Blogs from Karnataka, India, Asia - page 138


Asia » India » Karnataka » Hampi February 9th 2006

I was both alive and unbitten when I surfaced this morning, which I celebrated by having a cold shower. After breakfast I caught an auto to Kamalapuram, the nearby town from which I intended walking back, visiting the southern ruins along the way. I paid a quick visit to the Archaeological Museum in Kamalapuram, which contained a useful 3D model of how Hampi (aka Vijayanagar) must have looked in its prime, as well as a map of the extant ruins. The southern ruins are spread over a large area which is quite lacking in shade, so I took regular breaks in whatever shelter I could find, guzzling on my water bottle. Sensible people, who overtook me at regular intervals, had hired either bicycles or an auto for the day. Though the sheer number of ruins was ... read more
Mahanavami Dibba
Lotus Mahal
Elephant stables

Asia » India » Karnataka » Hampi February 8th 2006

Despite leaving half an hour late, the train managed to make up this shortfall by the time we got to Hospet, the railhead closest to Hampi. Since this was still high season for Hampi, and I'd been unable to get hold of any guest houses by phone to reserve a room, I immediately hopped in an auto and headed for Hampi, in an attempt to beat the other tourists who had come in on the same train. The countryside near Hampi reminded me a little of Utah - lots of boulders strewn around the place under a baking hot sun. And the village itself seems a bit like Khajuraho, in that virtually everything in it has been built to cater for tourists. I was lucky that my first choice for accommodation - the Gopi Guest House ... read more
Virupaksha Temple
The green, green grass of Hampi
The long and winding road

Asia » India » Karnataka » Hampi February 7th 2006

No change on the guts front, though I did look up "amoebic dysentery" on Google and it doesn't appear to be that. I decided to have another rest day, partly because it might help with the recovery and partly because there don't appear to be many major sights in Bangalore. The overnight train to Hospet was truly enormous - probably the longest train I've seen yet in India. Unfortunately this also meant there were two 2AC cars. I didn't realise this at first, having only been on trains with one, so when I saw the first one I naturally assumed that it was mine. After climbing into the upper berth and doing all my preparations for sleep (remove contacts, set alarm, etc), the ticket inspector came round, took one look at my ticket, and told me ... read more
Cinema icon
Bangalore street

Asia » India » Karnataka » Bangalore February 6th 2006

Spent 2 weeks in India in January.. with Dawn and Sian.. trying out my new rucksack for the big trip! .. Spent a week in Bangalore, in the delapidated "Airlines Hotel".. with bucket and (cold!) tap for a shower, but a great masala dosa for breakfast! Shopped for saris in Bangalore, and travelled through the terrible pollution in tuk tuks to visit temples and palaces.. I loved the city, and could definitely live there for a while. Dawn and I took the train to Mysore for a few days of temples and markets.. via an interesting train ride in rather cramped conditions.. once we'd mastered the art of shoving yourself to the front of the crowd to cram onto the train! Met up with Sian back in Bangalore, and Sian and I headed East to Chennai ... read more
Favourite cafe stop
Market day

Asia » India » Karnataka » Bangalore February 6th 2006

The journey to Bangalore, in A/C chair class, was dull, and arriving an hour late did nothing to enliven it. I was expecting that the Silicon Valley of India might have had more of a futuristic look to it, but it very much resembled the other Indian cities I've been to. The RG had said that good accommodation quickly got booked up here, but I'd been unable to get through to any hotels yesterday so I thought I'd rest my hopes on the Karnataka Tourist Information Centre in the station. Unfortunately they were less than helpful (a common feature of Tourist Info places here in my experience) and wouldn't even help me find some phone numbers. I then walked over to the auto stand to find a driver to take me to the MG Road area, ... read more

Asia » India » Karnataka » Hampi February 2nd 2006

So yes I realise that it's been a bit since my last entry but interent on om beach blows. So yes i have been on om beach, not with the two girls from belguim and the french boy however but with a british girl. The five of us got on the train together and then they had to move because they were sitting in reserved seats, Kirsty (british girl) and i were as well though no one had come to clame ours so we stayed as they went to another carriage. Now we were all suppose to get off the plateform at Gokarna and take a cab into town, but they never got off the train. I have absolutely no idea where they ended up or what happened, and i doubt that i will ever see ... read more

Asia » India » Karnataka » Bangalore January 20th 2006

Nou, daar ben ik dan… mijn belevenissen in India… en dat zijn er heel wat kan ik wel zeggen!! Nou goed, de vlucht is dus erg goed verlopen afgelopen zondag. Ik had een stopover op Singapore van anderhalf uur, en daarna direct door naar Bangalore. Op singapore had ik afgesproken met Jon, een collega van me die vanuit Sydney was gevlogen. Op weg naar Bangalore heb ik naast hem gezeten, en hebben we zitten ouwehoeren voor vier en een half uur. Nou goed, en toen landden we dus... in India... en dat heb ik geweten ook zeg, jezus! Het vliegveld zag er gewoon echt niet uit, echt 4 wanden met een bagageband en douane hokjes, dat was het wel geloof ik. Het spreekt voor zich dat de bagage lang op zich liet wachten, we hebben daar ... read more
Overig verkeer
Kantoor Manhattan
Kantoor Manhattan

Asia » India » Karnataka » Bangalore January 7th 2006

For first few weeks I was India, I kept thinking my company had sent me to San Francisco, CA instead of Bangalore, India in error. It s no wonder I fell in love with Bangalore. As I first got acclimated to the city, I was stuck by the similarities between San Francisco and Bangalore. Let me explain some of the things in common: First and foremost, both cities are overcrowded and facing a housing shortage. There are numerous buildings being built in both cities to match the demand of its citizens. Like SF, everywhere you look there is construction going on and if they aren’t building a new apartment complex they are remodeling an old one. Both SF and Bangalore are IT hubs. Tons of people in both cities, mostly young highly educated, work in the ... read more
Bridge 1
Ramp to nowhere
bridge 2

Asia » India » Karnataka » Bangalore January 6th 2006

DÍA 228. 10 DE DICIEMBRE DE 2005. DELHI, INDIA: LA CIUDAD Y EL RUIDO De regreso en India, llegar otra vez a una gran ciudad no me hace feliz. No me gusta Mumbai. No me gusta Delhi. Hace un año, cuando decidí lanzarme a hacer este viaje, estaba considerando otras alternativas, entre ella una beca para un curso de cuatro meses en esta metrópoli polvorienta y ruidosa. ¡Ufffff! De la que me salvé. Mumbai y Delhi son sitios de los que hay que salir corriendo antes de perecer entre la locura de su tráfico, de su contaminación y de su desastre humano. Pero Mumbai por lo menos tiene trazos de personalidad interesantes, cultura, vida nocturna, cine, una clase media arrogante pero activa, en tanto que Delhi carece de ellos y apenas tiene como única ventaja una ... read more
Peregrinos en Madurai
Guapa de Mamallapuram
Picaron de Elkanah

Asia » India » Karnataka » Bangalore January 6th 2006

Well faithful readers, I apologize for the long delay in a subsequent posting. I have not had internet access in some time. As a matter of fact I lost my microwave, towels, and much of the food stocked in my cupboards. For those of you that know me, you know that I am quite well anal retentive when it comes to planning and I pack early. Now the place I am staying is well aware that I do not leave until Sunday morning at 2:30 AM, but apparently the fact that I began packing on Monday was a signal that I was leaving early. So my flat was cleaned thoroughly. When I say thoroughly cleaned I am not referring to the floors scrubbed etc, I am referring to the microwave they brought for my use on ... read more

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