Blogs from Mt Fuji, Shizuoka, Japan, Asia - page 10


Asia » Japan » Shizuoka » Mt Fuji October 21st 2007

Alright, I've been getting a lot of the same questions lately, so I'm going to try to get them all answered in one fell swoop: Yes, No, twice, 24 and a half, With an elephant (obviously), Only for a brief period in the early 90's, and no I have not forgotten about travelblog. Much to my chagrin, I have discovered that classes are extremely detrimental to creating interesting stories. However, hearing that this is the reason I have not written in a travelblog in some time is much to my parent's delight, I believe. Classes are chugging along quite steadily, though the weeks have been peppered with vacations, so I don't think I've had a solid week of classes yet, which is interesting. I'm taking three Japanese language classes, one on culture and history, one on ... read more
Fuji Q Entrance
Post Water-ride
Good Idea, Bad Idea...

Asia » Japan » Shizuoka » Mt Fuji September 8th 2007

Hakone is a town near Mt. Fuji. There is a system of gondolas that carry you from Hakone to Lake Ashi. Once at Lake Ashi, there is a ferry that will take you across the lake. The view in this area is spectacular. We will let the pictures speak for themselves. We also stayed at the Hyatt in Hakone, which had incredible accomodations. It was also a spa, so we both had 90 minute full body fruit oil massages. Heaven can wait. ... read more

Asia » Japan » Shizuoka » Mt Fuji September 5th 2007

We stayed at Mount Fuji for 5 nights. This was 4 nights camping and 1 night on the volcano in a hut. Our camp site was very empty, at times it was only us there! This was good as we could do as we pleased, music on loud, singing along and cooking in the real outdoors. The site over looked Lake Kawaguchi (the largest lake around Fuji). Up on Mount Fuji we stayed in a hut with many many other climbers. This was a great experience. Not much sleep though...... maybe 45mins, i had! See the photos! It was all a bit crazy really, climbing a mountain higher than any in the UK, what was i thinking!??? Oh 3 times higher than any mountain in the uk!!!!! Crazy. But we have seen the sunrise standing on ... read more
It's this way to the campsite!
Mount Fuji
Home for 4 nights

Asia » Japan » Shizuoka » Mt Fuji September 3rd 2007

Putting my feeling into words will not do my experience of climbing Mt Fuji any justice..... It was the most amazing yet exhuasting thing I have ever done in my life. I have never felt so many emotions one after the other, hour after hour. Every step I took brought a new feeling, my mind was overflowing with them. I went through stages of feeling inspired, exhilerated, delpeted, harmonious, invigorated and like my body was ready to shut down. Up the Mountain We Went After a delay in traffic and a few wrong turns Kate and I arrived at Kamaguchi 5th station about half 3. We did a little strip in the car park and headed very excitedly to purchase our walking stick, everyone said to get one as it would help you up the mountain ... read more
5th station Kawaguchiko all ready to go
Cate looking fresh....
A little exercise anyone, Tasio

Asia » Japan » Shizuoka » Mt Fuji September 2nd 2007

I have not yet had free time enough to sit and add all the pictures and write about the events of the past weekend, but since some manner of futuristic rogue cyborg mosquito is currently terrorizing my bed area and preventing me from sleep, now seems as good a time as any to get a-postin. That thing has to have a freaking cloaking device. I cannot find it for the life of me. But I'm getting bitten, that's for durn sure. Anyway, Thursday we woke up bright and early to go toe to toe with the one and only Mt. Fuji. Originally we'd planned to climb up part of the way on Thursday, and then stay overnight, and climb to the top to see the sunrise on Friday. Plans changed for whatever reason and we ended ... read more
The peak of Fuji
The View From Fifth Station

Asia » Japan » Shizuoka » Mt Fuji August 18th 2007

Pendant que Phil a passe la journee a Kawaguchi-ko, moi j'ai escalade le Mont Fuji, le plus haut sommet du Japon! En fait, je suis partie de la 5e station, a 2305 m, pour voir le lever du soleil a partir du sommet, a 3776 m. Je suis partie au debut de l'apres-midi et quand je suis arrivee a la 5e station, wow, on est au dessus des nuages! J'ai commence la montee vers 13h15. Malheureusement, on ne voit pas le sommet du mont, lui aussi cache par les nuages. J'ai monte, monte, monte, toute la journee. Le parcours etait a mi-chemin entre de la randonnee et de l'escalade... En fait, c'est generalement des grosses roches, ca fait un peu comme un escalier, mais moins organise. Comme il y a beaucoup de monde, c'est presque une ... read more
5e station
dans le ciel!
file d'attente

Asia » Japan » Shizuoka » Mt Fuji August 3rd 2007

Look in a mirror and you won't see yourself; you'll only see a reflection of your outer appearance. Challenge yourself, your mind, your body, your courage, your strength, endurance, and patience; only then will you glimpse the self you look for when you gaze at a mirror.... read more
Fuji Group
Fuji Typhoon Group
Fuji Sunrise

Asia » Japan » Shizuoka » Mt Fuji June 4th 2007

Mt Fuij - Japan Asia » Japan » Fuji san By FemkeWillemtravelsJune 4th 2007Femke&Willem we vertrekken om 7:00 am vanuit tokyo op weg naar kawaguchiko, waar vandaan je naar het 5e station van Mt Fuij komt. Het officiele klimseizoen is juli en augustus. Japanners blijken zich hier graag aan de regels te houden en klimmen alleen in deze 2 maanden. Buiten deze 2 maanden is deze ook te beklimmen volgens de reisgidsen dus plannen wij een volgende zonsopgang voor op deze indrukwekkende vulkaan. We kopen zelfs nog een tweede hoofdlamp (was voornamelijk snachts lopen) en nemen lekkere dikke kleren mee. Aangekomen blijkt er toch nog teveel sneew te liggen en dat ... read more
Mt Fuij
Mt Fuij
Mt Fuij

Asia » Japan » Shizuoka » Mt Fuji May 16th 2007

Today, we left Tokyo and drove out to Mt. Fuji. The first stop was a rest area near the base of the mountain, offering a good view of the mountain. The bus then drove us up the mountain to a point about halfway up, at an elevation around 7,000 ft. We then went to Lake Yamanaka, and had lunch there. I found some beef curry and rice again, which was becoming my favorite and most consumed dish in Japan. Then, we went to Lake Ashi. We took a gondola from Lake Ashi (elevation around 2,000 ft) up to Mt. Komagatake, elevation 1,327m/4,353ft. Unfortunately, the weather took a turn for the worse, with windy and cloudy conditions developing, obscuring what was supposed to have been a magnificent view of Mt. Fuji to the right, and the Pacific ... read more
Yours Truly with Mt. Fuji
Another view of  Mt. Fuji

Asia » Japan » Shizuoka » Mt Fuji October 28th 2006

Impresionante montana con una forma perfectamente conica cubierta de nieve en el nivel superior. Simbolo nacional y lugar de peregrinacion desde antano (como el camino de Santiago pero a lo japones). English Great mountain with a perfect cone shape and covered with snow on it's peak. National symbol and place where a lot of japanese pilgrims come from all over Japan.... read more

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