Blogs from Kyrgyzstan, Asia - page 29


Asia » Kyrgyzstan January 4th 2008

My First Week in Kyrgyzstan I’ve now been in Kyrgyzstan for close to a week. I’ve really enjoyed my time here. Life here is so different than in the states. There have been a lot of surprises for better and for worse. So much has happened in the past six days that I am not sure where to start. I arrived in Kyrgyzstan at 6am on Saturday. I was very excited to finally step off the plane and meet Rahat. As we neared Bishkek, though, I learned that the temperature in Bishkek was -20 degrees Celsius. I was wondering if my Russian coat would be warm enough for the Bishkek. As we landed, and I looked out of the window, Kyrgyzstan looked like how I would imagine Antartica-the ground was completely covered in snow that is ... read more

Asia » Kyrgyzstan » Osh November 18th 2007

das letzte hallo aus kirgistan! sind gerade noch in osh, sued-kirgistan, an der grenze zu usbekistan und nicht weit von tadjikistan. obwohl wir einigen mitgeteilt haben wir wuerden heute schon auf dem weg nach china sein haben wir gestern abend, nach einigen bier und viel tanzerei (es war "student day" in osh!) entschieden den heutigen tag etwas ruhiger angehen zu lassen. also keine ruckelige maschrutkafahrt, kein kurviges aus dem fenster gucken sondern fruehstueck am fluss und danach einen kaffefe in der sonne. heute nachmittag haben wir nach einigen ungereimtheiten und den ueblichen verstaendigungsproblemen doch noch herausgefunden das eventuell morgen frueh um sieben vielleicht die moeglichkeit besteht mit einem oeffentlichen verkehrsmittel nach sary tash (kleines kaff auf dem weg nach china) zu kommen. wir werden sehen und sind gespannt! osh gefaellt uns sehr, endlich rich... read more

Asia » Kyrgyzstan » Karakol November 13th 2007

Hallo nach Deutschland oder sonstwohin (irland, laos usw.) Wir sind von unserem ersten nennenswerten Ausflug in die Natur Zentralasiens zurueck in Bishkek. Am Freitag den 9.11 sind wir ziemlich frueh in Richtung Issyk Kuul Lake aufgebrochen. Wie vor jeder bisherigen Abfahrt wurde uns mal wieder mantra-maessig prophezeiht wir wuerden uns im osten Kirgistans den "arsch abfrieren". Am morgen unserer Abreise sah es zunaechst so aus als wuerde sich diesmal diese wiederkehrende Vorwarnung bewahrheiten - ca. 20cm Neuschnee in 1 1/2 stunden - Bishkek war ploetzlich weiss! Nach anfaenglich kleinkindhafter Freude ueber die fallenden Flocken sickerte nur langsam eine Ahnung zu uns durch was genau Schnee in Kirgistan bedeuten kann. In der Erwartung an dem hoeher und zwischen sehr sehr hohen Bergen gelegenen Issyk Kuul Lake eine winterliche Landschaft mit all den dazu gehoerigen Reisetueck... read more
Zweit groesster Viehmarkt
Red mountain

Asia » Kyrgyzstan » Bishkek November 7th 2007

hallo an alle, sind gerade, wie erwaehnt in bischkek der hauptstadt kirgistans. die prophezeihungen das wetter betreffend haben sich bis jetzt nicht bewahrheitet - es sind in der sonne so um die 20 grad, also warm genug fuer t-shirt und ein bier in der sonne. bishkek gefeallt uns gut, ganz anders als in den bisherigen staedten ist hier richtig was los. vielleicht liegt es daran dass kirgistan keine diktatur ist oder an der sehr russischen mentalitaet der leute. wir werden uns die naechsten tage erstmal hier entspannen, in sauna und oper (heute abend!) gehen und informationen fuer die weitere reise einholen. der plan ist es zunaechst an den yssyk kuul see zu fahren und darauf zu hoffen, dass die umgebung noch nicht zu eingeschneit ist um einige ausfluege zu unternehmen. danach fahren wir erstmal wieder nach ... read more

Asia » Kyrgyzstan » Bishkek November 5th 2007

wie in unserem letzten beitrag angekuendigt haben wir uns in der letzten woche usbekistan verlassen und kasachstan zum zweiten mal erreicht. nach einer angenehmen und bereits gewohnten zugfahrt von bukhara nach taschkent haben wir eine ziemlich zeitintensive grenzueberquerung ueber uns ergehen lassen muessen. nicht das wir nicht mit wartezeiten gerechnet haetten, es war auch nicht die zeit das eigentlich problem, sondern die umstaende wie diese wartezeit zustande kam. ich sage nur "sowjetisches schlange stehen" geht anders als man das so gewohnt ist. der begriff "schlage" trifft es auch nicht ganz, vielmehr "haufen" , "klumpen" oder "gedraenge". die faehigkeit dieses richtig durchzuziehen duerfte in jahrelanger uebung zustande kommen, so vier deutsche koennen da nicht mithalten. wir hatten das zwar schon auf der einreise mit erleben duerfen, dieses mal war es aber schlimmer, viel... read more

Asia » Kyrgyzstan » Osh October 25th 2007

As planned, we left the urban life to discover the countryside of Kyrgyzstan. We took a mashrutka (minibus) from Bishkek to Karakol in the Issyk-Kul region. Issyk-Kul, at a height of 1800m, is the world's second-largest alpine lake (after Lake Titicaca) and moderates the climate around the lake in winter and summer. Karakol itself is a few kilometers behind the lake but it is Kyrgyzstan's fourth largest city and a hub for hikers and climbers. Although a city, it lacks of any urban infrastructure. Many roads are unpaved in the middle of the "city" and a lot of garbage is burnt every night leaving a dusty cloud over the city. Actually, exept Bishkek and Osh, the country is very rural and people live in quite poor conditions. Some families don't have a shower and toilets are ... read more
Hike to Altyn Arashan
Yak Tours Hotel in Altyn Arashan
Yurt in Altyn Arashan

Asia » Kyrgyzstan » Bishkek October 9th 2007

We write you this entry from Bishkek, where we finally arrived last Thursday. As you can imagine, we were a bit nervous at the airport in Mashhad! The guy at the check-in first looked for Kirghiz visas in our passports, but this time we had the magic letter (see previous entry) that allowed us to board the plane! We also had the pleasure to see our Kirghiz "friend" there, but we weren't very motivated to talk to him! At Bishkek airport, we received one-month visas without problem in 15 minutes! Thanks to Vali (who has just received his official tourist guide card - not so easy to get in bureaucratic Iran), we spent a wonderful last day in Iran. He took us to the small village of Binalud, where we could meet some local people and ... read more
Binalud - Caravanserai with Mercedes
Binalud - Young Iranian Lady
Binalud - Young Iranian boy

Asia » Kyrgyzstan » Osh August 26th 2007

Hello, everyone! We are wrapping up an excellent trip in Kyrgyzstan... lots of trekking, climbing, eating, meeting new friends, learning new languages! As you can imagine, the internet here in Asia is a little more difficult than earlier in our roadtrip, where we had our own laptop, electricity everywhere, and free Wifi! Regardless, we have posted a few entries about our Kyrgyz experience - breaking up into the different segments of our trip so far. The pictures are a bit slower to add, but in the next few days, we will try to add more (so look back over old posts for new stuff). The short version of Kyrgyzstan - Philippe had three weeks in the Karavshin (this isn't posted yet... sorry), we did a six day trek outside of Karakol, we camped in the ... read more

Asia » Kyrgyzstan » Ala Archa August 22nd 2007

Our next adventure was about 35 km from Bishkek... climbing in Ala Archa. Because our previous unsupported trek was six days, we ate most of the food we brought with us. So this time... we took up the kitchen sink, hiring a porter to help carry up our things. We planned to stay for seven days and climb both rock and alpine routes , so there was a lot of food and gear. Toby and Scott, new friends we met through the Alpine Fund (non-profit organization that takes kids climbing) came with us - so it was a little bit of a party. The hike in was about 5 hours of up, up, up. Packs were heavy, but eventually, all of our stuff arrived at the Ratsek Hut, where there's a little tent city, friendly Russians, ... read more
Scouting routes on Free Korea Peak
Rachel on the summit of Korona

Asia » Kyrgyzstan » Bishkek August 20th 2007

After some relaxing days in Osh with its nice and big market and its lively and pleasant atmosphere (at least in daytime), I headed off alone towards Kyrgyzstan's north, out of the Ferghana valley, which is mostly populated by Uzbeks (thanks to Stalin it's part of Kyrgyzstan though) to the Kyrgyz heartland. Once in Bishkek, I had to solve some money-transfer problems which forced me to stay longer than planned in this modern and quite pretty city that's turned into a terrifying place at night by drunk Kyrgyz, Kazhak and Russian men. Without the intention to scare anyone, just some stories from me and people I personally met in the 5-7 days I was there: one French traveler was beaten up for nothing, they broke his jaw and he had to fly home Alastair, my English ... read more
Lake Yssyk Kul
my ride through the valley
Picknick in the mountains

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