Blogs from Guatemala City, Capital Region, Guatemala, Central America Caribbean - page 7


Is it really four days since I posted something here? I have uploaded pics, used email, and made a cpouple of entries on my other blog since then, and much has happened. ... read more

The day before yesterday I discovered in the late afternoon that Adrelina had no shuttle to here in the afternoon, only in the morning. But I had decided to go to Petan in Honduras Friday - Saturday, and they would not let me drop off my bags here on the way, so I booked passage with them to here leaving at 7AM this morning. That meant yesterday was my last day of classes. I presented my teacher with one of my Canada "Cat In the Hat´s" and said farewell to everyone. I had planned to go to the hot springs again with the other students, and I could have, but they were leaving a bit early, and not all of them were going, but the one guy that was going is quite young, not very dedicated ... read more

Go with the flow, as I said before I left. My plane from Toronto to Dallas was delayed repeatedly, and we didn´t get there until 1 M. So instead of trying to find the hostel i was booked to stay at, I just slept at the airport. I had the place to myself most of the night, and though it wasn´t a great sleep it was better than I had feared it might be. I had my bag checked for the rest of the flight before 6 AM and had a nap again later. You know those forms they give you on the plane for customs after you land? Well, i filled it out but nobldy asked me for it in Mexico City until I wasa reboarding and the asked for myt customs form. Oops, that ... read more

Hi, I'm a woman. I'm planning to go to Guetalama in July with my son (14) and no men. A woman friend of mine who travels A LOT (like to remote places in Africa and central America) said she was most afraid after landing in Guatemala City - about 100 taxi cab drivers came up to her, she didn't understand the money, etc. But that once she arrived in Xela, she felt fine and safe. Questions I have are: How safe have women felt (and been) traveling alone landing at the GC airport? When I look at th epictures, I see mostly men and couples. I'd feel fine alone, but if you are a parent, you know that I am thinking also of my son's safety. Or at least his sense of safety. If you have ... read more

Efter veloverstået eksamen for hele årgangen og for mig personligt, er der snart afrejse til praktikken i Guatemala. Fredag skulle vi arrangere dimisionsfest for de netop færdiguddannede pædagoger, så det blev til en lille hyggeøl/ brandert med medstuderende (god praktik til alle, og god rejse til Teresa, Nanna, Ulrik og Jesper). Denne uge har der igen været undervisning på seminariet!!!! Det er et særsyn, og jeg har ikke været vant til at møde klokken 8 i meget lang tid, men det gik nu fint. En lille uge med praktikforberedelser og udfærdigelse af mål for praktikken. Jeg fik en fin snak med min vejleder og har et udkast til målene (faglige, sociale og personlige). De vil muligvis beskrives nærmere ved en senere lejlighed. Afrejse: Nå, i morgen kl. 16.25 (torsdag 29/1 2009) stikker jeg af med Euroline-bussen ... read more

Jeg ville skrive lidt om mine rejseforberedelser, men havde den anden dag en for rejsen irrelevant oplevelse, som jeg bare må dele med jer - altså bliver dette mere og mere dagbogsagtige kedsommeligheder end en egentlig rejseblog. Men jeg er jo heller ikke kommet afsted endnu, så måske det bliver bedre. Jeg var som bekendt (fra forrige indlæg) trådt med det forkerte ben ud af sengen og ind i det nye år, men endnu en uheldig hændelse skulle forstyrre mine forberedelser til rejsen. Denne gang involverede det en sort kat, der krydsede min vej, da jeg i eftermiddagsskumringen spadserede hjem med et større lån fra det lokale bibliotek. Uheldet ramte dog i denne omgang ikke mig men den ulykkesvarslende kat selv. Og uheldet ramte i form af en bil med lidt for meget fart på. Spring ... read more

We flew to Guatemala City with the intention of going to Tikal, Antigua, and other places in Guatemala as well as Copan in Honduras. Guatemala City was founded in 1776 as the country's third capital, the previous two being destroyed by earthquakes, floods, and volcanic activity. Under Spanish rule, it developed into the chief city in Guatemala. The city was rebuilt along modern lines following devestating earthquakes in 1917 & 1918. Later, in 1976, more earthquakes destroyed the northern part of the city so new buildings were built in the southern part. We enjoy zoos and had heard that the Aurora Zoo in Guatemala City was pretty neat. I had previously been to the zoo in Panama City and it left a lot to be desired. We were pleasantly surprised by the one in Guatemala. It ... read more
Mountain Lion

Long travel day again to Antigua. We were meant to be meeting at 9.30 to get the water taxi over to get the bus for 10. This time we were prepared and knocked for Michael after he was 10 minutes late... Thankfully we are on private transport but still we shouldn´t be waiting for the guide. Drove through Guatamala City. They have got awesome buses over here. Photo will follow I promise! Glad we are not staying here as looked a little scary compared to everywhere else we´ve seen. The country is really green, mountainous and very beautiful. Got into Antigua at 4, got settled in at the hotel (nice place!) before going on a bank hunt. We´re about a 10 min walk from the central park. The town is cobbled, lovely on the eye, bit ... read more

So. We're here. But man was it an adventure. First off, our flight out of Ottawa was cancelled since they had to get "parts" from Chicago before taking off. So we were able to get out of Ottawa on another flight to Chicago at 8:30am on a different airline...but we didnt take off for like another hour and a half because the engine was frozen and they had to de-ice the plane! So by the time we got to Chicago, we had to literally sprint to the other terminal to make our connection...which we missed by like 5mins. After some running around, talking to different people with our airline, we managed to get on the next flight to Miami. Once in Miami, we were happy. Just one more flight to catch, and we'd be good to ... read more
Park in Guatemala
Chillin in the park

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