beentouring's Guestbook

13th September 2017
Bow River, Banff

Ahhhh, Banff....
A one-day trip to Banff can feel like a weekend away and these pictures encourage me to get there again soon. Thanks, Judith.
11th September 2017

A long time
It's been a long time since I've done that walk. You're right - it's fabulous. As are your photos, especially the reflection one.
8th September 2017
Bow River, Banff

Canadian Rockies
Endless beauty
5th September 2017

Thanks for this entry, Judith. I can relate more to this trip than to your more exotic tris to the Far East. Thanks.
8th September 2017

Glad to hear from you and to know you like "visiting" the mountains.
3rd September 2017
Marushka Lake

Oh Canada
Stunning beauty
3rd September 2017

Great shots again
I particularly like Natural Sculpture and Mountain Vista. I had to look up Marushka Lake. Is one of these photos already in Google images? Neat! Anyway, maybe it's better suited now to snowshoeing, marsh being easier to traverse when it's frozen!
3rd September 2017

Marushka Lake photos
Glad you like these. Don't think my photo is in Google images. Probably lots are similar because there are not too many angles from which to photograph the lake.
3rd September 2017

Marushka Lake
Lovely photos, so relaxing to look at.
28th August 2017

Again, a great job capturing the spectacular diversity of near and far vistas available in the mountains.
28th August 2017

Beautiful photos, so relaxing, felt like I had been there to enjoy it too!
21st August 2017

Then and now
When we drove through The Mountains (always the Rockies) as kids, I remember Mom exclaiming over the beauty of the vistas. Booooring, I thought. Now I appreciate them for the extraordinary mountains that they are. You've nicely captured the range of views, from the delicate and short-lived flowers to the massive, seemingly eternal mountains.
From Blog: Fox Lake
23rd August 2017

Then and now
Dreadful how we come to feel as our parents did! So hard not to act (and think) our age. The Mountains are indeed beautiful!
From Blog: Fox Lake
21st August 2017

This is not really a comment to be posted but rather a simple way to connect with you. I have been to some of your CPL presentations in the past and have been following your blog for quite some time. (I spoke with you in passing at the grand opening of Studio Bell on July 1, 2016. However, I certainly do not expect you to remember me from a thirty second conversation!) After church today, a few of us met to discuss our upcoming year of 55+ Luncheons. (We meet once per month, generally on the third Tuesday of the month, for lunch and a speaker. We have a small group who participate, of roughly two dozen people. The church is in the SW in Glenbrook.). We were brainstorming possible speakers and my mind immediately leapt to you when the topic of travel speakers came up. I knew you had amazing photos and experiences to share and that you were comfortable speaking in front of groups. What I do not know, however, is whether you would entertain doing something like this for such a small group in the community. I would appreciate knowing whether or not you would be willing to consider doing this sometime within the next few months. If not, that is just fine; I will continue to enjoy vicariously travelling the world with you through your blog. But if so, I can provide more details. I look forward to hearing from you.
From Blog: Fox Lake
15th August 2017

An amazing trip. Thanks for sharing your final day in Vietnam. Going back?
17th August 2017

Going back?
I am definitely going back to Asia. So many countries!
11th August 2017

Cranes and Buddhism
I've seen several herons/cranes in representational form - have I missed the real live birds? They're so common in the art that I assume they're common in the flesh, too. Regarding the shrines, I don't know whether you read Nevil Shute as a teenager. He was an English aeronautical engineer who had something of a love affair with the East, and a lot of admiration for Buddhism, finding it a pure form of religion.
12th August 2017

Cranes and Buddhism
Indeed, I did read Nevil Shute's novels. I might have to try one again. And I did see cranes, although usually at a distance in paddies. The closest ones were in Cambodia when on the river.
31st July 2017

Theoretical knowledge
In theory I know that shrimp are crustaceans, but they trigger my insect reaction when I see them alive. Wiki tells me that some crustaceans are more closely related to insects than to other crustacean, and that's a thought I don't want to explore. But fresh seafood is a wonderful thing, even if it does wriggle. (Your picture of the carrot net made me laugh.)
2nd August 2017

Theoretical knowledge
My theoretically knowledge extends to many fields. Recently I found the certificate that attests to my knowing how to windsurf.
31st July 2017

The awe of nature
Well stated....and that is something we seek in our travels. Hate those showers that don't have any power but they are rampant in SE Asia. We always love the cooking lessons.
31st July 2017

The awe of nature
Thanks. Ha Long Bay gives an inspirational experience of nature.
25th July 2017

Good Heavens
I'll never munch my vegetable flower quite so casually again! As for the embroidery, do you have any idea how many hours of labour each picture involves? What an amazing day.
30th July 2017

This special kind of artistry is admirable. My recall is that each picture takes about a week to embroider.

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