Blogs from Sarawak, Malaysia, Asia - page 15


Asia » Malaysia » Sarawak » Kuching July 31st 2011

Hello from Kuching. The city of the cat (Kuching means cat in Malaysia) and don’t they like to milk it (no pun intended) there are cat statues and cat souvenirs everywhere! It pretty much feels like home now as we have been here nearly 2 weeks pottering around, seeing the sites and waiting for a flight to Kula Lumpar after we jumped on a lovely 24 hour bus journey to get here from Brunei. The Sultans birthday was good although sadly he was apparently too busy to blow out all the candles on his many cakes and we did not receive any handouts of gold . He started the celebrations with a 8am parade and taking of the salute of all the troops (apparently if you are a sultan there is no such thing as a ... read more
birthday boy himself
sunset at kuching waterfront
some idiot at bako national park

Asia » Malaysia » Sarawak » Kuching July 30th 2011

Tuesday 12th July Travelling day to Kota Kinabalu. Wednesday 13th July Flight to Sandakan. On the local bus we chatted to a lady who asked if we'd like to go stay at her hotel. She was very friendly and was lovely. Shame her hotel was not. Nor was Sandakan. It reminded me of a town recovering from civil war. A lady also did her business in the street so it was quite like China as well. Thursday 14th July Went to Sepilok Orang-utans centre for morning feeding time and saw 3 Orang-utans one with a baby! So cute! Then booked to stay at Uncle Tan's jungle camp and got on a long tail boat and were amazingly lucky to see 2 wild Orang-utans, again one mummy with her baby! Wonderful. This trek was already totally with ... read more
Hanging about...
Jungle Lodgings
Lots of little monkeys!

Asia » Malaysia » Sarawak » Kuching July 4th 2011

Since arriving in Kota Kinabalu we have taken no less than five internal flights over the past three weeks and none of the flights have been longer than 1.5 hours. We found that flying in Borneo is relatively cheap and maybe we're getting a bit soft, but at this point we'd take an hour's flight over a bumpy 6 to 9 hour bus ride any day. Before our diversion to Brunei, we completed our time in Sabah by visiting the Sepilok Orang-utan rehabilitation centre. Having seen them in the wild, this was a chance to get a better appreciation for these primates up close. Yes, it's busy, full of camera-weilding tourists, but it's quite well done and here we could see more than simply an orange furry blob high up in the trees. Not quite the ... read more
Pit viper
Baby silver leaf monkey

Asia » Malaysia » Sarawak » Kuching June 12th 2011

After enjoying a much needed shower after returning from the national park and having lunch I checked out Kuching's art and craft shops. Most of what they sell is generally the same and most of that is cheap tacky souvenirs, but some of it is amazing art work just impossible to transport without breaking. After buying a few things and getting arty myself I headed down to the river for dinner at the 'Little Lebanon' restaurant. Not having a clue what I had ordered which is generally the case I was surprised when I received a plate of rice and then some fridge cold fish tasting rather sour serviced on a piece of lettuce, not sure whether it was nice or not I just ate it. Then had fried ice cream to change the taste in ... read more

Asia » Malaysia » Sarawak » Kuching June 11th 2011

Having debated about whether to spend a few days out at a national park the decision was made for me when the hostel didnt have any beds available for two nights. So with Zoe, Sally and Lee heading over to KK today i decided to spend two days relaxing at Matang Wildlife Center. Not really intending to do much as i wanted to rest my ankle before i attempt Mt Kinabalu next week but there are plently of wildlife there and they do feeding twice a day, which i thought would be enjoyable. The only problem was getting there. The only option to get there was either taxi or private minibus's which leave when full. Trying to get a private minibus the driver eventually turned up after half an hour of waiting and people telling you ... read more
Turtle Pond
Which direction?

Asia » Malaysia » Sarawak » Kuching June 9th 2011

Tuesday - we decided against eating at Top Spot as it was all pretty much seafood and we didn't fancy it; instead we ate laksa at a small local place, very tasty, complete with lime and sambal on the side for 5 ringgit each (one pound, 2 NZ$). Wednesday - didn't do much really. It didn't rain, second day in a row. We just wandered around India Street, visited a Hindu temple and Mac got a very good 10 ringgit haircut. Later we went back up towards India Street to eat at Little Lebanon, an arabic place mentioned in the Lonely Planet. It was a huge disappointment - the baba ghanoush tasted nothing like authentic baba ghanoush and the falafel tasted burnt on the outside, although the inside was pleasant enough and the tahini dip was ... read more
Hindu Temple 1
Hindu Temple 2

Asia » Malaysia » Sarawak » Kuching June 8th 2011

Who ever said getting a visa to enter any country is wrong! To get a 60day visa for Indonesia i had two options: get a 30day visa on arrival and then try ad extend it once in Indonesia or go to the Indonesian embassy while in Kuching and get a 60day visa straight up. So i thought while i have a few days here i could fit it in nicely. An hour later after been taken through every housing estate that side of Kuching i arrived at the Indonesian embassy along with my passport, flight confermation for leaving Indonesia and proof of funds. After filling out an application form and collecting my number i met one of the representatives where i had to write an intentions letter. 170rm and 4hrs later my application would be done ... read more
The long way out?

Asia » Malaysia » Sarawak » Kuching June 7th 2011

Yesterday we left Miri and flew to Kuching. I'd say the Dynasty hotel in Miri was by far the best we've stayed at on this trip, breakfast was top with so much choice, Asian and more conventional. It rained all morning in Miri, when we arrived in Kuching it was really bouncing off the pavements, relentless, the most rain we've seen in a single day. Not the usual 5 minute wonder! We were picked up at the airport by our hotel in Kuching, the Lime Tree - very nice too, smaller room and no fridge but plenty of citrus touches such as lime body and hair shampoo in the bathroom, a free lime juice on the rooftop terrace, lime coloured scatter cushions on the bed, a lime coloured mug to drink tea from and lime marmalade ... read more
Lime Tree Hotel
Paving stone
State Assembly building

Asia » Malaysia » Sarawak » Bako National Park June 6th 2011

Having been advised the Semennggah wildlife centre just outside Kuching is much less touristic then Sepilok in Sabah with an entry fee of just 3rm we had an early start to make the 7am bus for the first feeding between 9am and 10am. Although you are not guaranteed to see them we crossed our fingers and hoped! Arriving at the park we walked the 1.2 km to the feeding area. There is some great information on the start up of the centre, the family tree of the orang otangs, injuries they can cause (along with the graphic images), and their personalities. Having been the 1st to arrive we were hopeful there would be few visiters, but then the tour groups turned up! With kids. After a brief talk from the feeder he said we may see ... read more
Mr Grumpy, The Boss
Hut with a view
Secluded beach

Asia » Malaysia » Sarawak » Kuching June 6th 2011

Kuching is a city in Sarawak, a state in Malaysia that is on the northern coast of the island of Borneo. The geography is a bit confusing. Borneo is a huge island divided among Indonesia (the state of Kalimantan), Malaysia (two states), and the small country of Brunei. Kuching is the capital of one of the two Malaysian states, Sarawak. Kuching. Kuching is a great city. Malaysian Borneo seems very wealthy, maybe more so than the rest of Malaysia (which is quite wealthy in general). Kuching is a city of around 600,000. It's clean, green, calm, quiet, wealthy, orderly, uncrowded, and great for strolling. Pretty much the opposite of my experiences in India. Even the weather here seems noticeably different from South India. Yes, it's tropical rainforest weather here. But 95 with 100% humidity feels downright ... read more
Mom and Baby, Closeup
River Taxi and Mountains
Rainforest Tangles

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