Blogs from Laos, Asia - page 4


Asia » Laos » West » Vientiane October 12th 2019

October 12 – I slept a little better last night with earplugs. Our guy on the megaphone or microphone was out again this morning until almost 7am, and construction (more demolition) was happening on the building next door well before 7am, but I didn’t notice most of it. Becky and I headed down for fried noodles and fried rice for breakfast, respectively, at 7:30 and back up at 8am to finish packing. I paid the hotel bill and we were down just before 9am to wait for the minivan to pick us up. When it didn’t show by 9:10, we asked at the desk. He asked if I bought the ticket at the hotel, I said yes, and he phoned them for me. At least he tried – his phone did not seem to be connected ... read more
View from hotel room in Vang Vieng
View from hotel room in Vang Vieng
Vientiane hotel

Asia » Laos » West » Vang Vieng October 11th 2019

October 11 – Not such a great night of sleep last night. Becky and I both heard the dull thud of a slamming door several times last night, and Becky also had the pleasure of hearing someone throwing up at the same time. Somehow I missed that. Then at around 5:30 someone outside was on a megaphone talking, no idea what about, until 6:50am. Damn, that was annoying. We got up well before it ended, because what else could you do? Before breakfast, we had a problem with the safe and couldn’t get it open. I think it just wasn’t working for Becky. I went downstairs, told the front desk girl, she woke up the guy who woke better English, and he came up with me to see. It opened when I tried, but since he ... read more
Heading towards the caves
Nam Song River
Reclining Buddha in Elephant Cave

Asia » Laos » West » Vang Vieng October 9th 2019

October 9 – Our alarms were set for 5am today so we could get to the giving of alms for the monks that takes place between 5:30-6:00am every day. The monks leave the monastery and collect rice from people on the streets that have come to donate, which is traditional in Buddhist culture. We did not participate but watched from the other side of the road to be respectful, unlike some tourists who were right up in their faces taking pictures in shorts and tank tops. We met a med student from a nearby village called Villi who wanted to practice his English with us. He was very nice and showed us a video with a light festival and boat race that is happening next week. It looks very cool but we won’t be able to ... read more
Giving of alms
Giving of alms
Giving of alms

Asia » Laos » West » Luang Prabang October 8th 2019

October 8 – Sleeping pretty well, if not early enough. I had fried eggs for breakfast today with banana juice. The minibus for our day tour picked us up at 8:30, along with a retired Irish teaching couple from Cork and their daughter who also teaches in Hanoi. We were randomly switched to a different bus and given our official ticket, hand-written on what seemed to be a scrap of paper. Our tour guide was called Thin, and our first stop was Whisky Village, unofficially (I think) named due to the 50 proof rice whisky they produce. We had a small demonstration of the process and they had whiskey on sale, including some stuff “just for men” that had dead snakes and scorpions in it. We had some time to walk around the village before getting ... read more
Breakfast with Becky
Whisky making demo

Asia » Laos » West » Luang Prabang October 6th 2019

Saturday October 5 – I had a leisurely morning with Jeroen as my clothes were already packed. I did make a few changes, but overall it was fine. The biggest problem I had was not being able to find my residence permit for Switzerland, which I would need to get back home again. I know I had it in August, but I quickly realized the one I’d been carrying in my wallet was the one that had expired in August. I looked EVERYWHERE last night and was about to start again in the morning, when Jeroen said to give him my wallets to have a look. Of course, he found it in my travel wallet where I had already looked several times. After that, stress levels decreased. I didn’t have to leave until about 11:30am, so ... read more
Bangkok airport
Becky and me in the airport - let the adventure begin
Bangkok airport

Asia » Laos » West » Luang Prabang September 28th 2019

Na een paar uur vliegen landde ik in Vientiane. Ik moest ter plekke voor mijn visum betalen, alleen 1 probleempje: de geldautomaat voor de douane accepteerde mijn creditcard niet. Gelukkig hielp een hele vriendelijke medewerkster mij naar een geldautomaat vóór de douane die het wel deed en leidde mij daarna door een kleine security weer terug om het visum af te handelen. Met een goedkope bus kwam ik snel aan bij het hostel. Ik was nog te vroeg om in te checken, dus gooide ik mijn spullen neer en ging gelijk op verkenningstocht. Vientiane is om héél eerlijk te zijn niet een hele boeiende stad. Het heeft een aantal gebouwen die duidelijk Franse invloeden hebben (inclusief een boeddhistische variant op de Arc de Triomph), maar verder had ik de stad na 2 uur rondlopen wel gezien. ... read more

Asia » Laos » West » Vientiane July 4th 2019

After recently finishing up my year as a teacher in Hong Kong, I was excited (yet trepidatious) to dive in to my next adventure. I wasn't quite sure what to expect when I arrived in Laos. I've never travelled by myself, until now. Some of my friends recommended that I get jabs before I left - I didn't listen. I imagined the worst possible scenarios in my head - food poisoning, malaria, infected insect bites (again). In all honesty, I was scared. Most people who know me know that my sense of direction is pretty much zero, so I was about 99.7 percent certain that I'd get lost at some point too. I arrived 2 days a go. Sleep deprived, hungover, dazed and confused. I managed to haggle a taxi to the hostel for 60000 Kip ... read more

Asia » Laos April 11th 2019

I won't write a blog for every single place I visited in Laos, because there's not much to say and not much I've seen. It could be just bad luck and the drama that came with it, but I didn't find it a very interesting country. First of all, I felt ripped off the very first day I arrived. When we took the bus bus from Chiang Mai to the border, we had to get a tuk tuk to the actual border, because the bus wasn't going there. Then at the border you have to take a bus to cross the bridge. There is no other option and you're not allowed to walk. On the other side, the dollars we used were too old or something, so we had to pay in another currency which costed ... read more
In the mountains
In the mountains

Asia » Laos » West » Vientiane April 5th 2019

ET L’ENVIRONNEMENT DANS TOUT CA ??? Arrivée à Vientiane, capitale du Laos. C’est l’heure de la sieste, dimanche après-midi. Les rues sont désertées. La ville étant déjà plus que tranquille habituellement, c’est aujourd’hui l’assoupissement général. Il fait une chaleur de gueux, soleil impitoyable, au zénith il laisse peu de possibilités d’ombre, plus de 40 degrés au réel, 153° en ressenti ! Au moins… Si le réchauffement climatique atteint ces parages, force les limites, et il n’y a pas de raison au contraire, je crains les dégâts. Il a toujours naturellement fait très chaud dans ces pays à certaines saisons. Les saisons sont au nombre de deux, saison sèche chaude ou très chaude, pendant laquelle il peut pleuvoir, et saison des pluies, également chaude ou très chaude, pendant laquelle il peut pleuvoir beaucoup. Je me retourne sur ... read more

Asia » Laos » West » Luang Prabang March 29th 2019

LES PLAISIRS MINUSCULES Vincent Delerm a commis avec bonheur sa « première gorgée de bière et autres plaisirs minuscules » expression des petits plaisirs de la vie sous forme de courts chapitres, formule qu’il a surutilisé par la suite jusqu’à l’overdose. Reste que ce premier bouquin, surprenant, était bien jouissif et étonnant de justesse. Ces moments de plaisirs souvent infimes et intimes enjolivent le quotidien, brillent les pupilles, ravissent les papilles, réjouissent les ouïes et frissonnent les épidermes. La vie sans eux serait certainement triste. Trop futiles, les plaisirs minuscules, fort éloignés du CAC 40, des complexes relations internationales ou de la crise bancaire, provoquent sans doute les dîners mondains prompts au dédain et à la condescendance. Voyager, c’est aussi s’offrir ces plaisirs simples tout petits, minuscules à retourner les sens et resurgir les émoti... read more

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