nancic123's Guestbook

4th August 2016
Crooked Bridge-Mostar

Yay for global snails!
I love your slow travel, getting to know a place in depth and having a chance to photograph it in various light, which here, look like paintings. Love your bobsled mountain adventure! I visited Bosnia and this area in 2004, when the war was fresh, and the Stari Most had just been rebuilt. I stayed with Muslim families and heard so many sad, horrendous stories, visited so many cemeteries and had to avoid so many mined trails. Still, such a beautiful place and lovely people.
4th August 2016
City View- Mostar

This photo and your blogs are absolutely transportive! I love the detail -- thank you for going slowly and taking us with you! ;)
4th August 2016
City View- Mostar

Thank you very much for reading and the nice compliment!
3rd August 2016

Power on Global snails!
Oh man I am so jealous! I have wanted to travel through this area for a long time now, and your pictures and blog are making me crazy!!! Wow what a place.
3rd August 2016

I think this area (and all of Eastern Europe) is not thought of by most North Americans when they are making travel plans. We have found so much history, architecture, food and culture that is unique and very interesting. Not to mention very affordable. Well worth a visit for sure. Thanks for reading, Andrea!
3rd August 2016

Loving the Photography and Stories
Nanci and David, what an awesome travel blog. Loving your stories and in particular your photography, very nicely done. Michele and I from over "Two of Us" way, are heading to Italy in September and read your Italy blogs from Florence and Cinque Terra with interest. Our trip will be more of a whirlwind rather that a relaxing two months you two had done. Keep up the wonderful work on your blogs and photography. David
3rd August 2016

Thank you for the nice compliment. You guys have some of my favorite photographs on Travelblog so we appreciate the praise. We absolutely love Italy, probably our favorite of the 30 countries we have visited on our trip. Cinque Terre is especially amazing for photography. So many towns in Tuscany around Florence that are worth spending time in and are easy day trips. We'll be looking for your blogs!
3rd August 2016

I was in Sarajevo and Mostar too in 2014. I visited similar places as you and in addition also the tunnel museum near the airport of Sarajevo through which the city was supplied during the civil war. For me the country was an adventure as it is definitely not a mainstram tourist location. I also liked the Bosnian coffee the the often BBQ food.
3rd August 2016

Thanks for reading, Thomas! We thought of seeing the tunnel museum but were consciously trying to avoid too many war related things. Not an easy thing to do in Bosnia as it is so visible even such a long time later. The food was good (and inexpensive!) and the coffee is delicious! I agree it is more of an adventure now than a "tourist" destination. However, it is a beautiful country and judging by the number of tourists we have met, it might be an up and coming destination for everyone. Thanks for reading and commenting!
17th July 2016
M4 Metro Station

Spending a few months in a nice city and then continuing to travel
I am looking forward to do this by myself, maybe after retirement. I think you learn much more about a place if you live in an appartment and going to the bakery or supermarket every day instead of staying at hotels all the time and eventually eating there. I think most western countries allow westerners to stay for 3 months or so. Those people whocan do that while keeping their jobs or work remotely are really lucky. I had the opportunity to do international IT projects and stay more than a month in Moscow, Seoul, Mallorca, Milan, Lake Geneva and the Netherlands. I am looking forward to do that again. By the way: I also visited Budapest and Hungary and my blog is easily to find.
17th July 2016
M4 Metro Station

I agree!
I agree! Good luck with your travels. The best place you've ever been is the next place you're going to!
11th July 2016
Rasnov Castle

Being open to the open road!
I love your decisions-making on this last stop--let's see where The Gypsy Train takes us! And what fine adventures, though my favorite was your train ride along the river in the Carpathians with the little villages, unique houses and abundant gardens and the Roma people hopping on and off the trains. It felt like stepping into the past. Great sunsets and I love your arched-framed views.
12th July 2016
Rasnov Castle

The Open Road....
I think we've run out of ideas for places to go, so we sort of have to rely on emotion rather than much of a plan. We would have loved to visit the Maramures area near the border of Ukraine/Romania. Maybe one of the last untouched places in Europe. The arched frames are mostly to cover up that I'm shooting mostly in mid-day instead of golden hour early in the morning or just before sunset as I would prefer. Thank you for reading and commenting! We really appreciate it, Tara!
11th July 2016
Cluj-Napoca Market

You have a great camera. And you have a great eye.
11th July 2016
Peles Castle

Romania from another person's perspective
We went to Romania last summer and enjoyed it a lot. It was fun to read about it from your perspective. Where you went och what you thought about it. /Ake
11th July 2016
Peles Castle

Romania was surprisingly very nice. Not at all what we expected. I don't think many Americans think of visiting Eastern Europe very often, but we have really enjoyed each country we have seen. Thanks for writing, Ake!
11th July 2016

The Gypsy train sounds great. The architecture you've captured is amazing. Love the cafes
11th July 2016

Maybe we are getting used to riding on trains more. They aren't the most rapid means of transport in this part of the world, but you can't beat the price and it is an opportunity to interact in a way that not everyone gets a chance to do. Summertime in Eastern Europe is definitely café season. Literally everyone seems to enjoy days sitting and strolling the cobbled streets. We have enjoyed our time for sure. Thanks for writing!
10th July 2016

Your world is your canvas
Congratulations on 5 years of adventures on the nomadic gypsy road, Nanci. Congratulations on yet another blog that highlights your photographer's eye. Your sense of composition of the shots are always a highlight. I checked out the program you use after you shared it with me and while a professional photographer friend also uses it, it's a tad technical for me. Yet how you make your pics pop out of the page is sensational. Always enjoy your blogs. I've put four of the shots in the Streetscapes thread in the Photography Forum.
11th July 2016

Our canvas...
Thanks for the nice compliments, Dave! Lightroom has a little learning curve, but there are lots of easy to follow videos on Youtube to help guide the way. We rarely spend more than a minute or two on a photo now, so it's not too time consuming. It's been a long five years. Often we reflect on things from one or two months ago and they seem like a literal lifetime ago. Travel does strange things to your sense of time and space. Thanks for reading and all the nice compliments, Dave!
11th June 2016

Keep on finding those Gems
We can always count on you to wet our travel appetite. It wasn't that long ago that we were on the road but we are getting the itch again. We will have to be content with some weekend trips for now. You are a long way from Pilny the Elder..... but sounds like you have found wonderful taste treats to sample. Glad it is inexpensive and you could splurge a bit.
11th June 2016

Lviv was really nice. They say that Krakow is the next Prague and Lviv is the next Krakow. It really felt untouristy and very authentic. I miss my Pliny for sure but the beer in Lviv was less than a dollar for a pint of very good beer in a brewery we visited. Look forward to your future blogs, nearby or afar! Thanks for reading!
11th June 2016
Artistic Street Display- Lviv

Very true that Schengen was a great reason to see Lviv and the East. In my three and a half years, I often spent summers in Amsterdam, so I crossed lots of borders getting and leaving there. I never had my passport glanced at. The one time I was stopped was northern Spain to Portugal, which I believe was due to the many Roma and northern African undocumented immigrants in Spain that Portugal didn't want. Indeed, on my bus, four Roma-looking people had to get off the bus and didn't get back on. I was handled on the bus, and told to go to Lisbon to sort it out. I agreed, but of course didn't. Before Schengen, it used to be 90 days in each country--so much better! Enjoy the affordable East!
11th June 2016
Artistic Street Display- Lviv

It's very tempting! We are finding that the Eastern European countries are kind of fun also though (even though we just endured 24 hours of train travel today). I think all of us cool Cali people should be able to go wherever we want for as long as we want! It should be a new worldwide rule, for sure! Thanks again for all the support on our travels....

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