Blogs from Bahamas, Central America Caribbean - page 35


I never forget that this big fish almost killed Lance. He spotted and chased it for quite a while. When the time came Lance and Bayard teamed up on it and got a good shot in the dorsal fin. The scared fish swam away as fast as it could looking for a hole to hide from the hunters. Luckly I was there at the right time and place and managed to spot it and didn't let him go of my sight. I still have the image in my head of this fish swiming away with the spear hunging of its tale.The fish worked his way into a hole about 25ft deep so Lance used a pack to retrive it but the mouth piece fell off and he took a full breath of water that went into ... read more
46 Lb grouper-1
46 Lb grouper-5
46 Lb grouper-3

New pics: Hi, Everyone!! I hope this email finds everyone well. So, I'm currently still in the Bahamas finishing up my last semester of the "general sciences." I'm currently in the second half of my second year. This semester has been the best semester of all - we're doing physical exams and going into the hospital more and more. This is my last semester here in the Bahamas, and then it should be off to Miami in September. I cannot WAIT to move back to the states. The Bahamas have been nice, but I'm ready to leave this island life. Included you'll see a link with some new pics. Some of these pics are from the Bahamas, some from my and Tom's trip home over break, and then another album from our Dolphin Dive yesterday. ... read more

Normaly on saturdays the boss lets me go spearing with them. Havent gotten to free dive 35 ft yet but I keep training for it. In the meantime while I was working in perfectioning my freediving tecnics the boys and Katie dove down to 38 ft and got out a bunch of hog for dinner.... read more
06 13 09. Cat Cay Weekends-3
06 13 09. Cat Cay Weekends-5
06 20 2009. Big hog of the day

The Trip Back to the USA - 2009 We planned to leave Georgetown as soon as the regatta was complete but Mother Nature had different plans. We were held up for 10 days waiting for a series of cold fronts producing vigorous North and North East winds to 20 and 25 knots to pass by. Finally on Sunday March 29th we sailed from Georgetown, Great Exuma. This trip took us out into Exuma Sound which has water reaching over 2000’ deep and 35 miles wide between Great Exuma and Cat Island. We had a nice SE 12-16 knot breeze but the ocean swell was still running about 4-6’ due to the long period of strong NE winds. Our first destination was Black Point in the lower Exumas. This is a small settlement that is very friendly ... read more
Pot Luck on Imagine
Nancy & Sharon at Black Point
The Three Amigos

Hey Everyone! I know I know its been a long time. We've been in the exumas for a while and theres no internet down there but it is beautiful! i cant remember what i said in the last blog but since eluethra we caught our first fish and many after the first one though was the biggest fish. brendan held it up and it went from his eyes to his ankles big dolphin! it put up a good fight too almost an hour trying to wheel it in! ill put the picks up they do more justice then words! so i think the last time i wrote we were in the abacos still. since then we traveld down to eluethra. it was nice but were not gonna go there next year. although we saw old port ... read more
Good food and better company
45 pounds

We've been traveling through the Bahamas since late March. We have sailed in the most shallow water here than anywhere else, but is crystal clear beautiful water in various shades of blue and green. Since the water is so shallow I have spent alot more time than usual standing on the coachroof and picking out reefs, rocks, and hazards as we approach harbors. We approached the Bahamas from the south after leaving Puerto Rico and the Turks and Caicos Islands. Our first stop in the Bahamas was Mayaguana where we got a good lesson in keeping up the the times of high and low tides. We haven't had to pay much attention to tides before because the water we have been sailing in has for the most part been deep water. In Mayaguana we couldn't even ... read more
Bahamian made sloop

Mel and Jess are here cruising with me and today we had a fantastic beach day! Today’s port of call was Half Moon Cay, a private island owned by one of our sister lines. Though we come here every two weeks, I’ve only gotten off on the island once! It’s a tender port and of course, guests come first, so us crew members have to go back 3 hours before sail time. When I don’t finish work until at least 1am the night before, it’s difficult to drag myself out of bed early enough to make the day worth going out and coming back by 1pm - and then still have the energy to work the rest of the day and night. But rules like that get loosened when you have family cruising - thankfully! - ... read more
The Beach
The Beach
Mel Posing

I’m a month and a day away from the end of this contract and going home. Meanwhile, something exciting is happening to help the time go by - my sister Melanie and her friend Jessica have come to cruise with me!! The girls arrived yesterday when we were in Miami. They stepped on the ship and I immediately took care of them at the lobby bar! I had to work both in the afternoon and evening, but in between we had a lovely dinner in the dining room and then we closed the night in the crew bar. Today is their first port and we’re in Nassau, Bahamas. Of the things to do, they wanted to see Atlantis. So we took the water taxi across to Paradise Island. At this point, I’m becoming a bit of ... read more
Around Atlantis
Around Atlantis
Around Atlantis

Central America Caribbean » Bahamas » Exuma » Georgetown April 28th 2009

I just finished racing the Family Island Regatta in Georgetown, Exumas, Bahamas. All the boats were built in the Bahamas. The local cruising community helped a local Bahamian named Pat get his boat "Two Friends" ready for the regatta. "Two Friends" received a new mast, a new Awlgrip paint job and some repairs. One C-Class boat I raced on sank, to the bottom, just after we crossed the finish line - It was great fun. The Bahamas Police marching band closed the regatta.... read more
Two Friends
Racing Boat
Racing Boats

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