Blogs from Costa Rica, Central America Caribbean - page 462


I am not sure I can actually express how amazing Costa Rica is. Despite being a believer that short-term periods of being abroad can have incredible impacts on people, I am still thrown by how much I got out of only 10 days. I'll give you the personal, rather than professional version of this site visit to the land of plantains, coffee and cacao.... San Jose I only got a glimpse at what San Jose has to offer. We were there less than a day - mostly driving the Avenida Central, and spent the first night at the Airport Hampton Inn. Nicer than the US ones by the way - big thick white duvet covers. I know - not expecting heave blankets in a Central American country, were you? Our short time in Costa Rica brought ... read more
Basilica de los Angeles
Street of San Jose
Breathtaking Countryside

I had the most fabulous weekend, again opting not to travel (much) because Samara is so amazing. Saturday we had glorious weather so I attempted an adventure of swimming to the island off of Samara. With camera carefully triple-wrapped in ziplock bags, I took the 45 minute walk to the very end of the beach at low tide to the place where I'd have the shortest distance to swim. I must have gone too far though because I found myself sort of stranded among some rocks. I finally made myself back to the beach and started out again. However, some ugly clouds started forming on the horizon and I heard my mother's voice saying, "Jolynn, don't you have any sense?!?" With the theme song of Gilligan's Island humming in my head, I decided NOT to start ... read more
A Sunday Ride in the Country
My Pilot Guido & I
View of Samara from the Ultralight

Just what is a typical day? A friend recently asked about our typical days. I had to think long and hard about this one. I talked to Bill and Callista, the consensus is we do not have typical days. We wake up when our bodies tell us to, eat a good healthy breakfast (ok, sometimes more good than healthy) and start our day. That’s where typical ends. There are days we ‘have to’ do things. Either we have to buy groceries, have dental appointments, have meetings with attorneys, as well as days we have to get out of the house. I made a photo journal of a couple of days in our lives to help you get a better sense of our way of life. Monday was a have to day. We had to go to ... read more
Mattress factory
Berlin sign
back road vistas

Friday we drove into Pavas for a plan making visit with The Eury family and to watch Maritza sing at the university. We live near the UCR western campus in San Ramon so we were excited to get to check out the big campus. The musical school was having exhibitions thru out the day to showcase their work. We got Maritza there on time and enjoyed the orchestra prior to her performance. Bill was fascinated by the fagot or bassoon players that followed the adult choir. I liked their instruments. (If the photo is of something other than a bassoon please let me know) The drive in was a little confusing as we’d not been to the UCR campus before, the return trip was in rush hour traffic. Bill never ceases to amaze me with his ... read more
House in San Jose
Statue at UCR

Toto, we're not in Kansas anymore! Or at least, we're not in Round Rock Independent School District in Austin, Texas anymore! This week, I had the opportunity to visit the elementary school here in Playa Samara as well as interview the principal. It was something I've wanted to do since last summer so when my Spanish teacher gave us the homework assignment to interview someone in town, write a paper on it, and then do an oral presentation of what we learned, I jumped at the chance to visit la escuela AND have it "count" for my homework! Instead of sharing with you my very butchered Spanish version of what I observed and concluded, I thought I'd relay what I learned in a slightly different manner. Thus, I have compiled the following synopsis of my experience: ... read more
Coral and her Classmates
5th Grade Math
Recess for Most of the Day!

At the end of our last installment, Martina and I were waiting to go on a night walk, hoping to see a sloth. Well, it was a total washout. The park, recommended by a hostel employee, was near roads and homes and there was nary a mamal in sight. Sure we saw a couple of tarantulas, some glow worms (hot the US kind, but some big beetles with phosphorescent spots on their backs) and the largest ant hill you´could possibly imagine, but no kinkajous, no monkeys and, most annoyingly, no sloths. Just one of those nights. In the morning we took a 7 hour van ride to Samara, a very small beach town with a few hotels, some restaurants and a lovely stretch of sand. We checked into a hotel called casa del mar, again recommended ... read more

This past Thursday (June 8th), I was suprised to see a parade in the streets of Palmares. There was also a line of artists set up across from the church selling their products, similar to the festivals in Chelsea and Manchester. I think there was some 20th aniversary for something, but I don't know what. Oh well. Check out the photos!... read more
Kids with paper doves
No right turn!

This must-visit park is impressive - so many species easy to spot, including sloths, crocs, and maybe squirrel monkeys, if the American lady and her daughter didn't kill them all, though they were just feeding them bananas, and I idiotically took a half of one that they offered because the monkeys were so cute when they came and took it our of our hands, scampering a few branches away to eat in peace, when a man from the town humbly approached and asked us not to feed them anymore because bananas aren't indigenous to the area and the monkeys don't know to stop eating, so the villagers sometimes find them in the jungle, dead from diarrhea, and I nodded and felt a guilty ignorance, but after he left the lady said, "Hunh, he's just jealous," and ... read more
Playa Manuel Antonio2 2006
Playa Manuel Antonio Hike to Cliff2 2006

No one likes to go to the dentist, least of all me. In my twenties I lacked dental insurance so dental care was non-existent. I was young and invincible. No need for dentists, I’m sure I went but for the life of me can’t remember who I saw in which state. The twenties were fluid years for me. I improved my dental care in my thirties but apparently not enough. I’m now paying for it in my forties. A little advice to those younger than I…FLOSS! It will save you much pain later. Knowing our move was a short six months away we attempted to see our regular dentist in the fall before our insurance ceased. I made appointments for Bill and Callista first. That left my appointment down to our last couple of weeks of ... read more
Dentist Office
Callista's new front tooth
US Embassy

Sorry it has been so long since an update. I have been too lazy to type. Thursday night Tamara, Katie and I went to the Daddy Yankee concert, which I must add was awesome considering I only know 2 songs! Then Friday morning we left for Guanacaste to the Playa Hermosa. The resort was absolutely beautiful and it was All Inclusive! I got some of the best pictures of the trip and I cannot wait to post them. Tomorrow, Christie and I are going to take a bus to Puerto Viejo and stay at a hostel for a night. It will be nice to actually go somewhere on our own instead of having it planned out for us. How adventurous! Thursday is the last day and I am so sad! I also cannot wait to see ... read more

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