Blogs from Pai, North-West Thailand, Thailand, Asia - page 31


Asia » Thailand » North-West Thailand » Pai February 25th 2007

Apres quelques jours a chiang mai, a visiter la ville, son marche de nuit, son marche de jour et les environs je me suis paye quelques heures de lecture et de soleil autour de la piscine de mon guesthouse. Ah oui, j'oubliais, quelques massages aussi pour pas cher du tout. Ma chambre me coutait 12$ can par jour avec air climatise et piscine! Une aubaine. J"ai rencontre un francais de 68 ans qui louait un scooter pour aller a Pai a 125 km mais dans les montagnes. Il ma invite et comme je sais toutes les occasions j'ai bien sur accepte. Cela nous a pris 3h30 nous rendre dans les routes sinueuses et montagneuses de la Thailande du nord. Une ballade fort agreable ou mon seul souci etait de me tenir apres le monsieur pour qu'il ... read more

Asia » Thailand » North-West Thailand » Pai February 23rd 2007

Met some locals in a bar in Chang Mai who owned a bar in Pai and said we could have a free drink up there, so never one to look a gift horse in the mouth we set off to Pai, slightly later than expected after waking up a little late! Trip to Pai was along a real windy road so not the best when feeling sick all ready, but we finally made it after breaking down on the way and having to change wheels on the mini bus. We stayed in some cool little huts which cost about 1 quid per night but they were quite cool. Pai is a bit of a hippie paradise so we chilled out here taking in the atmosphere, tourism seems to be all they have going for it ... read more
Huts by the river
Emily reading the menu

Asia » Thailand » North-West Thailand » Pai February 10th 2007

we think that Pai has taken off in terms of tourism in the last couple of years as we have not been to a town which prides it self on being so wonderful before... wherever we went through South East Asia and also back home, people recommended Pai to us... and we were definatly impressed. We found some cute little bungalows across a bamboo bridge/river to stay in - now they were cute at first, cheap and easy - but after the third night of a hard wooden matress on the floor, no real light, walls that you could see outside through, under 10 degrees nights, no bathroom in our room and no hot water in the morning we really felt like the cute was wearing off... we felt like we had been camping, but this ... read more
Jess Jess
Us on our trek in front of....a waterfall!
the tough bikie

Asia » Thailand » North-West Thailand » Pai January 29th 2007

This past weekend we travelled to Mae Hong Son province to a place called Pai (pronc. "bai"). It was cold and very mountainous. It was beautiful though. Since it's quite far away we had to go through Chiang Mai, meaning we didn't spend a lot of time there. The time that we did was really good though. We got to see friends and relax. Pai is a bit of a hippy town and luckily there wern't too many tourists. It has a very laid back atmosphere. Lots of people do treks there and practise meditation and yoga. unfortunatly we didn't have the time. We did somewhat invent our own trek and hiked up a mountain. Very beautiful place and very much reccomended! Miss you all, em x... read more
Hiking in Pai

Asia » Thailand » North-West Thailand » Pai January 27th 2007

On Jan 18 morning, we took a mini-bus from Chiang Mai to Pai, which is about 130 KM, on a winding mountainous road, going uphill most of the time. It is not a very pleasant ride. Phyllis slept most of the way, and Gary almost threw up. We visited Pai last year and enjoyed our stay. On Jan 19, we rented a motorbike (for 100B) and decided to visit the hotsprings that we so thoroughly enjoyed last year. Well, last year, it was free entry, this year, this is a hefty 400B entry fee for each foreigner. We re-visit the lady masseuse in a nearby village and enjoyed our massages. On Jan 20, we re-visited the Pai Canyon. Last year, when we were in Pai during Christmas. There were a lot more tourists them, both foreign ... read more
2007-01-20 14-14-43
2007-01-20 18-58-10
2007-01-20 18-59-28

Asia » Thailand » North-West Thailand » Pai January 25th 2007

Oliver and I are currently in Pai. Ahh, Pai. People from all over the world traveling all over Thailand come to Pai to do...nothing. Absolutely, gloriously nothing. Where the beer runs as freely as the river winding through it, and the hippies sleep off their hangovers in hammocks all day long. Where the streets are lined with shops selling clothes directly time warped from the sixties and the river is lined with bamboo huts (and crossed by bamboo bridges and lit by bamboo bonfires at night). Somewhere behind me in this sea of bamboo, someone is playing a guitar. Somewhere across the way, someone is getting their hair dredded. Totally awesome. Dude. Pai is one of those few places so chill that doing nothing doesn't feel worthless. You plan to stay a day or two, and ... read more
Dor on Buddha
White Wat (what?)
Motor bike crew

Asia » Thailand » North-West Thailand » Pai January 18th 2007

At long last. Pictures are here ... now I'm not entirely sure how to tell you to view them. They're in my "gallery" -- if you can't figure it out, let me know and I will email them on the big list. Ooook. So I'm still in recovery mode from quite a bout of food poisoning ... throwing up for approx. 23 hrs straight (i.e. couldn't even keep water down) is sooo, sooo fun! But, hey, what a weight loss program, eh? Not funny, not funny. It wasn't all that fabulous (and think of the duck suffering next to me in our one room hut), but now I can say I've done it. Check. Pai is great ... dirty little hippie town. We played with an elephant today (pictures on the way) and got tossed off ... read more

Asia » Thailand » North-West Thailand » Pai January 14th 2007

Got up well early this morning to have a mooch about Pai before the mini bus came to get us at 10.30 am Was wandering around at bout 8ish and the only people out and about where Thai people gettting brekky from the street vendors, none of the cafe's or anything were open. We got breakfast a little bit later and my toast had a little cup on it, it was cool. (And while I was writing this in the internet cafe I ordered a latte and that came with a white heart in the froth awww-I like it here). Anyways the minibus was great cos I got 2 seats to my self so got to lol bout-yea! When we got back to Chiang Mai had an afternoon snooze then mosey'd on down to the Sunday ... read more
Pai cake shop
One for Scott!
Pai in the Sky's Lake

Asia » Thailand » North-West Thailand » Pai January 14th 2007

Pai is well gr8! All bamboo huts and like out back restaurants and bars with leafy rooves. Am gutted we can't stay here longer, but just gives an excuse to come back to Thailand so we can spend more time here. The guest house we are staying at is called 'Pai in the sky' and just across the road is a little internet cafe called 'Apple Pai' Anyways dumped our bags at the guest house then jumped in a taxi that looked like it should have been on a banger track. We went for another elephant ride and this time we did bare back (nice sore bum after!) We went through a river and our elephant called 'Phanom' kindly gave us a shower. It was fun! Then we went to the 'Exotic Spa' resort and used ... read more
Mountain view 2 on the way to Pai
Pai High Street
Apple Pai

Asia » Thailand » North-West Thailand » Pai January 13th 2007

A Pai i szokas szerint nem tul koran ebredtunk (9 korul, de ez a helyi ritmushoz kepest korainak bizonyult, hisz a farangok 10-12 korul kelnek, a bulik miatt) es kicsekkoltunk, megreggeliztunk Cher Xin jiaonal, majd utnak indultunk a swimming pool fele, ezuttal tovabb kerekezve, Pai kornyeki szepsegek nyomaban. Ez egy jo 7-8 km es, lankasan kanyargo utszakasz, kevesse jart, melynek egyik oldalan a hegyek tornyosulnak, masik oldalan pedig a kis foldek, kertek, folyok, majd a tavcolban ismet hatalmas hegylanc, az a kis csucsos fennsik, melyre Pai epult, ily modon ekelodik be a hegyek koze. Az ut mnden oldalan kis bungalow-k, kertecskek, szorakozohelyek, bodegak, majd egszercsak a jo oreg dolgozo elefantokok felsegteruleten talaljuk magunkat, bemutatnak Peet-nek, aki mar nem dolgozik a faiparban, leven hogy tul sok maszekmeloja van a turistaiparban:) Vbagy farangokat visz a hatan kis utakra ... read more

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