Blogs from Georgia, Asia - page 39


Asia » Georgia » Western Georgia » Kutaisi May 22nd 2007

Dagen etter hviledagen i Kutaisi var det fremdeles meningsløst kraftig motvind, men vi kunne ikke bli der lenger, og tok fatt på veien videre østover. Det gikk meningsløst treigt treigt, og vi var i tvil om vi i det hele tatt ville klare den planlagte etappen på ca 10 mil før det ble mørkt. Det ville nok vært mulig å finne et krypinn i Zestaponi ca halvveis, men byen virket lite fristende, så vi hamstret vann og croissanter og fortsatte. Etter Zestaponi begynte stigningen mot en fjellovergang på knappe 1000 m. Fjellandet Georgia er ikke bare omgitt av noen av Europas høyeste fjell langs grensene i nord og sør,de har noen akseptable rygger som skiller kysten fra innlandet også. Faktisk gikk syklingen bedre da vi begynte på stigningen, siden vinden var roligere enn ute på ... read more

Asia » Georgia » Western Georgia » Kutaisi May 21st 2007

Her er en kort oppsummering av hva som har skjedd siden forrige blogging. Mer utfyllende blogger vil komme etterhvert... Torsdag 17. mai Sykkeldag fra Trabzon til Hopa. 17,7 mil på selveste syttendes mai! Vi passet på å få i oss respektable mengder iskrem denne dagen, og nynnet Valdresmarsj mens vi syklet med Svartehavet på venstre side. Fredag18. mai Sykkeldag fra Hopa - grensa til Georgia - Kabuleti (via Batumi). Den georgiske grensa bød, på tross av mange rykter om korrupt grensepoliti og tollere, på den bortimot enkleste grensekryssinga hittil. Resten av dagen ble brukt til å ta inn over seg den stadig økende varmen og en ekstrem mengde (38 i tallet) med lettere uforståelige georgiske bokstaver. Lørdag 19. mai - Sykkeldag fra Kabuleti til Poti. Denne dagen markerte på mange måter slutten på "Oppdrag Svartehavet", ... read more
Kuule grensevoktere
Kitchy solnedgang 17. mai.

Asia » Georgia May 18th 2007

A place like Georgia makes one realize how much we take for granted. For instance, the assumption that a country has one (or maybe two) names. This is Georgia, Gurcistan, Gruzya, or Sakartvelos, depending on which language you're speaking. It's also a common assumption that progress is linear - forward. I was once talking with Janvier about how Europe could have plunged into the Dark Ages and completely forget the technological accumulation of the Greeks and Romans. I see the exact same process at work in Georgia (and Armenia, but this blog is about Georgia): enormous factories; solid public services like asphalt roads, tram and trolley infrastructure, apartment buildings, bridges, bus-stop shelters, cable cars, funicular systems, hotels and government buildings, museums - all signs of an industrial and developed nation, and nearly all abandoned, disused ... read more

Asia » Georgia » Tbilisi District » Tbilisi May 9th 2007

I made it to Tbilisi, the capital of the Republic of Georgia. After leaving Hopa I entered Georgia, not knowing what awaits me...and I was surprised. First by their alphabet which reminds me to Thai language...then by the plants and the forest around Batumi, a city, directly located at the Black Sea coast where you can find the only subtropical climate in the region. Also the hospitality of the Georgians made me wonder, I was hitchhiking to the border with a Turkish truck who told me that he can take me further to Tbilisi when he'll be finished at the customs...but that seemed too fast for me, entering the country and going 400km right away into the capital, and by night, as it was already evening. So I sat down and thought about what to ... read more
Black Sea beach
my host in Batumi
colourful socialist heritage

Asia » Georgia » Tbilisi District » Tbilisi May 7th 2007

Ruten saa langt Georgia viser seg aa vaere nok et land vi ikke oensker aa dra fra. Det forrige var Tyrkia, baade fordi Tyrkia var trygt og litt kjent, men ogsaa fordi Georgia fremstod som ganske roeft med rykter om fullstendig korrupt politi og grensevakter, mye kriminalitet og et helt uforstaaelig alfabet. For tyrkerne er ogsaa Georgia et Stan-land, nemlig Gurjistan. Marerittet var et foerste mote med Gurjistan preget av dollarsultne georgianske grensevakter. Da vi skulle krysse grensen mellom Tyrkia og Georgia viste det seg at det var nettopp det - bare et mareritt. Vi tilbrakte riktignok over fem timer paa grensen, men i "vaaken tilstand" var det ikke vi som var problemet. Georgianske damer paa "Tyrkia-handel" var fiskene grensevaktene var ute etter. Grensevaktene kunne knapt brydd seg mindre om oss, og viftet oss videre som ... read more

Asia » Georgia » Tbilisi District » Tbilisi April 25th 2007

We arrived at the Georgian border, our car devastated by dirt and snow, and breezed through the checkpoint without hassle. Americans don’t need visas to Georgia, which I find a remarkable turn of events given the history of the region. A quick stamp and we were off. Others weren’t so lucky. I didn’t care. The dramatic mountains followed us north, and, while obviously pained economically, there was a notable and sudden change the moment we set foot inside Georgia. Road signs were often bright and new, and frequently in proper English too. Sure there were plenty of Soviet-era Ladas, Volga’s, and Niva’s, but plenty of foreign cars raced through the streets too. The traffic police actually did their jobs and patrolled the city in clean new VW’s and Skoda squad cars. The street lights not ... read more
Downtown Tbilisi
Tbilisi Illuminated
Tbilisi From Afar

Asia » Georgia » Eastern Georgia » Sighnaghi April 11th 2007

The old town of Sighnaghi is being torn apart at the moment apparently they are trying to beautify the city and all the fascade, streets and buildings are being remodelled all at the same time, it looks like a war torn village at the moment but it would be interesting to see how it looks like in a couple years from now. We met an American who lives here and shows us a bit of the town and the carpets and paintings in their collection, there was also some TV reporter on sight and Chris gets to be interviewed for his 15 minute of fame. The lunch we had at a Mexican restaurant Pancho Villa was very good, it's quite unusual experience to have a Mexican in the middle of Georgia. We had a couple ... read more

Asia » Georgia » Tbilisi District » Tbilisi April 10th 2007

I spent a week in Tibilisi at Irena's homestay and this was the highlight of my time in Georgia. The rest was a disappointment. The country is very much an ex-soviet nation. The older people are still in a kind of shock. The younger generation and the old communists, who managed to grab all they could lay their hands on, are in transition to capitalism, specifically the second hand Mercedes for the less well off and the new 4x4 for the ex-communists and hangers-on. They drive their cars at pedestrians with horns blaring. Indeed for these rather fat unshaven men in black coats and black leather flat caps the car horn is more important than their own private parts. They would certainly surrender the latter rather than their car horn. I cannot believe that the ... read more
Family with whom I stayed in Qazax.
Tea drinking companians on the road
Maiden's Tower in Baku

Asia » Georgia » Tbilisi District » Tbilisi April 10th 2007

Arriving in Tbilisi early evening we were delighted to be given a suite room for the 3 of us and had a blast for at least one night before moving into a 2 bed room, the GTM hotel all in all is not too bad except for the exorbitant price of laundry. So we did a walking half day trip of the city saw churches and more churches, the old town etc before returning to the hotel to fill in and sign our Azerbaijan visa application for our crossing the next couple of days. We had a good night dinner at an Indian restaurant and also the Chinese restaurant the next day. The next day was rainy so then I decided to sit around and do some internet for 6 hours! the connection is so ... read more

Asia » Georgia » Southern Georgia » Gori April 6th 2007

Driving through some mountain pass for hours we made it to lonely desolate Bakuriani, apparently a very popular skiing area in Georgia but since winter season is just over hardly anybody is here and there is a feeling of desolation. We have a homestay for 2 nights and we have to entertain ourselves, some people went skiing including Nigel for the first time it was dirt cheap, cost them i think 5 dollars all in all for all day's worth, and some did some walk in town like me, the landscape is a mix of beautiful scenery and rural setting. Jean cooked a good Easter meal for us and it was delicious and she made it despite the fact that there was no water for awhile as one of the main pipes in town burst, ... read more

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