airport in between them. I arrived there and managed to catch a taxi fairly quickly, and cheaply, to Antigua. I headed to the hostal and talked to Lee briefly as we organised meeting up before I had my first night without someone snoring in the room for 3 weeks. Heaven! And just to compound my lack of recent sleep, the following morning I was up at 4.30am as I had organised a hike up Volcano Pacaya, where the title of this blog gets it's name. ... read more
Me at Pacaya #1
Me at Pacaya #2
Antigua #1

reflections of tikal... read more

Hace unos años , en un programa de radio, tuve la fortuna de ganar un viaje estupendo para dos personas a la Riviera Maya . Sólo tenía que responder una pregunta ¨El nombre de una ciudad muy antigua con enormes edificios, que aun existen en la actualidad, pero que fue abandonada por sus habitantes de forma misteriosa´. Quizás a primera vista no pareciera fácil la respuesta , pero dió la casualidad, o no , las casualidades no existen, que unos dias antes habia leido un artículo en la revista Ronda Iberia, hablando precisamente sobre esta ciudad. Hoy me encuentro en esa ciudad que me permitió ganar ese premio, estoy en Tikal, una de las capitales del imperio Maya. Me cuentan en el hostal que lo mejor es visitarla temprano ,antes de que se llene de turistas, ... read more
templo II
Templo V
La Ceiba

Getting up at the ungodly hour of 4am was actually OK. Reason being we had though that the minibus taking us to Tikal was going to get us there in time to climb a temple to watch teh sun rise. Of course no such thing happened - or could have happened - as we found out while watching the sun rise from the minibus seats that the gate of the site didn´t even open till 6am, well after sun rise. So feeling a little disappointed at this, we arrived at the site. Tikal was the thing I was looking forward to the most on this trip so I was very excited about arriving there. It´s one of the largest Mayan sites and it was dominate from about 600 BC to about 1200 AD, no one´s really ... read more
Weird Raccoon type animal
Cedar trees
On a Jungle trek

we have visited tikal for the past two days. we really like it here and I will come back here again and recommend this area for a great family vacation. The kids would love to be in a real Jungle with real Monkeys and wonderfull birds and great big plants. You can climb on the temples as you see in our photos if we get this right!... read more

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