Blogs from Flores, Indonesia, Asia - page 13


Asia » Indonesia » Flores March 8th 2009

In October 2004, the journal Nature broke the news to the world that an Australian Archaeologist, Michael Morwood, then from UNE, Australia, had the year previously discovered “a new small-bodied hominim” that had lived from 74000 to 13000 years ago, on the Indonesian island of Flores. This was astounding news. Someone, I believe the editor of Nature later in an interview said something like “If someone had told me that a fully manned spacecraft from outer space had just been discovered, I would not have been any more surprised”. An almost complete skeleton of one adult female had been found, and various parts of nine others, along with associated stone tools. The media fuelled the popular imagination that there might still be some of these little creatures out there, digging up legends from locals about how ... read more
Ruteng - traditional village
Ruteng - traditional village

Asia » Indonesia » Flores March 3rd 2009

I’m writing this offline sitting off the back of a ferry, which might not be a great idea as a small crowd has gathered behind me, I guess by how they react to this I’ll see if they can read English or not. My ferry ticket said that the ferry leaves at 04:00, and the office told me to be there at 02:00. So I dutifully arranged a car to pick me up at 01:30 for the half-hour drive. When I got there we were met by a young guy in jeans and a T-shirt who told us that the ferry would now leave at 07:00. So that was a trip all the way back again, and arranging for the guy to meet me again at 06:00, and a few hours’ sleep, woken up as someone ... read more
Larantuka - elections

Asia » Indonesia » Flores » Labuanbajo February 20th 2009

By Fokker to Flores to see the Komodo Dragons Sunday 15th February 2009 We got to Dempasar airport from Padangbai after a two hour journey with a driver who believed that a single white line in the centre of the road approaching a roundabout uphill with heavy oncoming traffic meant one had to overtake! On arrival at the domestic air terminal we asked for two tickets for the midday flight to Labuan Bajo in Flores. The conversation went something like this… Girl in Booth: “No, you cannot go!” Me: “Is it fully booked?” GIB: “Not booked” Me: “Can we buy two tickets then?” GIB: “No” Me: “Why not?” GIB: “You not go today you go tomorrow” Me: “We would like to go today, please. There is a flight at 12.10” GIB: “No” Me: “Is there a ... read more
Flores Straight
Labuan Bajo Harbour
The green green hills of Flores

Asia » Indonesia » Flores » Labuanbajo December 25th 2008

Labuanbajo (Flores) Aaaah... Even een paar dagen geen busreizen en waardeloze hotels. We hebben genoten van drie dagen duiken in Komodo National Park. Al bij voor het inschrijven voor het duiken hoorden we verhalen van grote hoeveelheden manta's in de wateren rond Komodo. Niets was minder waar; we hebben een aantal geweldige duiken gemaakt met grote scholen vissen, haaien en manta's (zie blog: duikfoto's Indonesie). Op een duikstek, genaamd 'airstrip', lagen de manta's in rijtjes in de stroming om het planktonrijke water langs hun kieuwen te laten stromen. Voor ons een flinke inspanning; op sommige plekken was de stroming zo sterk dat onze wangen gingen flapperen! Rinca Op Rinca leeft de grootste populatie Komodovaranen in de wereld (we horen jullie denken: 'was dat niet op Komodo?') en besloten een duiktochtje te combineren met een bezoekje aan ... read more
Schaalmodel Gunung Rinjani
Porter en Gids
Bas de bioloog

Asia » Indonesia » Flores » Labuanbajo December 15th 2008

Makassar Een grote stinkende stad. De drie na grootste stad in Indonesie stelt niet veel voor; met zijn 15 miljoen inwoners verwacht je wel wat meer.. We blijven hier gelukkig maar een dag, en voor het eerst in tijden eten we een pizza (zonder tomatensaus, wel een beetje raar). De volgende dag kunnen we de ferry nemen naar Maumere, Flores. We kopen een kaartje voor de 3e klas, want economie (lees: slapen tussen de kartonnen dozen) is toch wel een beetje smerig. Maumere Op de ferrytocht komt Eva er achter dat je zelfs op een enorme boot zeeziek kan worden. Met alle heftige busreizen en boottochten vliegen de primatour-pilletjes er door heen. De boottocht verloopt rustig en al de volgende ochtend komen we aan op Flores. Maumere is een tiental jaren geleden door een Tsunami getroffen, ... read more
Kratermeer Kelimutu
Op het randje van de afgrond
Waterval Moni

Asia » Indonesia » Flores » Rinca October 27th 2008

Greetings all!  The last week has been a whirlwind of boats, dragons!, sunrises, and deserted beaches ringed with coral.  We spent the first part of the week with eighteen fellow travelers aboard the vessel KLM Salawasi on a three-day trip from Lombok to Flores, via Komodo and several smaller islands.  The first evening, we watched the sun set and ate a dinner of just-caught fish around a campfire on a tiny private island shadowed by Lombok's highest volcano.  Our mellow was harshed, however, when the crew had us sit together by nationality (we were the only Americans) and told us that the night's entertainment would be each group performing a song from their country.  For a minute we thought no one would bother, but we realized we needed to get to work when the French group ... read more
Sunrise over the Komodo Islands
On the beach at our own private island

Asia » Indonesia » Flores October 15th 2008

Its kind of like apples without oranges, Santa without his scary little elves, the Lone Ranger without Tonto, or in some obscure way, God without El Diablo. The story of our time spent on the Indonesian island of Flores would not be complete without first mentioning the time we did on her neighbor, Sumbawa. Having spent just under twenty-four hours on the Island That Shade/Rain Forgot, I am hardly the expert, but when 21.5 hours starts to feel more like a month, you know that it is time to move on. On an island with a landmass larger than Bali and Lombok combined, which is to say that you just might be able to find it on a world map, the trans-island “highway” seems excessively long. In fact, the highway seems to have been planned by ... read more
Boat Repair
Survey of Komodo N.P
Wee Little Shrimp

Asia » Indonesia » Flores » Bajawa October 8th 2008

I could have filled a suitcase with all what I failed to pack: a sweater, toothpaste, toothbrush, shampoo, razor and lotion, a swimsuit, sunscreen, translation dictionary and travel diary whose pages I could fill with all the sidetrips I forfeited either for lack of time or money; to hot springs, buffet dinners, boat dives, guided day trips, to distant hilltop villages where old women weave ikat and chew beetel nut, to the undeveloped north coast around Riung, to visit the whale hunting peoples east of Larantuka, to see old remains of the Portuguese missions. I tuck my unwielding tangle of hair inside a borrowed baseball cap and ride the bus westward mumbling about the price hikes for foreigners in these parts. The road twists and turns, trucks and motorbikes squeeze by and detour the many construction ... read more
picking coffee beans

Asia » Indonesia » Flores » Maumere October 1st 2008

Motorbike - Train - Bus - Ferry - Bus - Motorbike - Plane - Plane - Motorbike - Bemo - Foot - Sigh It proved impossible even months in advance to secure a flight to Bali the first weekend of the long awaited Lebaran holidays. At ten in the evening, less than an hour after finishing work, I arrived at Setasiun Gubeng, crowds milling, dark and rusting locomotives screeching to a halt, unloading dazed and excited passengers emptying into the city, reloading with families and suitcases bound for villages across East and Central Java, some traveling further to Jakarta or several days to reach Sumatra, where in a tradition known fondly in Indonesia as mudik, Muslims gather with their families to celebrate the end of Ramadhan, to feast and to ask one another forgiveness for their ... read more

Asia » Indonesia » Flores September 21st 2008

Greetings from Pulau Flores, in the Nusa Tenggara island chain of Indonesia. Flores is quite a change both physically and culturally from tropical and lush Bali. Formed from volcanic activity, Flores is pretty arid and mountainous, kind of looking like Colorado, although the mountains aren't nearly as tall here. It's about the size of Florida if you were to chop off the panhandle and turn the remainder on its side. The fact that it's pretty mountainous - and since even the best roads resemble well beaten logging roads - means that many of Flores' towns and villages remain pretty isolated from one another. There are many villages where centuries-old tribal customs and traditions are still practiced. Now don't get me wrong, there aren't any bare-breasted women or guys with bones through their noses walking around (although ... read more
Gone Swimming
Pasar Bajawa

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