Blogs from Sarawak, Malaysia, Asia - page 40


Asia » Malaysia » Sarawak » Kuching June 4th 2008

Arrived in Kuching late at night, but even in the dark this place seemed really welcoming...and we were not mistaken. Spent the rest of the next morning having a general mooch around this little city by the river and then headed off to the organutan rehabilitation centre ("they tried to make me go to rehab and I said no, no, no") in the afternoon. We knew it would be feeding time but because they have free roam of acres of land there is no guarantee of any of them turning up (banana overload). However we were pleasantly greated by around 10 hairy fella's which was great. They varied in age from 1 to 37 yrs old and the grumpy old lady orangutan had a tendency to bite people! They generally monkied around as you can ... read more
Monkeying around
Jacky and Jon go  native
How long do you go ...

Asia » Malaysia » Sarawak » Kuching May 21st 2008

We landed in Miri and headed for the long distance bus station, where we caught a night bus to Kutching, the capital of Sarawak. Kutching means 'cat' in Bahasa so I had high hopes for some kind of feline paradise. It turns out that while there once was an abundance of stray cats littering the Kutching streets, they have since been 'relocated' and all that is left in there wake is a few strange cat monuments and a cat museum. Still, it's more than can be found in most cities!... We arrived in the very early morning and wandered Little India and Chinatown before finding a gorgeous little home-stay to check into. After a quick nap in air-con bliss we hit the streets and explored the town. Kutching it turned out, is a really lovely city ... read more

Asia » Malaysia » Sarawak May 20th 2008

Tears, Treks and Tattoo’s Moonshine sings me to sleep, and sunshine calls me to wake. I get up on our final full day in the jungle. We´re off trekking for the last time, and our numbers are seriously depleted. Some people have lost control of their bowels, and jungle fever is rife. I´m still holding out for a hero, so doubt there´ll be any problems ahead, and even if the unexpected occurs, I´ll just find me a bush, like always. Today, we are virtually cut in half - Amy, Toby, Tom, Anita and Charlotte all have some kind of ailment that prevents them from making the hike. Those that are fit (up to a point) are Max, Sandra, Lisa, Jenny, Mandy and I. We get our shit together and head off, accompanied by Francis, Angune and ... read more
Resting After Seeing Orang's
Tattoo Pain
When Two Tribes Go to the Pub

Asia » Malaysia » Sarawak » Bako National Park May 19th 2008

Beste blogbezoekers, het is alweer ruim een maand geleden dat we elkaar nog eens tegenkwamen op dit kruispunt der virtuele snelwegen. Hoog tijd om jullie op de hoogte te brengen van wat we in die tijd zoal uitvraten. Een relatief korte busrit (5 uurtjes) bracht ons van Vang Vieng (alwaar de laatste blogpost eindigde) naar de hoofdstad van Laos, Vientiane. Wetende dat het onze laatste stop in Laos was deden we ons meermaal daags tegoed aan sticky rice, de landelijke specialiteit, bestaande uit zeer kleverige rijst en lekkere currietjes, meestal gegeten met de handen. Een gehuurd brommertje bracht ons naar het compleet bizarre buddha park, waar de meest vreemde boeddhabeelden en rikwisieten in een eclectisch allegaartje bijeen waren gebracht door een goed bemiddelde fanaticus. Beelden gaande van enkele decimeteres tot meters hoge giganten maakten van het ... read more
De raflesia die we zagen in Tambunan Park.
De lokale delicatessen (cuisine poubelle noemen we het nogal eens...).
Wilde orchidee in Kinabalu national park.

Asia » Malaysia » Sarawak » Gunung Mulu National Park May 16th 2008

Gunung Mulu National park, a UNESCO heritage site, is the largest national park in Malaysian Borneo and is famous for it's enormous cave network and variety of animal, insect and plant life. It's also very difficult to get to and from Sabah it's nearly impossible overland. So one very short prop plane journey later and we were arriving into the tiny air strip that serves the park and were checking into the hostel that would be home for the next few days. It was a really beautiful big room with huge windows and with an abundance of exotic insects hiding where you would most expect them! The National Park is mainly primary rainforest and, because it gets so much rain, the forest floor is very swampy. There is an extensive network of boardwalks and cement trails ... read more

Asia » Malaysia » Sarawak May 15th 2008

Rice Wine - Blowing Through my Mind Thurs 27/03 - 29/03/08 *Authors note - I´d like to extend thanks to all my jungle buddies, without whose contributions this blog would not have been possible, due to the booze sodden state of my poor, forgetful and badly damaged brain. Oooo-haaaa. We set off in the afternoon for our second trek. A short journey down the river takes us to the start of the trail; a steep climb up through the jungle. The clouds above speak of rain, and soon the droplets filter down through the trees. We walk for around half an hour. Although somehow I survived last night´s drinking without serious injury or morning hangover, I wasn´t able to stomach much breakfast, so I utilise my newly learned jungle skills, bending down to pick up green ... read more
Mail and Me
Jenny, Mail and Lisa
Look at My Arm

Asia » Malaysia » Sarawak May 13th 2008

We´ve Got Fun and Games 25/04 - 26/04/08 Morning breaks. We´re up early, ready for our first trek into the jungle. During the coming week, we will undetake three treks, in search of wild Orangutan. Francis explains that he will be on the look out for signs of ape life, such as nests, which the Orang build in trees. They never sleep in the same nest twice, moving on each morning. This is one reason why it is very hard to spot Orangutan. Francis tells us that only two groups out of fourteen have previously managed to see one, so the odds are against us having any success. We strap on our gear and make ready. Francis will be our guide, and Angune will accompany us as the main tracker, staying ahead of the group. We´re ... read more
Eating a Fat Grub
Leg Wrestling

Asia » Malaysia » Sarawak May 13th 2008

This blog is dedicated to all the primates, living and dead, who made our trip to Sarawak so memorable! We arrived in Sarawak on THE most environmentally unfriendly flight. There were only 9 passengers on the entire plane as Air Asia had just started flying the route that day. It did mean our luggage came out quickly though! We found a great hostel in Kuching after escaping an older man who had latched on to us on the plane and spent the whole trip talking about himself. We should have known he was bad news when his opening line was "I was travelling before you were born" and the conversation continued along the same vein for the next few hours. We use the word "conversation" losely as it was more of a monologue with questions inserted ... read more
David Was Not So Keen To Wee In The Bushes
A Very Cheeky Monkey
Has Anyone Seen My Comb?

Asia » Malaysia » Sarawak May 10th 2008

Welcome to the Jungle Mon 24/03/08 After a long bus ride, we arrive at Batang Ai (Big River) accompanied by our host and guide, Francis. We are met by members of the Iban tribe, and loaded into longboats for the trip down the river to our new home. These are my drunken, scribbled notes on the trip. Welcome to the Jungle. The boat is speeding along, away from civilization and deep, deep into the heart of the darkness. The air whistles by and my head spins. The sun shines down, and the dark green water stares up at us. My stomach feels empty. There is something inside that eats away, chewing and biting, hollowing me out like a virus. I feel like I am missing something. Part of me has fallen off and is floating away ... read more
Arriving at Night
Our Room
My New Hat

Asia » Malaysia » Sarawak » Kuching May 5th 2008

On our second week in Borneo we had planned to stay in another National Park in the Kuching area. However when we went to the Tourist Information we realised none of the other parks had restaurants which put us off. Instead we decided to stay in Kuching and do day trips to the attractions, as they were all quite close. Our first day trip took us to The Wind Cave, which was a 2hr bus ride from Kuching. We were very unprepared that day and forgot a torch so had to rent one from the little office, unfortunately it was running out of battery so wasn’t very bright. The closer we got to the cave the more it smelt, we could tell there was going to be a lot of bats! There were 3 cave ... read more

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