Blogs from San José, Costa Rica, Central America Caribbean - page 7


Today is our second and last field trip with USAC. We are going to San José for the Museo de Arte Costarricense (art museum) and the Teatro Nacional (National Theater) with our professors, how cute lol. We had to leave USAC by 7:30AM. We had an early start today. But it makes sense, the ride to San José is about an hour and 45 minutes or more. Since it was so early, I didn't go to the soda for breakfast. Instead, I just bought chocolate chip cookies and later ate that on the bus. Everyone dressed really nice because it was going to be a lot cooler in San José LOL. I finally got a chance to wear my maxi skirt, yay! Our first stop was the art museum. We spent no longer than an hour ... read more
artsy fartsy
Frida Kahlo
inside the museum

Tuesday We had an early breakfast at Dorling's Bakery, our favorite place for morning baguettes. We had a table right on the edge of the Tortuguero River. Very picturesque. This river flows one way into the sea, and joins with the Suerte River in the other direction going past La Pavona. Today our final destination was San Jose, so we just took the reverse route we took to get here. So from Tortuguero to La Pavona to Cariari to San Jose. We got the boat tickets separately, about $3 apiece, very inexpensive for a great one hour trip. When the river is low, the trip can take up to two hours. Saw many shore birds, similar to blue herons and egrets, but no crocodiles this time. We did, however, see a young man swimming in ... read more
Boat Launch Area
Canoeing on the River
Wake from the Boat

Ann, Riley and I had a wonderful trip to Costa Rica in December 2015. We flew via Colarado with Riley on our laps as he is still under 2 years old. We arrived in San Jose and picked up our rental car from Economy. While it seemed like the most dodgy place and we had heard horror stories, everything worked out for us. And the roads were nowhere near as bad as people made out. The worst roads we talk were to the Rio Celeste and south of Montezuma. We skipped San Jose city and stayed in Alajuela before going to see the Poas Volcano (completely covered in cloud), La Paz Waterfall park (which was an awesome display of animals and natural waterfalls but a bit of a walk with Riley), and we ended up in ... read more
Riley meets a Toucan
Morpho Butterfly
Richard and Riley at La Paz Waterfall Park

http://Thursday This morning we had to leave this lovely hostel and our monkey friends. The host called a taxi for us, and it was very prompt. A car drove past us, turned around, stopped by us, and a young man with dreadlocks smiled and said, "I'm the taxi guy." Made me smile. This taxi was actually a vehicle. The taxi that took us up to the hostel was a pick-up truck. Our luggage went inside the railings in the back, and we shared the one extra seat in the front (after the driver wiped it off and put down a towel for us!) Taxi got us down to Uvita, where the bus station was in front of a large open cafeteria area with much seating. A good place to wait. We got there about 45 minutes ... read more
Waiting for Bus in Uvita
Lunch in San Jose

Cette question, je dois même me la poser vu que je suis un fervent adepte de ce genre de discipline. Certains sont surement tentés de me qualifier de suicidaire tandis que d’autres me trouveront cool, courageux… Mais je tiens à vous dire que si je pratique les sports extrêmes (trial, parcours, kayak extrême, escalade…), c’est juste parce que j’adore ça. J’aime prendre des risques sauf que je suis très prudent. Un peu contradictoire j’avoue, mais ça me réussit jusqu’à maintenant. Voici quelques raisons qui me poussent à m’adonner au sport extrême. Connaître mes limites Il ne vous est jamais arrivé de vous demander ce que vous pouvez réellement faire dans un domaine bien précis ? Moi, je me pose cette question chaque jour de ma vie. Au travail, je cherche toujours à prouver que je mérite ... read more

Thursday Just a comment for those who might send me personal email. For some reason, my email account has been scrambled. I can send, but not receive. If you wish to reach us personally, use Bob's address, A few days ago we checked the weather forecast for San Jose and saw thunderstorms for the entire week. We were pleasantly surprised because today was a nice sunny day. The sky was dark in spots, but never let loose. We started out on our walking adventure this morning. The area around the hotel is a bit run-down, but the area is a mixture of old and new. Our first chore was to get some money. (500 colones per dollar, so a bill can seem very large, with way too many zeroes). First problem was that the ATM ... read more
Leather Shop
Art Museum, Parque
Parque Sabana

Central America Caribbean » Costa Rica » San José November 19th 2015

Spoken work poetry in Spanish. It was so beautiful! I got there a few hours early and sat in the comfy lobby listening to jazz/poetry records as the rain fell outside the open front door. Then I snuck downstairs to hear a gorgeous 4-piece jazz ensemble practicing. I had no idea that Sean was going to join me until he popped in next to me in the back row. We crept upstairs and enjoyed enormous, delicious cheeseburgers just in time for the poetry to start. The speakers were incredibly captivating and talented, but we got a bit worried when one of them started calling out members of the audience to answer questions in Spanish : ) Luckily we were spared. After the performance, we went outside and Sean was chased down by a very enthusiastic crazy ... read more

Wednesday About 50 degrees when we left home this morning. Take-off a little late, and a long layover in Dallas. We were to fly over the Gulf of Mexico, but air turbulance sent us on a route over land instead. We arrived at our hotel (Quinta Avanida) about 11pm. A long travel day! Hotel is in older part of town (Coca Cola Zone). Since it is a busy city, a little noisy, but we did get a room in the back. Tomorrow we're off to see the sights.... read more

Central America Caribbean » Costa Rica » San José November 17th 2015

We ordered in Spanish here : ) And Sean found his true love in its natural habitat, Inca Kola.... read more

I spent the day writing and reading in the garden at the hotel while Sean worked, then his co-workers took us to Grano de Oro for dinner. I tried a delicious local soup made of palm heart that tastes like a savory autumn soup--kind of pumpkiny/nutty.... read more

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