Blogs from Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia, Asia - page 16


Asia » Malaysia » Sabah » Kota Kinabalu March 18th 2010

Kota- Awesome place. The week continued in the same vein, ie we drank and ate a lot, and did little. A visit to an orang-utang rehabilitation centre was necessary, where we got to watch 3 young (3-4yo) orang utangs come in to feed, or as we saw generally to swing around the trees as the local macaque population ate their food. They've been orphaned by the palm oil production and resultant destruction of rainforests, and these guys are raising multitude of orphans throughout the island every year. We also went on a sunset and fireflies cruise, which sounds a lot more romantic than the actual affair, which involved a local packing us into a small tinney, cruising down a rapidly widening river to its mouth, where we got off and watched the sunset, then spent the ... read more
Chilling with the Orang utangs
Cinta the cheeky monkey
Cat's ancestors

Asia » Malaysia » Sabah » Kota Kinabalu March 2nd 2010

Only kidding, but with so many people cursing us for having such great weather we thought it might make you all feel better! It was actually up in the mid 30s again, clear blue skies and a slight sea breeze, which was jolly welcome (and my lovely frozen cousin Christina - just be grateful you’re in Brum, not Scotland!!) There really isn’t much to say about today - we spent a glorious day lazing round the pool enjoying the wonderful view. We sat on our balcony with a couple of beers to watch the sun set for the final time on Borneo before setting off for our final crab supper. Yes, I know its very samey ... but it was too good to pass up! No doubt you’ll all be thrilled to know that the Tsunami ... read more
Sun Setting
Over Our Balcony...

Asia » Malaysia » Sabah » Kota Kinabalu March 1st 2010

Another long river boat ride this morning, but unfortunately no sightings of wild orang utans (or happy ones either, haw haw). We were going rather fast, but John still managed to get sight of, and photograph, some interesting birds. Soon we were back in Sandakan and in a coach up to a wonderful Chinese temple with a fantastic view over the Bay. There was actually a Buddhist ceremony taking place, so we didn’t go in, but spent a fascinating time listening to the chanting (it’ll never catch on). We then went on to a rather grand hotel for a fantastic buffet lunch. We sat outside looking enviously at the people in the pool. I was rather surprised to see a sign on the door to the restaurant saying ‘no alcohol allowed’ - we’d been allowed to ... read more
Ferrying Palm Oil
Purple Headed Heron

Asia » Malaysia » Sabah » Kota Kinabalu February 26th 2010

My how time flies. I can’t believe that I’m sitting in a 2 man (well 2 woman actually) camper van in New Zealand typing this and the Borneo and Australian part of my adventure is behind me and over!!!! I was so sad to leave Borneo. I loved everything about it; the people, the culture, the food and the wildlife, all of it amazing. I worked with a great set of people who worked very hard and the venturers were a fantastic group of young people. I miss them all. My last few weeks were just as enjoyable as the rest of my time on expedition and I managed to take a couple of days off with Amy, who had travelled out to Borneo for a couple of weeks, before continuing with me on the rest ... read more
Bukit Naga
Party Time
Pulau Tiga

Asia » Malaysia » Sabah » Kota Kinabalu February 26th 2010

That ever popular Asian saying just about sums up our day today. We did visit the tourist information yesterday just to make sure there wasn’t something else we should be doing, but the railway trip that Pete and Jeanette had recommended is closed at the moment and the only other trip they could suggest to Mount Kota Kinabalu left at 7am, so we thought hey! This calls for another day spent snorkelling on Sapi - and again being constantly amazed at life below the waves. The different types of coral make the seabed look like an suburban garden. The wonderful feeling as you submerge and look around, and then suddenly sea creatures can be seen everywhere - its a bit like looking at a 3D picture when the picture suddenly jumps out at you. And then ... read more
Butterfly on Beach
Fish Close to Shore
Amazing Rock Formations

Asia » Malaysia » Sabah » Kota Kinabalu February 25th 2010

Ever had one of those days that was so good you just wanted to do it all over again? Well for us, that was yesterday and guess what - we almost did! A few differences, we went to a different island, Sapi, it had monitor lizards, the laundry was open when we went to collect our stuff, we slept through the sunset, and the noodles at the Evening Food Stall weren’t quite as good as yesterday, but apart from that ... Sapi’s slightly smaller than the other islands but the beach was just as beautiful and we found a lovely shady spot under some trees to park ourselves. Quite close by a group of approximately ten Monitor Lizards had made their way out of the forest and onto the beach which made quite a sight. However, ... read more
Pacific Reef Egret Flies Off
As Does His Mate!
Going All Arty!

Asia » Malaysia » Sabah » Kota Kinabalu February 24th 2010

Today has been a good day. Today we went to the Tunku Abdul Rahman National Park. The Park comprises 5 beautiful offshore islands just offshore from KK. They have some of Borneo’s best beaches, crystal-clear water and some fairly healthy coral and tropical fish (ok - I’m copying some of that from the book again!). We discovered that they also have rubbish bins (that are used), good toilet blocks (very important to me!) and lots of picnic benches under the shade of trees. We set off early to visit the islands of Mamutik and Manukan (well, when we say early...!). The “ferry” over was more like a speedboat and as the beautiful beaches on the first island came into view, we knew we were in for a good day. Then we got into the water and ... read more
Another Colourful Bird
Some of the Many Fish

Asia » Malaysia » Sabah » Kota Kinabalu February 23rd 2010

Oh wow! We’ve arrived in Sabah, Borneo, and it really is something. I can see why Pete and Jeanette love it so much (although I shall never know how you managed to avoid eating seafood Jeanette!) We arrived in Kota Kinabalu (KK hereafter!) early this afternoon and quickly settled into our hotel, complete with doorman with a pith helmet, shorts and long socks. We then went off to find a laundry that could handle the rather huge pile of washing that had been accumulating! Luckily we managed to find somewhere that charges approx $1 per kilo, although the poor girl did look rather stunned when we loaded her counter up with carrier bags. We walked down to the waterfront and found the most amazing market area with open air food stalls selling bbq fish, prawns (huge, ... read more
Valerie will have the Big Prawn on the Left!
Fish Stall
Famous for its Sunsets

Asia » Malaysia » Sabah » Kota Kinabalu February 14th 2010

I only have a one way ticket to Kota Kinabalu and am worried AsianAir will not let me board the plane, I did some googling and some people said they are quite strict on this nowadays, so i was worried sick. I intend to travel overland to Brunei and Indonesian Borneo (Kalimantan)and I don't want to buy plane ticket when am not sure when I am ready to leave. At Manila(Clark) airport the guy on the check in desk did not ask for a RT or ticket out of Malaysia he is most concerned that I exceeded the 15 kgs weight limit for checked in luggage, mine clocked at 17.5 kg, I either have to pay up or lose the weight, so in front of everyone I started taking out things from the big pack, flip ... read more
beer nite out
Bah Gut Teh

Asia » Malaysia » Sabah » Kota Kinabalu February 3rd 2010

This blog could easily have been called 'shifting mud', because that's what we did for the first day after our day off in Sandakan. The flood had left a thick layer of dirt on the car park, which was hindering access to the jetty. So we cut a path for vehicles through the mess - an important job as Sabah's tourism minister was set to visit the following day. In the evening, it was time for our first English lesson with the village children. Luckily Nikki had some teaching experience and took charge, but the kids were riotous without parental control, and an offer of squash at the end nearly saw Conny losing her cool ('this is not fun! make a line!!'). One of the regular treats for working at MESCOT was the cultural shows put ... read more
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Photo 10

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