Blogs from Pakxe, South, Laos, Asia - page 9


Asia » Laos » South » Pakxe July 30th 2006

Silence is golden We have fled the stench and noise of Phnom Penh. Now we find ourselves in the relative tranquility of Laos. We arrived yesterday after another epic bus journey, and Laos is a refreshing change from the other countries we’ve visited so far. People seem to be warmer, more genuine and there is much less traffic. We love it! Our travelling companions On Cambodian buses we had to endure an endless supply of awful pop music. The rail network is even worse than the roads, so buses are popular. Unfortunately, on any long-haul journey in Cambodge, the driver puts on a DVD of one of two things: slapstick comedy sketches, or a relentless chain of karaoke music videos from Cambodia’s answer to Robbie Williams. The former option cracks up the locals. The latter makes ... read more
our final Cambodian sunset
one of Fishman's offspring
another of Fishman's offspring

Asia » Laos » South » Pakxe July 27th 2006

A surprisingly comfortable overight journey (made bearable by copious snacking) saw me arrive in Pakse - the transport hub of the South. As you may well guess, anywhere that is defined as a transport hub doesn't really have that much going for it and Pakse is no exception. It's a town with a strange, deserted atmosphere. The roads are wide and in good condition but theres no traffic and the market is fairly new three-storey building which is only half full of shops. It's almost as if they expected a big boom in trade or tourism which never quite happened. I decided, however, that it was worth hanging round for a couple of nights for the sake of visiting the Bolaven Plateau. The plateau is an area of high ground (duh) to the West of Pakse ... read more
Children smoking at animist minority village
Child with (her?) coffin
Children being children (much more like it)

Asia » Laos » South » Pakxe July 2nd 2006

The overnight bus was good!!! We arrived in Pakse around 6:30 and were greeted by the usual onslaught of touts, needless to say, they all got blown out!!! We booked into a hotel with an Australian couple called Jonathan and Kylie, that we had bumped into last night. The day was really uneventfull as I, Andy was feeling rough. Maybe lack of sleep, the cold last night and lack of water. We had a bit of internet time and booked a tour for tomorrow to Wat Champasak, the oldest Angkor temple. Older than the ones in Cambodia. Later thet night we watched the England game. OUT AGAIN!!!!!, we did play good with ten men though. But the penalties were rubbish, eh??? 2nd of July Last night we heard the loudest thunder EVER!!! It actually shook the ... read more
A tree that was burnt for light.
Ruins in the forest.
More old ruins.

Asia » Laos » South » Pakxe April 25th 2006

We had a bit of a treat travelling down from Vientiane to Pakse - we travelled in relative luxury on an overnight VIP bus! It was perfect until they woke us up at 5.30am with blaring loud Laos Karaoke videos - argh!!!! Also, poor Matt didn't get much sleep as an older French man decided to take the seat next to him and was getting a bit too close during the night.........we've never heard Matt get angry at someone before! Anyway, after breakfast at the local Pakse curry house (very yummy Murtabak), we set off to the local bus station to get the local bus to Tat Lo waterfall in the Bolovan Plateau, famous for it's coffee. Local buses are always entertaining as you never really know what to expect. We're usually the only foreigners and ... read more
Stef and Matt waiting for the bus to depart
Little Chef, Laos Style ;-)
The view from our bungalow

Asia » Laos » South » Pakxe April 1st 2006

We're not in Thailand. Our flight had to circle FOREVER and then when we finally landed (and it was the scariest landing I've ever had to go through) we had to land in Laos. Oh yes, Laos. So we're waiting to get back on a flight to get us to Bangkok. We'll blog soon.... read more

Asia » Laos » South » Pakxe March 29th 2006

PAKSE.....MEKONGSTADT......UND STUETZPUNKT UM DIE REGION ZU ENTDECKEN....... ist eine quirlige, eine sehr angenehme stadt. hier hat man als traveller eine breite auswahl was das essen betrifft, was daher kommt, dass hier viele verschiedene leute leben. laoten, chinesen, vietnamesen und inder sowie ein paar europaeer. jede gruppe praesentiert eifrig ihre kultur und somit gibt's von lao laab ueber indisches curry, von baguettes bis zu nudelgerichten, steak und pizza fuer jeden geschmack was zu finden. spezialitaet ist der kaffe, der nicht weit von pakse gepflanzt wird und von 3 bis 4 plantagen auch in der stadt verkauft wird. beste arabica- und robustabohnen, der grossteil geht in den export, hauptsaechlich nach frankreich. absolut sehenswert sind die maerkte sowie einige tolle tempel. der sonnenuntergang in den mekong unterstreicht die relaxte atmosphaere, die wir in allen mekongstaedt... read more

Asia » Laos » South » Pakxe March 18th 2006

SAVANNAKHET.....2t GROESSTE STADT LAO'S.....MIT BEEINDRUCKENDEM HINTERLAND! die 120tausend einwohner, die sich aus ethnischen lao, vietnamesen und chinesen zusammensetzt, gehen es genauso gemaehchlich an wie ueberall in laos. die stadt wiederum ist gepraegt von franzoesischer kolonialarchitektur, gemischt mit vietnam style. das sieht manchmal so aus wie in einer westernstadt! auch savan' liegt direkt am mekong und wir beobachten daher dasselbe flussleben wie in vientiane oder thakhek. vormittags herrscht meist eine gewisse geschaeftigkeit in der stadt, gegen mittag wird's ruhig. die hitze, die von tag zu tag das quecksilber der thermometer hoeher steigen laesst, fordert ihren tribut. das ohnehin schon langsame land bremst sich noch mal um eine stufe ein, alle warten auf die daemmerung. auch die stechbegierigen moskitos, fuer welche der sonnenuntergang ein geheimer wecker sein muss,... read more

Asia » Laos » South » Pakxe March 13th 2006

SABBAI DEE..... IN THE LAND OF BUDDHA, DEM MEKONG UND EINER VIELFALT, DIE MAN SELTEN FINDET..... wir waren vor sechs jahren das erste mal hier in diesem aussergewoehnlichen teil asiens und laos war fuer uns das highlight der einjaehrigen reise quer durch suedost-asien. weil wir damals den norden bereisten, wollten wir uns diesmal den sueden ansehen. .............also haben wir den nachtzug direkt von bangkok nach nong khai an die grenze zu laos genommen. frueh morgens angekommen, im "danish coffee house" das fruehstuecksbuffet gepluendert, mit der psk- bankomatkarte noch schnell thai baht aus dem automaten gezogen und schon sassen wir im "jumbo" (sowas wie tuk tuk, nur ein halbes motorrad vor die kabine geschweisst!) richtung freundschaftsbruecke, ueber welche man den maechtigen mekhong river ueberquert. total easy grenzuebertritt und jicky legte sofort mit ihrem laotisch los! habe... read more

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