Blogs from Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India, Asia - page 16


Asia » India » Tamil Nadu » Madurai April 23rd 2007

The Women were so friendly in the tempels. We took so many pictures.... read more

Asia » India » Tamil Nadu » Madurai April 12th 2007

How to drive in India: Step One: Find the biggest vehicle you can find. If it is a bus or a truck, congratulations! You are officially allowed to do whatever you want on the roads. Please ignore the following steps. If it is a bicycle or scooter, offer a small prayer to your deity of choice before embarking on step two. Step Two: Honk your horn. If you have an air horn (and many cars do), do remember to switch it on. Step Three: Start driving. Honk your horn. Please try to forget about your indicator and seat belts, most vehicles on the road have or use neither. Step Four: When approaching an intersection, honk your horn and ignore any signs/traffic lights/traffic police as indications of what you are supposed to do. Instead, drift into ... read more
Nighttime Driving in Madurai
The owners of the road

Asia » India » Tamil Nadu » Madurai April 11th 2007

Our first week in Madurai has been wonderful, punctuated by meeting great people, seeing amazing sights such as the Meenakshi Temple and Ghandi Museum and eating two wonderful meals. While I have been slaving away in front of a computer for 9 hours a day, Ana has been frollicking about Madurai, seeing the sights without me. So I will leave her adventures to her next blog... but I will cheat and show just one of her photos of the Meenakshi Temple, one of the biggest and oldest in India. Madurai is one of the oldest cities in India, and was considered the Athens of the East before the time of Christ. As you may have guessed by her tourist activities, Ana has made a full recovery and today is her first day of work at ... read more
Meenakshi Temple
View Without
View with Rubbish

Asia » India » Tamil Nadu » Madurai April 10th 2007

Dear Friends Just Chas here as Ana has unfortunately won the race to get sick first. She has come down with a sinus/throat infection that has knocked her for six, but she has seen a doctor and hopefully all the thousands of drugs we bought before leaving Australia will help. Anyway, despite Ana being upset that I am writing this by myself, I am so excited that I have to share news with you. I am at my first day of work with People’s Watch of Tamil Nadu. This organization is absolutely amazing! They started in 1995 just trying to monitor torture in police stations. This is because the official stance is that torture in police stations does not happen in India. This is despite people in India never calling the police and fearing arrest ... read more
Lunch at People's Watch

Asia » India » Tamil Nadu » Madurai March 28th 2007

My final full day at Aravind, Where has 4 weeks gone! Yesterday I presented my final recommendations to Dr. Aravind which went really well. Dr. Aravind seemed genuinely appreciative of my work and our intended 30 minute meeting turned into nearly 2 hours as he engaged me in various discussions around some of my recommendations. Dr. Aravind is certainly one of the more open minded and receptive senior staff members at Aravind and fully recognises the potential opportunities to improve their organisation by learning from others. Today it was the turn of my official sponsor, Mr Thulasiraj. Ganesh advised me that he had set up a session at 4 for me to present to him. What I didn’t expect as I turned up was a lecture theatre and a dozen or so staff members. On ... read more
Cute or what?
Hat Problems
Not all smiles

Asia » India » Tamil Nadu » Madurai March 27th 2007

This morning I received an unexpected invitation from Ganesh for Sachi and myself to join his family for dinner that evening. Obviously an invitation I couldn’t turn down and even Sachi, who was still bemoaning the quantity of food she had consumed over the weekend whilst having her cookery lessons, couldn’t refuse. Ganesh turned up at the guest house at 7 with his eldest son, Shruti (10) in tow. Ganesh and Shruti were on a motorbike and I was just trying to figure out how the 4 of us were going to fit when Ganesh explained that he had arranged for us to follow him in a Rickshaw! Thankfully! Shruti joined Sachi and I and provided the driver with appropriate directions. He also started the inevitable questioning of the pair of us to understand our ... read more
Ganesh and Shruti
I'm a natural

Asia » India » Tamil Nadu » Madurai March 25th 2007

My last weekend in Madurai and what a quiet one it’s been. I am pretty much the only resident at the guest house at the moment. Scot has now set off to meet up with his wife, Heather, for a week’s holiday in Thailand. Sachi is spending the weekend with the wife of one of the Doctors whilst he is away at an eye camp - the deal is that Sachi provides the company and in return receives 2 days of Indian cooking lessons - she is extremely excited! The Michigan students have set off as separate group, one group heading for Thekkadi following recommendations form Sachi and myself. The other group are heading for Kochi on the Kerala coast. Saturday was reasonably normal, a long day working followed by dinner and some cricket. On ... read more
Wedding Party
Two Guests
Not so silent

Asia » India » Tamil Nadu » Madurai March 23rd 2007

Today turned out to be a hard slog, the realisation has dawned that I’m now into my final week and I’ve got loads to get through. I ended up spending the best part of 10 hours ploughing through numerous performance metrics and data sources to try and produce a definitive specification to present to key stakeholders next week for sign off. Today has helped re-enforce my early career choice of not pursuing a Business Analysis path! After work I had a few minutes to kill before dinner so I decided to stretch my legs and explore the one direction from the guest house in which I had not yet ventured. I set out and just followed my nose for 30 minutes or so, I was on the verge of turning round, thinking I had reached ... read more
Not a bad spot
My New Friends
Best Friends

Asia » India » Tamil Nadu » Madurai March 21st 2007

The down side of Scot’s invitation to observe in Theatre was the fact that the surgeon’s working day starts at 7am! So after an early breakfast and calming down a very concerned Mary who thought I must be ill to be up so early, it was off to the hospital. I assumed there would be some degree of process or rigmarole involved in gaining entry, at least somebody who would need to be notified but no, none of that. Scot advised me that so long as I changed into hospital sandals and the green scrubs I would have free reign to come and go as I pleased between the various operating rooms and patient pre-opp areas. He did suggest I would be best not touching anything though! It turned out to be a god morning ... read more
Dr. Aravind
The OR
The Problem

Asia » India » Tamil Nadu » Madurai March 20th 2007

Ward Rounds I knew that this trip would present me with a number of opportunities to enjoy new experiences but what I hadn’t anticipated was being presented with the chance to spend time on the clinical side of the organisation. Yesterday evening, after work, I accompanied Scot Warden, the Ophthalmic Surgeon from Boston, on his post-operative ward visits as he checked on his cataract patients from his morning operations. This gave me a chance to see the hospital wards properly. The simplicity of the arrangements here are a joy to behold. During a patient’s stay in hospital there are no notes kept on file for them at all - they are simply handed their notes and told to keep them with them at all times. A simple and effective way to keep processes streamlined, no staff ... read more

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