Blogs from Melaka City, Melaka, Malaysia, Asia - page 14


Asia » Malaysia » Melaka » Melaka City September 8th 2009

We went to a food court just near our hotel after exploring the town square - and after all that walking we were famished. Before I get into each dish we ordered, let me say something about Malaccan food in general. I don't think my brain's ever released as much pleasure chemicals or endorphins as it did when I was gettin' my eat on in Malacca. Every dish I ate gave my tastebuds a new gastronomic experience, awakening new regions of taste in my tongue, and sending me down a path of hedonistic pleasure. Yes I realize that may seem a tad hyberbole-esque, especially over something like chicken skewers...BUT STICK WITH ME HERE. Without further ado, here are the dishes I had the honor of putting inside my stomach: Mee Siam img= read more

Asia » Malaysia » Melaka » Melaka City September 8th 2009

We got a bit turned around during our tour of Malacca’s old quarter and weren’t entirely sure how to get to our next stop, the antique and curio district of Jonker Street. Given how small and centralized Malacca is, I’m not entirely sure how we accomplished this. I blame the disorientation on Red Bull and constantly looking through camera lenses while walking around. In any case, we decided to avail ourselves of one of the lavishly decorated trishaws which are ubiquitous in the Town Square. Covered with wreaths of flowers and often blaring pop music from oversized radios, the trishaws themselves are as much of an attempt to attract the attention of tourists as the drivers themselves, calling out destinations and prices to all who pass by. We found a cluster of trishaws an... read more

Asia » Malaysia » Melaka » Melaka City September 5th 2009

We went from Singapore to Melacca, in Malaysia. On the way to Melacca, and in Melacca, I, the Purple Cow, got culture shocked. Culture Shock #1: The Squatty Potty. I got my first little taste of culture shock when the bus stopped for a bathroom break. The place we stopped was sort of like a food court. It was a bunch of little stalls serving Asian food and a big open room full of tables. I went to the bathroom, or at least tried to. But potty wasn’t a regular potty, it was a squatty potty. You couldn’t sit on it. You had to squat over it, and it was built into the ground. I went back there by myself, and I saw it, and I thought, “What in the world is this? Purple Cows do ... read more
Shophouse Plus Me
Eating Indian Food
Patsy in the Streets

Asia » Malaysia » Melaka » Melaka City September 4th 2009

Melacca, Malaysia. By Paul A port city. Melacca is a port city on the west coast of Malaysia. It’s a historically rich city. If you take a look at a map, you’ll see why. Melacca sits right in the Straits of Melacca, a shipping lane through which everything going between Indonesia and China and India, the Middle East, and Europe used to have to go. Ships would hop from the Spice Islands (Indonesia) and China to Melacca. Ships would hop from India, from Arabia, and from Europe to Melacca. The two major monsoons, coming from India and through Southeast Asia, converge on Melacca. It’s been a major port and shipping route forever. A mixture of cultures. First the Indians came. So there’s a deep well of Hindu culture here. Then the Chinese, with Confucianism and Taoism. ... read more
Chinatown Shophouse
Chinatown Streetscene
Dutch Core Area

Asia » Malaysia » Melaka » Melaka City August 25th 2009

We had an impressive list of historical sites to hit up during our visit to the famed colonial city of Malacca. Thankfully, Malacca’s old city square is much as it was hundreds of years ago, with most of its attractions within spitting distance of each other. Our feet were happy when we informed them of how little traveling we’d need to do that day. Malacca was colonized by European powers no less than three times between its founding in the fifteenth century and Malaysian Independence: by the Portugese, Dutch and British. Unlike much of Malaysia, the architectural remnants of those colonial periods are still prominent in Malacca, making it the ideal place to literally walk though Malaysia’s history. img= read more

Asia » Malaysia » Melaka » Melaka City August 13th 2009

So we arrived from KL with Ade and Ellie in around two hrs. Was pretty uneventful apart from the very untimely flash flooding and storm!! So we get out of the bus and we have to run for shelter at possibly the most depressing bus station I've ever been in. Usual hassle from taxi drivers with their special"white and raining price". After a while we realized that the rain was not going to stop and so the boys went off to get us a cheaper ride and came back with a very friendly chappie in tow. We embarked on our endeavor to all pile into the same cab with all of our gear (there is never enough room for 4 backpacks!) and ended up pretty uncomfortable and then really wet also. The driver thought that my ... read more

Asia » Malaysia » Melaka » Melaka City July 16th 2009

Jueves en Malasia. La calor no da descanso desde el primer momento del día. Las calles rebosan de gente comiendo a todas horas. Nuestro destino de hoy es Melaka (Malacca), la antigua capital de Malasia. Para llegar cogemos un autocar de la compañia Transnasional en la caótica estación de autobuses de Puduraya, KL, que tarda dos horas en llegar por RM 52 I/V. Gracias a a su estratégica localización, a mitad de camino entre China y India, Melaka se convirtió en parada obligatoria en la ruta de las especies. Antigua ciudad Colonial Melaka tiene ruinas portuguesas, holandesas e inglesas que narran su historia. Primero visitamos Town Square donde topamos con la granate Christ Church construida con tochos traídos de Holanda. Los trickshaws inundan la plaza con su colorido surrealista, llevando incluso aparatos de música para llamar ... read more
Templo chino
St Paul Church

Asia » Malaysia » Melaka » Melaka City July 12th 2009

was gestern nicht erwaehnung fand, jedoch ansich nicht so unwichtig ist, ist ein bisschen geschichtliches, weil dadurch der grund unseres aufenthalts erklaert werden kann. zunaechst sei ueber melakka gesagt, dass es ab dem 15. jahrhundert ein wichtiger handelsposten war (unter anderem fuer gewuerze), so wichtig, dass die portugiesen hier im 16. jahrhundert ein fort, errichteten. 1641 waren sie auch schon wieder weg, nachdem die niederlaender die stadt belagert hatten. 1795 waren die briten am zug. ausserdem kamen im 15 jahrhundert chinesische siedler, die hier malaien heirateten und als baba-nonya bekannt sind. gestern abend musste noch am medan portugis, ein ort in melakka wo vermehrt nachkommen der portugiesen leben, die dortige fusionkueche gekostet sein. der indische taxifahrer schimpft ueber singapur, idiotische amerikaner, die ihr hab und gut in taschen mitnehmen, und stellt fe... read more
Der Kampf mit der Krabbe
St. Paul's Church

Asia » Malaysia » Melaka » Melaka City July 11th 2009

nach zwei zwischenstationen sind wir endlich angekommen. zuerst waere da der flughafen doha zu nennen, ein absolut uninteressanter ort, der ausser einem fastfoodrestaurant, welches nur alkoholfreies bier anbietet, nicht viel zu bieten hat, auf dem jedoch gut 2 stunden verbracht werden mussten. in singapur angekommen, wird hose (joseph) nach schweinegrippendetektorwaermebildkamerascreening und ausfuellen zweier formulare, wobei der leichte schnupfen verheimlicht wird, fast die einreise verweigert. "how can you travel with this passport? next time you come to singapur, you get a new one!" vermeldet die einreisetante, unter verweis auf das zugegebenermassen etwas in die jahre gekommene foto. ein kollege willigt schliesslich ein, nachdem die brille abgenommen und die auf dem foto anzutreffende grimasse nachgemacht ist. nach nicht mehr als 1 1/2 stunden sind wir aber auch schon wieder ... read more
Nanny State
Cloaca Maxima
Alt trifft neu

Asia » Malaysia » Melaka » Melaka City June 16th 2009

Melaka was our last destination in Malaysia and just a year ago was designated an UNESCO World Heritage site and today is awash with a plethora of museums and quirky little side streets to provide a couple of days of relaxed amusement. In its heyday in the Middle Ages, it was a major port, it's prime location meant it was commandeered by the Dutch, the Portugese and the English at various times and their influences are evident in the town's architecture. Hand in hand with the historic buildings comes the enormous shopping centres that befit a nation apparently obsessed with shopping. Melaka, even though a city, retains a small town charm with friendly locals providing a warm welcome. ... read more
Supermarket CCTV

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