Blogs from Shaanxi, China, Asia - page 98


Asia » China » Shaanxi » Xi'an February 20th 2006

These children have no shame. They are always willing to get up in front of the class and sing or dance. One girl, when asked what makes her happy, answered that “Singing ‘Country Road’ makes me happy”, she then proceeded to stand in front of 47 other 9 year olds and sing it from beginning to end, glaring at one boy who had the audacity to turn to another child during one verse. There was no applause afterwards, as there never is, she just sat down, and the class moved on. I think the biggest thing I am having difficulty with it the difference of the schooling system. I am managing to keep most classes under control, there are two or three little chants that they know, you say ‘one, two three’, and clap your hands, ... read more

Asia » China » Shaanxi » Xi'an February 19th 2006

I have managed to survive a whole week of hanging out at House Club, playing dice and having small people attached to me for four hours a day. We attempted to socialise at another bar where Richard met up with some of the girls who work at the museum with him, but after half an hour, we got a bit bored of just being four more faces in the crowd, so stopped off at House on the way home to wallow in the adulation. Joe learned how to flick the dice shaker, and really impressed the manager. What was even more remarkable is that his arm is all bandaged up at the moment, courtesy of a bite from a brown recluse spider before he left Florida. It got all yucky, so he got taken to hospital, ... read more
Terracotta Warriors

Asia » China » Shaanxi » Xi'an February 14th 2006

Two days of walking around with fully-grown American and English made me forget that I am in fact a giantess. Half past eight in the morning, standing at the back of rows and rows of children and teachers brought the reality back. I am teaching first grade, six and seven year olds, who could easily pass for three or four, bundled up in so many layers of clothes that their arms stick out at right angles to their bodies. The teachers all look about sixteen. I was introduced to all the first grade teachers, then all the English teachers, about fifteen in total. Nope, I can’t remember their names, apart from two who had chosen English names for themselves as well, Nancy and Mary. If they wear different clothes tomorrow, I’m stuffed. The first lesson was ... read more

Asia » China » Shaanxi » Xi'an February 14th 2006

Xi'an - 11.02.06 Arriving in Xi'an was a bit of a drama! We are now firmly in tourist town and don't we know it when the hotel touts are actually meeting us ON the train! Unfortunately he was for the hotel we had chosen so we found it hard to shake him off until a suited man, who we assume was an undercover policeman, flashes his card at him, shouts in chinese and takes him away. We are tired, we haven't slept very well and we've been away long enough that all this warrants is a bat of an eyelid before we shrug and carry on. We manage to shake off all the others (we aren't staying the night, we've already book an hotel!) then just before we go inside, intersception! We are rumbled. We manage ... read more
Terracotta Warriors
Terracotta Warriors
Terracotta Warriors

Asia » China » Shaanxi » Xi'an February 14th 2006

Valentine’s Day is pretty big here, one of the girls in the office got a big bunch of red roses, which caused all of them to giggle all day. Another exhausting morning being manhandled by miniature people, and being thrown up in front of two classes, completely unprepared. We sang “head, shoulders, knees and toes”, and “B-I-N-G-O”, and asked the colours of every single item of clothing in the classroom - I just couldn’t think of anything else, and the two classes were basic English, not the Immersion classes. On the way back to the apartment, Jun - the teacher who drives me to scholl - passed me a piece of paper on which was written the Chinese and English for Valentine’s Day. I nodded enthusiastically, as I am wont to do when Jun tries to ... read more

Asia » China » Shaanxi » Xi'an February 14th 2006

Xi An So, this entry has been written on paper for a while, but since it was a daunting sixteen pages, I’ve decided to shorten it for the online version. We saw terracotta warriors, temples and museums. All of which were beautiful and interesting. The highlight of the trip was riding bikes around the city wall, both sides showed the constant themes of old vs. new china, the themes of poverty next door to extreme wealth and metropolis. I’ll skip to the parts that are unusual, the parts that probably don’t get as much mention. In this city there are many cute, yet bedraggled, children in identical pink overcoats. There cheeks are smeared with dirt and they look up at you with sad eyes, all pleading the same sentence: ‘hullo, money, please, money’. In this city ... read more
Best feeling EVER!!!one!
Building made out of Coke

Asia » China » Shaanxi » Xi'an February 14th 2006

We made a quick pit stop in Xian to see the famous terracota warriors, touted by the Chinese as the eighth wonder of the world, they were indeed very impressive; the pictures do not do them justice. Commissioned two thousand years ago by the first chinese emporer to protect himself in his afterlife, the six thousand life size warriors stand in battle formation each with unique physique, dress, and weapons ready to fend off evil spirits. With an interesting humanist philosophy the benevolent emperor had all contributing artisans (there must have been thousands) silenced permanently in order to keep his underground army a secret; which it was, until twenty years ago when a serendipitous peasant sinking a well discovered the wonder. Xian itslef was mildly interesting. The thirty kilometres of restored city wall with intermitent guard ... read more
An archer
Warrior and steed
The warriors en masse

Asia » China » Shaanxi » Xi'an February 13th 2006

11 at night, the taxi arrived to take me to Bangkok airport. I queued up at the Bangkok Airways desk for flight PG698 direct to Xi’an, that was due to leave at 2.10am. There was a very rough-looking, sneery German in front of me, and a tiny Thai girl with a tiny bag. We waited for about 20 minutes until they decided to open the desk, but within about 5 seconds of the staff sitting down, a swarm of about 70 Chinese descended on us, pushing their way to the front, throwing bags to each other over our heads, passing passports through the throng as they distracted us by ankle-bashing with trolleys. Actually, it didn’t feel threatening, vindictive or rude, it is just the way they go about their days. There is no such thing as ... read more

Asia » China » Shaanxi » Xi'an February 9th 2006

On Tuesday we were going to leave for a three night trip to Xi'an. Getting there, however, proved to be more of an adventure than we expected. The plan was to meet at 8:30 AM in the Beijing International Hotel lobby. The plan was to catch the shuttle bus from the hotel to the airport at 9:00. Get to the airport in 40 minutes and have pleanty of time before the flight at 10:50. However, after 8:30, nothing went to plan. Hans gets me to the Hotel by 8:30, everyone else makes it before 8:35. The group goes through a checklist; unfortunatly, we find out that a couple people (Jill, Elliot and I) forgot his/her passport. We scramble for phones and numbers to try and contact our host parents so that they might be able ... read more

Asia » China » Shaanxi » Xi'an February 3rd 2006

Now this was part of our adventure that I had always looked forward to - The Terracotta Warriors at Xi'an. China proudly proclaims this archaelogical jackpot as 'the eighth wonder of the world' but that must be one of the most hackeyned phrases most frequently overused by tourist boards. Especially as during our stay here we have become more than a little accustomed to the sometimes extreme over promotion and positive spin of chinese marketing. Talk about blowing your own trumpet, China has an entire brass section at work. But, credit where credit is due. The warriors are a sight to behold. Only discovered around 30 years ago when workman were digging a well, 3 pits in total have been uncovered containing treasures that would have Tony Robinson dribbling with envy. Thought to be about 2,200 ... read more
Warriors, Xi'an
Steve the warrior, Xi'an
Charioteer, Xi'an

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