Blogs from Polonnaruwa , North Central Province, Sri Lanka, Asia - page 2


Asia » Sri Lanka » North Central Province » Polonnaruwa September 1st 2015

Heute ist Polonnaruwa geplant. Gestern haben wir einen Deal für das Taxi ausgehandelt. Polonnaruwa und die morgige Fahrt in das etwa 250km entfernte Arugam Bay für 24.000 LKR. Etwa eine Stunde Fahrt entfernt gehören die Tempelanlagen ebenfalls zum Weltkulturerbe. Wir wollten eigentlich sehr früh starten, aber die meisten Taxifahrer scheinen hier nicht früh aufzustehen. Frühstück um 7.30 Uhr, der obligatorische Small-Talk mit dem Hotelbesitzer und schon eine Stunde später sitzen wir im Taxi. Es gibt heute fast keine Wolken, das könnte ein heißer Tag werden. Vorbereiten kann man sich eigentlich nicht, eine Option wäre ein Regenschirm, der hier vor allem von Frauen benutzt wird, um die Sonne abzuhalten und nicht braun zu werden. Helle Haut ist hier das Schönheitsideal. Auch in Polonnaruwa werden wieder unglaubliche 8000 LKR Eintrittsgeld ($62) fällig. Wir besorgen uns die Tickets und ... read more
Terrasse der Zahnreliquie
Roter Punkt - bringt Glück
Buddhas von Gal Vihara 1

Asia » Sri Lanka » North Central Province » Polonnaruwa August 31st 2015

Ich stehe kurz nach 6 Uhr auf und mache einen kleinen Fotoausflug zum nahen See. In den Bäumen sitzen einige Schlangenreiher und eine Gruppe junggeselliger Pfaue. Einige Einheimische sind mit einem kleinen Boot zum Fisch unterwegs. Zum Frühstück bin ich zurück im Hotel, wir bleiben wohl die einzigen Gäste. Schade eigentlich, die Anlage und Zimmer sind recht schön. Heute ist lokales Frühstück angesagt, String-Hoppers (kleine Reisnudel Spaghetti-Häufchen), Hoppers (eine Art aus Reismehl gebackene Teigschüssel), mildes Kartoffelcurry und gebratene Eier. Hoppers kann man mit allem Möglichen kombinieren, vom warmen Curry bis zu Marmelade und Butter. Alles sehr schmackhaft. Nächster Versuch eines Kaffees, kein Erfolg. Um 9 Uhr sitzen wir im Tuk-Tuk nach Sigiriya. Sigiriya ist ein 200m hoher Felsmonolith auf dessen Gipfel sich die Reste einer ehemaligen Felsenfestung befinden. Der Name leitet s... read more
Sigiriya - Löwentreppe
Schwerer Aufstieg - 1200 Stufen

Asia » Sri Lanka » North Central Province » Polonnaruwa August 30th 2015

Sri Lanka ist definitiv kein Kaffeeland. Nachdem die Kaffeequalität in den letzten Tagen immer neue Tiefpunkte erreicht hat, gibt es heute Tee zum Frühstück. Ansonsten bleiben wir bei den obligatorischen „Fresh Fruits“, das heißt Ananas, Papaya und Melone. Mangos haben leider gerade keine Saison. Um 9 Uhr sitzen wir im Auto nach Habarana, dieses Mal ein etwas größerer Geländewagen in dem viel Platz für unser Gepäck ist. Als Zwischenziel haben wir Dambulla geplant. Die Höhlentempel des Dambulla Maja Raha Vijara liegen im südlichen Teil der Ortschaft an einem felsigen Bergrücken und sind Weltkulturerbe. Der Eingang zum Heiligtum wird von einer großen goldenen Dagoba am Straßenrand markiert, die Anlage ist nicht zu verfehlen. Am Fuß des Felsens liegt der goldene Tempel, der von einer etwa 30m hohen Buddha-Statue gekrönt wird. Durch das Maul eines Löwen gelangt man ... read more
Eingang Goldenes Kloster

Today started back in the van for what we hoped was not a long journey, and we were lucky it was only 1 hour. We headed to Polonnaruwa, a village of Buddhist ruins from the 1100-1300 AD period. They consisted of a number of Stupas (round big buildings you can't enter that Buddhist pray around), the image houses that had statues and images of Buddha and a third thing we can't remember. It was hot and humid but nothing compared to Vietnam as there was a breeze to cool it a bit. The ruins were nice and some well restored, but you had to take off your shoes and hat at every one and walk around in your socks or bare feet. After about the 7th one we got a bit tired of this and were ... read more

Asia » Sri Lanka » North Central Province » Polonnaruwa January 19th 2015

So after a relaxing night and a little shopping in Kandy, went down to the local busy station to get a bus to Anuradhapura. Buses leaving all the time and soon found the one I wanted. Ushered on and sat towards the isle with my backpack in the isle. Around midday and not too busy. But winding our way through the hills soon the bus was packed. The conductor soon got tired of squeezing his way past my backpack so took it to the front somewhere... So many people, couldn't even see it.... Slight deja vous. Hoping I will see it again at the other end. Locals assuring me its fine.... So down into the watery plains of the north.... Whizzing along! Spotted my bag at some point and thankfully was there when we arrived :) ... read more
Temple infront of the Dagoba
Stone carvings
Elephant pool

Asia » Sri Lanka » North Central Province » Polonnaruwa January 14th 2015

Another day starts at Cinnimon Lodge, had a lazy morning and late breakfast. Rested Fran's ankle and applied ice to ease the swelling before our afternoon activity. In the afternoon We met our guide at the front of our Lodge and got into a safari jeep and drove to Eco Park to see some wild life. The jeep was driven by the safari guide and trundled along the road at about 30 MPH towards the park. The speedo, fuel and temperature gauges were not working and the safari guide has to move the steering wheel through 180 degrees before the front wheels would turn, ummm!!! I think there was some wear and play in the steering. We suddenly turned off road and down a dirt track through the dust and pot holes (some were 30cm deep) ... read more
Eco Park Safari
Eco Park safari
Eco Park safari

Asia » Sri Lanka » North Central Province » Polonnaruwa January 5th 2014

I hadn't exactly dreamed of going to Sri Lanka. It was never high on my list. But several people told me how great it is and I needed a cheap holiday, which is not easy when I have two weeks to use for travel. So I used airline miles for the flight and when I started making plans, I realized the cheapest way to go was to book a tour. A big bus tour. Limited to 16 people though, so not too bad. I'd never done a big bus tour before, except for a few day trips, but this was my best option financially. So I booked with an Australian company called Geckos Adventures. It was easy, good value, and seemed very organized, which it was. I left Kuwait at 3:30 am and wasn't feeling too ... read more

Asia » Sri Lanka » North Central Province » Polonnaruwa December 4th 2013

Took the bus to Polonnaruwa - another of the ancient cities. I was a bit daunted but it actually was great fun. Everyone uses the local buses here - families, school kids, little old ladies, labourers, businessmen and even monks. You just jump on - sometimes as the bus has started moving! There is incense burning constantly which I love, colourful garlands everywhere and they showed a Sri Lankan movie which seemed to be a dramatisation about the arrival of Buddhism here, and felt very like a Sinhalese 'Game of Thrones'. An old lady sat next to me and suddenly picked up my wrist and tied a Buddhist thread around it. I am blessed! The journey was a bum-numbing three and a half hours but I totally enjoyed it. Arriving in a wet Polonnaruwa early afternoon ... read more

We had another early start and headed off to the medieval ruins at Polonnaruwa - the ancient capital of Ceylon. The site itself is massive and there are ruins spread out across a large area. We started off in the museum where there is a scale model of the site to give you an idea just how vast it is. There are quite a few artefacts to view from coins to medical equipment to religious statues. Polonnaruwa was the capital of Ceylon from the 11th to 13th centuries and saw the beginning of Buddhist arts and architecture in Sri Lanka. The first ruin we visited was the Inner Citadel, a royal palace (originally 7 storeys), the upper storeys were wooden so there are only the brick walls remaining. There is some evidence of plaster walls decorated ... read more
Swimming pool ruins
My favourite!

Asia » Sri Lanka » North Central Province » Polonnaruwa January 9th 2013

January 5...After finally getting my aunt on her way back to Vancouver (missed connection in Hong Kong due to late departure from Colombo, she then had to wait until next day to catch it), George and I were able to do a bit of sightseeing Saturday afternoon and Sunday morning. We visited the Gangaramaya Temple - apparently, the temple has never disposed of any items gifted to it, making the collection especially eclectic - I particularly liked the collection of ivory pieces and the the two cars out front! Biera Lake was nearby, so we walked over and saw a modest temple built out over the lake. Later Saturday afternoon, I experienced my first Sri Lankan train trip - a 20 minute or so journey south from Colombo took us to Mount Lavinia Hotel, the one-time ... read more
Gangaramaya Temple 2
Gangaramaya Temple 3
Gangaramaya Temple 4

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