Blogs from Ubud, Bali, Indonesia, Asia - page 35


Asia » Indonesia » Bali » Ubud November 9th 2009

Corée, Japon et maintenant Bali. A chaque fois c'est pareil ; à chaque fois je me fais avoir. Il suffit que je n'attende rien d'extraordinaire d'une destination pour que celle-ci m'éblouisse. C'est peut-être une bonne approche du voyage au long cours et, sûrement, le meilleur moyen pour éviter les déceptions. Mais alors, pourquoi me rendre à Bali si l'île ne m'intéressait a priori pas vraiment ? Et bien le hasard des réservations de billets d'avion et la politique de vils prix pratiquée par Air Asia ont choisi pour moi. La compagnie a des offres très attractives pour rallier l'Australie, notamment depuis Bali. Il n’en fallait pas plus ! Galvaudée, ultra touristique, prompte à encaisser les dollars, voilà le tableau que certains voyageurs m'avaient dressé de Bali. A juste titre, probablement. Mais, comme tous les avis dépourvus ... read more
Tenue d'apparat
Tswin !
Bangli - On a déroulé le tapis blanc

Asia » Indonesia » Bali » Ubud November 8th 2009

So, we left Japan after a quick day of fish and sightseeing and were off on the longest travel days. We flew from Tokyo, Japan to Hanoi, Vietnam. We arrived in Hanoi at about 10:30pm local time and not having Visa's we were planning on spending the night in the airport. After about and hour and a half of negotiating with the immigration officer on duty, we were allowed to stay in the airport overnight until our 9:30am flight left for Kalua Lumpur, Malaysia. That flight landed at the most chaotic airport of all time with about 16 flight gates in the area normally reserved for about 4 gates. Everyone was running all over the place and almost no one spoke English, and Rachel & I almost got onto the wrong flight. However, a nice man ... read more
Ubud Sunset
Elephant Caves
Monkey Forest

Asia » Indonesia » Bali » Ubud November 5th 2009

Well I made it home. No matter how many times you take that flight it just doesn't get any shorter. But having survived another one I am sure to do it agin in the future. I must say after being away for almost six weeks hitting American soil is such a rush! Everything seems so civilised here. It is amazing to me how much we take for granted. To walk outside and smelling the clean air, or to seeing all the cars driving in an organized way meaning within the lines. Then culture shock the other way sets in. Walking into your own home with a closet of clean clothes, opening a refridgerator and taking out a carton of milk or pouring your own juice just the most mundane things take on a new meaning when ... read more
Typical Breakfast
Ubud Terrace Guesthouse
Cute Little satues everywhere

Asia » Indonesia » Bali » Ubud October 27th 2009

What to eat in Indonesia? Long before we arrived here, we have been familiar with the world-famous Nasi Goreng and Sate Babi. Fried rice and barbecue to most. And then there's the famous sambal that goes with almost anything edible here. There are many places we tried, from high-end to the daily fare , and thought we should do a separate blog on what else, but FOOD! Bebek Bengil A trip to Ubud's rice paddies, art galleries and handicraft shops would not be complete without sampling the very famous, original Bebek Bengil . Those who have been reading my blogs would have guessed by now that between shopping and dining, the second option is my preferred activity. So, here's my non-food expert's take on Indonesian food. The literal translation is dirty duck but don't let that ... read more
Bebek Bengil or Dirty Duck
Fish With Rice and Sweet Potatoes

Asia » Indonesia » Bali » Ubud October 26th 2009

Where do I begin! In the last week I have done som many different things I won't mention them all just some highlights and let pictures tell my story. Last blog I mentioned I was off to the Spa well let me tell you what a Great expierence that was. I went to the Verona Spa here in Ubud and it was so nice after 4 hours of pampering i felt like a queen. First I was shown my room which had a great view of the Rice Paddies with lots of Ducks running around. The sound of nature was amazing like a symphony of different sounds of insects and birds and wind blowing through the palms that helped shield the room. I was given and 75 minute massage then exfoliated with wonderful smelling things. She ... read more
The Table
So pretty
A Flower Arrangement

Asia » Indonesia » Bali » Ubud October 22nd 2009

Paul’s Thoughts on Ubud, Bali, Indonesia Ubud is just like Asheville. Sometimes sitting in a restaurant in Ubud is just like sitting in a restaurant in Asheville. Same food - huge, delicious organic salads, burritos, veggie burgers, mixed veggie bowls with rice and tahini sauce. Lots of tofu. Same food as health foody Asheville. Then there are the same folks sitting around us. In Malaysia we saw one couple from the US during the whole month. (That’s the truth, not an exaggeration.) Here people from the US are everywhere, and they’re the same sorts of folks - exactly - who we see in downtown Asheville. The conversations are the same too: lots of talk about yoga, organic food, macrobiotic eating, alternative health and wellness…. It’s quite odd. The food is delicious, but sometimes the Asheville-ness becomes ... read more
Jordan in Rice Fields
Bintang Beer, Gili Air
Barong - Close Up

Asia » Indonesia » Bali » Ubud October 21st 2009

(Day 565 on the road) So here it is, my last blog entry about Southeast Asia after travelling across the entire region (plus a few other "nearby" countries) for the last 18 months or so. On the way back to Bali from Lombok I had met adventurous and ever-smiling Suzannefrom Holland, and the next two days we were to explore central Bali together on a rented motorbike. My last stay in Kuta on Bali hadn't been the most wonderful experience for me, but I had heard good things about Ubud and its surrounding and was determined to give Bali a second try on my final two days in Indonesia. In the end, it was a mixed blessing. The landscape and scenery were truly stunning, with terraced rice paddies giving way to the mighty Batur volcano with ... read more
Colourful display at Ubud market
Everybody is on the way to the temple with offerings
Countryside around Ubud

Asia » Indonesia » Bali » Ubud October 21st 2009

Well after having spent a few days here I am starting to get the reason why people love it here. The people are very nice and will always welcome you with a smile and a Hello. I really am happy with my move to the second hotel Ubud Terrace as it puts me much nearer everything. It so clean and quiet. The garden is beautiful and well maintained. I go into my room in the afternoon and they have place flowers everywhere, the steps, the sink, the nightstand, the light fixtures unbelievable. They wear flowers in their hair Men and women, they embrace the natural beauty surrounding them which is so wonderful and refreshing. The last few days I have been doing some exploring with a driver and alone. I told you last time I was ... read more
Rice Paddies
Elephant Cave A sacred Place
Old Temple Grounds

Asia » Indonesia » Bali » Ubud October 17th 2009

Well I have finally made it to Bali. So far haven done too much. (Sorry for typos but this comp sticks!!) The first few days I spent at the hotel in Legion which is outside of Kuta where all the Aussies hang out (Auzzies is how we are suppose to say it!) They are a fun bunch so had a lot of fun but never really saw much. However I am in Ubud now which is the art center of Bali/Indonesia. I was expecting a smaller town but with it being such a popular tourist destination it is a busy place. First let me say it is hot here!! Also the food is so cheap I mean a meal runs about 2 or 3 dollars. The people are really friendly and always smiling even if they ... read more
Swimming pool with swimup bar!!
Dinner first night Bali

Asia » Indonesia » Bali » Ubud October 15th 2009

Ubud, Bali, Indonesia It’s been a long time since Tioman, the last time I wrote. I got Purple Cow Sickness, and could not write a blog. Ella also got sick, although she didn’t get Purple Cow Sickness. After Tioman we went to a place called Kuala Lumpur, which is a big, chaotic, trafficky city in Malaysia. It was very hard to get around, but we found a very nice mall that had a good food court and a nice place to walk around. After Kuala Lumpur, we went to the oldest rainforest in the world, and it was pretty much a dud, and that’s where we got sick. From there we went to Singapore, which was very fun. We went to the zoo and saw a lot of neat animals. No Purple Cows, unfortunately. Not even ... read more
Monkey Family
Ella Loves Me
Aren't I Adorable?

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