Blogs from Kolkata, West Bengal, India, Asia - page 15


Asia » India » West Bengal » Kolkata January 8th 2010

Hey guys! Welcome to the first installment of Ryan's droning travel blab! I've been a spoiled little shit over the past few years so this is probably getting a bit mundane and probably a bit obnoxious by now so I'll send a fewer of these but it does give me a fun way to ramble about my random (mis)adventures :) I'm sitting in a stuffy and poorly ventilated internet cafe in the heart of Kolkata and still trying to figure out how and why I'm here only a week and half removed from freezing my hands while trudging in snowshoes up Mount Seymour only a week and half ago. The last few days have blown by and already those rainy Vancouver days are drifting off into memory. India has been amazing and after a long series ... read more
The Muslim Quarter, Kolkata
Victoria Memorial, Kolkata
@ Mother Theresa's missionary, Kolkata

Asia » India » West Bengal » Kolkata January 6th 2010

Leaving Hampi was the start of the trip north - and heading to the colder climates. The first leg was to Chennai by train - a nice relaxing 11 hour cross-country trip. Everytime you get off a train you manage to forget the tiny details that make it special - the smell of poo and wee whenever the train is slow-moving or stationery (because it goes straight out of the toilets and onto the tracks and sits steaming in the sun), the constant stream of unfortunates waving their various disabilities or very evident poverty under your nose begging for a few rupees, the fact that it doesn't matter if you've been allocated a seat, someone will inevitably be sitting/sleeping in it and will look horribly offended when you ask them to move, the way that Indians ... read more
Puja's at Hindu Temple
She wore flowers in her hair
funeral procession

Asia » India » West Bengal » Kolkata December 20th 2009

So this was really it. All I had heard and more. Manic taxi rides Traffic so close you can touch the next car or lorry People saying yes they understand and taking you somewhere else for a different amount than the agreed fare Noise. Lots of noise, blaring car horns, shouting, talking and the ever present traffic Crumbled remnants of a decadent past. Buildings sprouting trees, rusted, peeling, cracked, mildewed, dirty and dusty. People everywhere; bathing on the street, cooking on the street, washing clothes on the street, sleeping on the street. Rickshaw wallahs with skinny, leathery legs asking for business Hawking and spitting, anywhere, anytime Oases of calm and gentility amidst squalor and mayhem ... read more
Washing time
What's for dinner?
Quiet time on the streets

Asia » India » West Bengal » Kolkata December 15th 2009

Well I've had my Indian introduction. And luckily it was a slow easy one. The bus ride from Kathmandu to Kakaoibhitta at the border only took 15 hours, despite the 3 hours it took us to leave the Kathmandu Valley. I was actually crossing the border painlessly, as the only person in line, by 8 am. An hour jeep ride brought us to Siligory and Sid's parents lovely garden house. Siligory isn't much of a city, it is really a road junction, but their house is a little paradise on earth where I spent two days getting fed, reading in the garden, and catching up on my television habit. It was like normal life! I have to admit I kind of miss having a place of my own to just chill in. I decided I should ... read more

Asia » India » West Bengal » Kolkata December 14th 2009

I have to confess I was a bit nervous about my 18 hour overnight bus ride from Kathmandu to the Indian border at Kakarvitta. I'd heard that the safety record on overnight buses was poor, but when my friend Ann told me that her sister had just been on a bus on the West Terai which had been ambushed and burnt out by Maoist rebels, it suddenly looked even less appealing! Still, I boarded the bus at 4pm and luckily had 3 Australian girls for company. We played a bit of chess, ate unhealthy snacks then slept for the rest of the journey. The only touch and go moment was when one of the rear tyres blew out... luckily not on a corner or next to a steep drop! We arrived at the border at 11am ... read more
Photo 3
Photo 10
Photo 9

Asia » India » West Bengal » Kolkata December 13th 2009

Eurgh. Sick and stressed. I am ordered to take 2 days off rehearsal. 2 out of 7 days..we perform in 3....breathe breathe. trying not to stress out. Just going to do a bit of text work today, keep it low key. Take it slow.... read more

Asia » India » West Bengal » Kolkata December 7th 2009

It seems to me really appropriate that my first big trip is to India. It seems like a very good place to cut your eye-teeth on. It's definitely both challenging and incredibly incredibly rewarding. I am starting to very much look forward to coming home to Canada, which I have realized that I really do love. It's funny, I never thought I had a shred of nationalism in me except around literature, seems I do. I love our food, I love the cleanliness (something I never thought I would appreciate)...basically I love the things that feel like home. A friend (who is British) recently said to me that only has she gotten older (she is much older than I am) has she realized how incredibly English she is. I think I am realizing how deeply ... read more

Asia » India » West Bengal » Kolkata November 20th 2009

Dad took us to India We have already told you about the trips we made to Milan and Berlin earlier this year. But in between those we actually managed to squeeze in yet another trip. That one was to India and we are going to write about it here. Mum and dad have been to India before. Dad has in fact been there twice before. You see, mum and dad are both very old and they also travelled for many years before we were born. It can’t have been very fun for them to travel without us all those years because we always come up with many great ideas on what to do and where to go. But travel they did nevertheless. On this trip to India mum decided not to come along. She had enough ... read more
Howrah Bridge
Michael Collins own street
Man powered rickshaw

Asia » India » West Bengal » Kolkata November 15th 2009

We spent last weekend in Siliguri waiting for our departure time to Calcutta! After a relatively better Jeep journey down from darjeeling- not so squished or bumpy, we arrived in the evening to the small town, a place you wouldn't want to spend longer than 24hrs in and is used b most tourists as an overnight transit point. Our train wasn't until 8pm Sunday and so we spent the day in 'Science City'... a small park with 'science-esque' contraceptions dotted around. We passed on the science and spent the day instead reading our books in the shade. We arrived at the station on time after a juddery autorickshaw ride to NJP! The train was already there and left on time - pretty remarkable! we'd gone down a class for this journey and had bunks in the ... read more

Asia » India » West Bengal » Kolkata November 11th 2009

It really doesn’t help your patience when you have a dodgy tummy but the touts and nasty rickshaw drivers are like flies to shiz with the tourists in Agra. Unless you can afford a luxury AC automobile you’ll be harangued and hassled and bullied into visiting crummy guest houses owned by brothers or cousins and handicraft shops and other useless places. But Tom made it very clear to our rickshaw driver that our answer to all of the above was NO. Then the driver sat in silence for a bit before he said “Angry is not good”. To which Tom replied “Not angry, just firm” which then began a hugely philosophical conversation about protecting ones wife and being careful with ones money vs. all white people are rich and I don’t need your money I just ... read more
South gate, Taj Mahal - Agra
Sitting, not sh**ing. Yay! - Agra
The money shot - Agra

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