Blogs from Kuta, Bali, Indonesia, Asia - page 25


Asia » Indonesia » Bali » Kuta January 6th 2009

Well - finally I will update you a little more about our trip and promise to try to get a bit more on here in the next couple of days.... We arrived in Bali having confirmed the hotel reservation whilst in transit in Singapore (nothing like cutting it fine!). We were collected at the airport by the hotel transport (we're having a couple of luxury days at Febris hotel and spa). As we made it to the hotel for 8pm we just relaxed and had dinner - gloating to each other about how nice the room was with its fresh flowers and huge balcony. Our relaxing was a little short lived when we headed for bed!!! As Pete turned a key in the lock I could tell by the look on his face that something wasnt ... read more
Kuta Beach

Asia » Indonesia » Bali » Kuta January 4th 2009

We were up today at about half eight again as we had a meeting with our wedding planner at half nine. After breakfast we went up to the foyer cafe to wait for her. She was late, but we figured that was our karma for missing the meeting with the functions guy at our hotel. She arrived and we went over the details for the wedding ceremony, including photos, video, timing and music. She seems lovely and paid a lot of attention to details for a control freak like me was really good. After the meeting had concluded we returned to our room to get a stuff together for our first shopping expedition into Kuta. We again took a car from the hotel at a cost of IDR76,500 which wasn't bad and probably on par with ... read more

Asia » Indonesia » Bali » Kuta January 2nd 2009

So as promised, here is the new years blog that deservedly gets its own blog ;-) Wednesday, 31 Dec 2008, was pretty chilled = taking care of the odd bit of admin you need when travelling! Our only new years plan was 7pm dinner with all the mates we made (see previous blog)! Johannes, the local from Java & the good guy that he is, made all the reservations & in typical Asian style stated that it is a 30 minute walk only! Literally an hour later, exhausted, thirsty, hungry & sweating a treat, we arrived at the very nice Indian Restaurant - Queens Plate! Chatting, interacting & socialising with soo many "new" people was fantastic! Especially considering that this was one of the objectives of the trip ;-) Dinner itself was really good & probably ... read more
Group pic before walk to beach
Girls on beach
Boys on beach

Asia » Indonesia » Bali » Kuta January 1st 2009

hope you all had a great new year, we did. nick nick and i went down to our fave bar here calleed little wing where they have a live band on everynight and basically anything goes in there! we intended to move on to 1 of the big clubs but never made it as ht e atmosphere was amazing, everyone dancing, singing, swopping drinks and blowing horns!!! we had agreat time, the boys (nick and nick) baught hideous shirts to go out in like vomit on cotton! so needless to say today we havent done a great deal, just chilled round the pool (other nicks pool as we are staying in i complete dive) and ive just had a facial my nick had a massage (oooh errr!) and big nick had a manicure and pedicure. each ... read more

Asia » Indonesia » Bali » Kuta January 1st 2009

So you wanna be a millionnaire?! Just come to Indonesia! The exchange rate between the ZAR & Rp is like R1 = Rp1100, so everything here cost tens or hundreds of thousands of Rp! For those who have not been here yet, as a tourist you a draw a couple of millions of Rp at a time! & it takes getting used to working with this currency! Too much calculations for a holiday ;-) Moving on, my last blog ended leaving you in suspense with regards to (wrt) our next expedition on our island hopping travels! Well we ended up leaving Kho Pha Ngang, a ferry ride & a few flights later we were in Bali - Indonesia ;-) (admittedly a week or so ahead of schedule!) But no regrets - well nearly 1 ;-) For ... read more
Central Jakarta!
Welcome to Bali
Poppies Lane I - heart of Bali

Asia » Indonesia » Bali » Kuta December 27th 2008

Experiencing a great flight from Singapore to Denpasar Airport in Bali, (good meal and a great film - 'Wanted' with the lovely James McEvoy!) we arrived in good spirits. Then we saw our hotel and our grins broadened even further! The Dewi Sri Hotel in Kuta, booked by our dear mate Trude, was everything we weary travellers could have wanted after some of the dives that we'd been staying in. Air con, hot shower and space! Oh, how the little luxuries mean so much! The hotel was set back from the main strip, Legian St, in Kuta and was a stone's throw from the Memorial of the Bali bombing. Even though we were all a bit nervous about the possibility of reprisals following the execution on the bombers only a week or so before, and in ... read more
The Birthday Girl!!

Asia » Indonesia » Bali » Kuta December 21st 2008

Bienvenus sur l'Ile de bali, en Indonésie. Nous voici un peu en dessous de l'équateur maintenant...Il fait chaud et très humide! Notre première escale est la ville de Kuta, au Sud de l'ile. Une ville de la démesure, où se retrouvent les débutants surfeurs pour festoyer. On redoutait un peu cette ville, au final plutôt chouette: séances massages, bodyboard, shopping, farniente...... read more
belle fleur
coucher de soleil sur les transats

Asia » Indonesia » Bali » Kuta December 16th 2008

"Where do i catch a bus to Surabaya?", I asked the travel guide at my resort hotel in Legian. "What, you want to go to Surabaya by bus" was the incredulous reply. It seems Bali has become such a world tourist destination that any thought of independent travel is not cool. People fly in and fly out or get on a boat to Lombok. But the idea of catching a bus off the island is so outrageous that it's beyond the comprehension of a hotel travel hostess. Still, I persevered and found out that Ubung bus terminal was the place to get to when it was time to leave. After a week of looking at Kath and Kim's, Aussie beer bellies and sun bleached surfers as well as sunsets on the beach and riding around the ... read more
This is what they watch
Australia's Ground Zero
Riding the laneways

Asia » Indonesia » Bali » Kuta December 16th 2008

After a restless night caused by Charlie's numerous amount of mozi bites we went to the Mawar Kuninh Wisata water sports activity center. Where we had booked a package of a glass bottom boat trip to visiting Turtle Island and an hours snorkeling. What surprised me wasn't the fact the the boat only had a three foot glass screen, but that we had in effect chartered the whole boat just for us! In the Turtle park / sanctuary we saw baby turtles ready for release, a five year old that we held and stroked, and we also got to paddle with twenty in a holding pen. This pen held their oldest turtle which was according to our guide seventy years old and was about four feet wide! Unfortunately for Charlie when it came to feeding time ... read more

Asia » Indonesia » Bali » Kuta December 16th 2008

Major panic! The alarm went off silently so we were woken at 07:30 by the telephone ringing! So slightly bleary eyed we headed off to the local market with our cooking instructor and another "student". The market was amazing, walking around with someone who knows what they're talking about always helps, especially with everything so foreign. After the tour we headed to the cook school, or rather the really impressive kitchen of a guest house! We were treated to Hibiscus Tea and a selection of sweet rice deserts, which are served as snack items or for celebrations. It's amazing what you can do with rice, palm sugar and coconut! The cooking class itself introduced us to ten traditional Balinese dishes. Thankfully the kitchen staff had carried out the more time consuming task of chopping and slicing ... read more

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