Blogs from North, Cambodia, Asia - page 15


Asia » Cambodia » North » Siem Reap December 17th 2017

Today was a long 315 km, 6 hr drive by a comfortable public bus to Siem Reap the nearest regional centre servicing the once lost Khmer civilisation best known for the temple complex at Angkor Wat. The trip passed though typical tiny towns and scenic rural views before reaching our 3 day stay at Angkor Holiday Hotel. Took a tuk tuk into town for dinner & walked back to our hotel via pub street & the adjacent night markets. The excited chatter of the huge number of visitors on the street mixed with the blaring music & the wall of neon colour made for amazing atmosphere. The girls took up the challenge to dip their feet into tanks of hungry fish which nibble away at dead skin giving a tickling sensation. Next day our bikes really ... read more
Ta Prohm
Angkor Thom gate

Asia » Cambodia » North November 18th 2017

Today marks the last official day of vacation. We spent it in Cambodia and a full day it was. Rick was a little under the weather so he held off on the morning activities, and a good thing he did. This morning it was nearly 90 F with the THI heading to 105F which it hit at 2 PM. The morning was devoted to temples. We toured 4 more temples build by the same King, which they call King #7. He built more than 11 huge temple complexes during his reign, some large and some small. The first he built for his mother. That was huge with many towers and shrines to the Buddah. He was a king that tried to mesh Hinduism with Buddhism, let's say it was a struggle; the people were OK with ... read more

Asia » Cambodia » North November 17th 2017

There is much to talk about today, our first full day in Cambodia and our visit to the amazing Angkor Wat complex of temples. First some history. Cambodia was first called the Khmer Empire from the 9th to the 15th century. then, as now, it was ruled by a king. At one time the Khmer Empire was at war with Siam, now called Thailand. The Khmer won the war and decided to name this region Siem Reap, which means Siam lost! The Thai do not like the name of this region of Cambodia too much for obvious reasons! In any event, Cambodia is HOT, and I mean brutally hot. Today the temperature soared over 100F with humidity approaching 90% making this the hottest day we have had so far by a long shot. The heat was ... read more

Asia » Cambodia » North » Siem Reap November 16th 2017

Today we leave Thailand for three days in Cambodia and the famous Angkor Wat temples and historic sites. Another hearty breakfast, this one at 8:00 am, a civilized time for a man on vacation. Last night we packed everything, and I mean everything we might need for three days in Cambodia into two small backpacks. Since we were coming back to the same hotel in Bangkok, it made no sense to carry all our belongings to Cambodia, go through the hastle of baggage check in and baggage claim twice; when it was just easier to downsize and leave the rest at the Sheraton. I would have loved to claim the idea as mine but it was the ever helpful Tan that proposed the idea. We were is listening to him because this morning at 10:30 when ... read more

Asia » Cambodia » North » Siem Reap November 8th 2017

We have left Sean at home with Alexander. Agata has gone to Brussels for a course and we are in Siem Reap for a few days. The temperature, in the late 20s, is very pleasant. Our first venture out was to a floating village on the Tonle Sap Lake, the second largest freshwater lake in the world. We have arrived when the water levels are at their highest and it goes from covering roughly 2700 sq kms to over 10,000. No wonder we thought the landscape was flooded when we flew in right over the top of it. At this time so much water rushes in from the connecting Mekong River that the current is reversed. It also meant that we didn’t have to drive so far as the village came closer to Siem Reap. As ... read more
Frames of buildings
Open air crematorium
School classrooms

Asia » Cambodia » North » Angkor November 8th 2017

I’d heard so much about Angkor Wat, the size, and significance of it I wasn’t quite sure what to expect. I hadn’t read a lot about it so didn’t have much detailed knowledge. But knew that we had to go. Shirley, our travel agent who had been not long previously, suggested a sunrise visit, pick up at 5am. Great! But yes. I can get up early if it is for a reason. And so we left in darkness, entered the Western Gate in darkness, fortunately our guide Mr Boon, had a torch. And knew the way. No one was there. Where were the millions I had read about who came to see the sun rise over the five towers? We gained insight into the vastness of this incredible complex as we walked with the forest on ... read more
The sunrise
The millions

Asia » Cambodia » North » Tonlé Sap October 28th 2017

Yes Cambodia isn’t all temples and more temples ... we had an interesting drive out in the country side through villages with houses on stilts and swept yards with cattle, rice paddies and some other agricultural fields to visit a Wildlife Conservation area. Although the USA was not officially at war with Cambodia during the Vietnam War period the country suffered from thousands of tons of bombs being dropped mainly ( as I understand it ) because the Viet Cong supply route the Ho Chi Min Trail ran through Cambodia and Laos. So of course this had a devastating effect on flora and fauna. As the country rebuilds also following from the Khmer Rouge regime in the 70s there are efforts to research and protect endangered species. And so it was to one of these centres ... read more
Off we go.

Asia » Cambodia » North » Siem Reap October 27th 2017

City of Temples : this is Angkor Wat the largest religious structure in the world and covering about 400sq km . Many temples were built by Khmer kings here around 12 th century. So it was up at 4 am and at the visitors centre for tickets as soon as it opened ..we got 3 day tickets and you have to have your photo taken for that and make sure you don’t lose it as everywhere you go is someone to check you have tickets and punch holes in it ! Our guide was a keen photographer and knew exactly the right spot for us to get sunrise pics. First we had to trek across huge moat on a sort of plastic floating pontoon bridge ..Jenny didn’t like that ! It had rained in the night ... read more
Still dark
Getting lighter

Asia » Cambodia » North October 10th 2017

Heute soll es mit dem Roller zu den Tempeln gehen. Gesagt, getan. Nach ein wenig Anlaufschwierigkeiten (kein Roller da, Bremsen funktionieren nicht) finden wir ein würdiges Gefährt und machen uns auf den Weg. Den richtigen Weg zu finden erweist sich allerdings als gar nicht mal so einfach, denn wir haben beide keine mobilen Daten und die Offline-Kartenfunktionen lassen es nicht zu, dass man Routen plant und anpasst. Nun gut, am Ende verstehen wir uns eben doch als Abenteurer und fahren einfach drauf los. Natürlich verfahren wir und erst einmal gewaltig, aber das wird dann durch interessante Umgebung und lachende Gesichter belohnt, die sich noch freuen, mal eine Langnase zu Gesicht zu bekommen. Da ist es wieder - das offene, lächelnde Kambodscha. Irgendwann schaffen wir es dann natürlich doch in Richtung Angkor Wat, finden noch einen Tempel, ... read more
Netti @ Angkor Wat
Mönch in Angkor Wat
Anja @ Angkor Wat

Asia » Cambodia » North » Siem Reap October 9th 2017

Kambodschanische Hochzeiten gehen gerne mal über mehrere Tage - und das mussten wir heute ein wenig leidvoll in Erfahrung bringen. Gestern Abend beim ins Bett gehen, tobte die Party noch. Heute Morgen um 5:30 ging sie mit lauten Durchsagen und Musik wieder los - und wie! Um 7 klingelt der Wecker, den es nicht gebraucht hat - wir waren eh wach. Zum Glück gibt es im Hotel Frühstück und unser Fahrer war auch schon lange da und so stürzen wir uns pünktlich um 9 ins Getümmel. Ticket gelöst und auf geht’s. Die große Runde, die wir gebucht haben, geht quasi entgegengesetzt zu dem, was wir 2011 gemacht haben los uns so kommen wir in den Genuss von ganz neuen Tempeln und schwimmen gegen den Strom, was zur Folge hat, dass es nur in Bayon wirklich voll ... read more

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