beentouring's Guestbook

15th December 2016

Slow and deliberate
The blessing dance was lovely, and a good reminder that blessings deserve to be delivered deliberately, not slapdash(edly?). Re the temple, I saw a similar flight of steps in Guatemala, which were narrow enough to require the climber to stand sideways while climbing. Apparently this enforced the properly respectful position when approaching the VIPs at the top.
5th December 2016

Anonymous fish
Ha. And "Whew!" I'm exhausted and it's only lunchtime. And I haven't been trailing around for 4 hours. Well done.
28th November 2016

Cambodia & Vietnam
Enjoyed the interesting blog. My daughter who lives in Toronto, just ran a marathon in Bagan Myanmar and they are on their way to Vietnam. Yesterday morning they took a balloon ride at sunset over the Bagan temples. Anxious to hear how they enjoyed that - have you done that yet? Keep blogging, Vivian
27th November 2016

Cowards all
I guess cowardice is relative. I'd consider your solo travel to Cambodia pretty brave, and give you a pass on eating in the hotel. Do the immigration folks at the airport want some help with their wayfinding, do you think? And were all the Cambodians built like those guys on the roof?
6th November 2016

Athabasca River
Wow. That's an art-card-worthy shot. Nicely done.
1st November 2016

A through-truss bridge!
And some wonderful colours, too. Sounds like a marvelous hike, even with (or maybe because of) the surprises.
5th November 2016

Bridge Construction
Wow! You know your engineering.
24th October 2016

Low bandwidth . . .
. . . of a hotel's wifi is not ideal for viewing photos, but it sounds like a wonderful weekend (?). Always good to have someone pleased to have your patronage, and the mountains are wonderful in any season, although I like fall the best.
18th October 2016

Title says it all. Especially like sculptured moraine and male grouse. What was the speedometer for the hike? LOL!
20th October 2016

Speedometer! Steady climbing, half up up up and half along the mountainside.
18th October 2016

Great shots and evocative prose. Nicely done.
20th October 2016

Glad you like the staycation blogs. Different feel and reminder of how gorgeous Canada is.
17th October 2016
Curious peek at us!

Morain Lake
Hi, Judy, great picture of the grouse.
20th October 2016
Curious peek at us!

Moraine Lake
Thanks, I am so happy about that grouse picture. Hard to have wildlife in focus!
11th October 2016

Castle Mountain
I remember seeing Castle Mountain for the first time since childhood (ie. over 30 years), and being stunned by the view of the battlements - very aptly named.
10th October 2016

These short posts on your hikes are a good reminder that there are things to see pretty much right where we are. Not that we all have the Rockies close to hand. Your Tower Lake photo surprised me - I don't associate bog with those mountains, maybe because I've only seen them from the highway.
10th October 2016

Castle mountian.
Hi, Judith, nice story and pictures, how long did the hike take to complete? And did you see the site of Silver City?, or the WW1 internment camp. I remember it as Mt Eisenhower. Thanks
10th October 2016

Castle Mountain
Thanks! The hike took about 4 1/2 hours for my sub-group; there were faster hikers who went farther faster. The name change was tried, but too many people persisted in Castle Mountain. Didn't see the sites you mention, possibly because we didn't know to look, at least I didn't. Just a nice day in the woods mainly.
2nd October 2016

Nice shots!
I especially like the Douglas Fir, abstract artwork, and Middle Lake. I think it's amazing how much more we see when we carry cameras.
9th October 2016

Nice Shots!
Thank you. Now I know why artists carry sketch books and writers carry notebooks.
2nd October 2016

Such Beauty
Who knew. Thanks so much on a gloomy day in NYC.
22nd September 2016

Farewell to Nova Scotia?
Well, to anywhere, I guess - always a curious mix of emotions on leaving. Your comments about their willingness to accept the whole of their history were interesting. Mary's middle child, Emma, lives in Berlin with her guy. Mary tells me that there are all sorts of plaques on sidewalks and on buildings to mark where Jewish families used to live. They're not hiding from what their country did, and I think that's likely a good thing.
30th September 2016

Hello to Nova Scotia
Thank you for thoughtful comments on the final Southern Africa blog post. And in few weeks, the blog will feature Nova Scotia!
10th September 2016

What a day!
Amazing scenery for your last day on tour. And a fabulous video of the penguins, who appear oblivious to the adoring (and sometimes noisy) crowds. Love the story about the Cape of Good Hope - showing that marketeers have always been with us, confounding the best efforts of operators to tell it like it is.
14th September 2016

What a day!
Yes it was a marvellous day! Glad I am not a sailor, and particularly not a sailor in the olden days.

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