Blogs from Moshi, North, Tanzania, Africa - page 13


Africa » Tanzania » North » Moshi August 5th 2008

Some of you have asked from time to time about prices for various things, so I thought it would be informative to do a blog on the cost of some miscellaneous items. Many of you have felt the effects of a troubled economy, and have been watching the cost of living go up, up, up. We haven't been excluded from this experience. Not only us, but most missionaries who live in a foreign field, are hit twice: first when the value of the U.S. dollar drops, because that means we get less for our money when it is exchanged, and second, when the prices go up. I thought you'd find it interesting to not only see some of the products sold here, but to learn what they cost. The general rule of thumb is if a ... read more
bananas / ndizi
BBQ Sauce

Africa » Tanzania » North » Moshi August 1st 2008

Service Project of North MacArthur Ladies Recently we received a package in the mail. Some of the ladies of the North MacArthur congregation, in Oklahoma City, have spent much time and energy to prepare some things that will be very useful in teaching Bible class, and for preparing bulletin boards. The project was organized by Donna White, one of the elder’s wives. The ladies die cut and laminated dozens of letters and shapes, and also laminated papers on which the books of the Bible are typed in Swahili. It is frustrating to spend hours and hours on visual aids, only to have them get soiled after one use, so these laminated visuals will be a great help to us. We are very appreciative of individuals and congregations such as these, who take it upon themselves to ... read more

Africa » Tanzania » North » Moshi July 17th 2008

Back in the Groove Now that campaign time is over, we have been trying to get back to our usual schedules. George has resumed his study in the village of Himo, where he has been studying with a small group of men. Plans are in the works for a two day seminar in Himo next month. This is a wonderful opportunity to preach the gospel in a place where, as far as we know, people have not heard the pure gospel preached. Luke and Lindsey are back to full days of school work. During the month of July, Julia and Lindsey, as well as Lydia while she was here, are teaching the children's Sunday Bible class here in Moshi. They have been teaching the story of Esther. Last Saturday the ladies in Moshi resumed the once-a-month ... read more
Mt. Kilimanjaro on a sunny afternoon drive
Lindsey, Lydia, and Julia
Mt. Kilimanjaro

Africa » Tanzania » North » Moshi July 10th 2008

Tomorrow is our last day on project - hard to believe that 3 weeks have gone by already. Monday was a public holiday so I went with Boon in the morning to help out at his project and then went and had lunch with my ladies. They are so great - the lunch consisted of Ugali (maize stuff that looks like mashed potato kinda) plus fried whole fish, spinach and fruit... they also bought sodas for us all which I think was a bit of a treat from them. I got a couple of cool photos so I'll post those when I can. As expected my morning project has now stopped completely so we spent Tues and Wed morning at a nursery school which was a fun change - the 'mama' who runs it was a ... read more

Africa » Tanzania » North » Moshi July 5th 2008

This week has gone so fast. We have fallen into the routine of life over here so naturally and I feel like I've been here forever. I can't believe that 15 days ago we were in London. It's the end of the minimum two week stay here so we have been saying bye to a few people yesterday and today - I'm most sad to see Lori & Jennifer go - they are a mother and daughter from Hawaii and California and they were great fun. I would have loved to have found out more about Jenny's late teens and twenties..... lets just say that it was spent in the company of one of the biggest rock bands of the late 80's.... awesome! Our days, our food and the weather have all settled into a routine. ... read more

Africa » Tanzania » North » Moshi June 28th 2008

Daa eg vart vekka av muslims boennerop kl altfortidleg og ikkje klarde aa sove meir i 6-mannsrommet fann eg ut at eg kunne lage ein ny post. Aarsaka bak dette var at eg byrja aa tenkje paa kva eg eigentleg hadde med meg no, etter at eg har kjoept meg det eg treng. Av dette foelgjer ei oppdatert pakkeliste. For interesserte kan det vaere morosamt aa samanlikne denne med den opprinnelege lista eg publiserte foer eg drog. Dette er igjen av det eg i utgongspunktet hadde: 1 boxer 1 bukse 1 par sokkar 1 par sko Dette har eg faatt av andre som har forbarma seg over meg: 1 fillete boxer faatt av Swiss (fraa Klepp) 1 utvaska og falma tskjorte faatt av fiskaren i Mtwara 2 Student-Krik Kristiansand t-skjorter faatt av Oddgeir (fraa Lye) Eg ... read more

Africa » Tanzania » North » Moshi June 27th 2008

Eg fann det min medsamansvorne har skrive om ranet i foere veke. Ho nyttar eit frisk spraak, men det er (for min del i alle fall) artig aa faa hennar skrivne versjon av hendinga. Du kan lese det her: Ellers vert teambloggen stadig oppdatert: East Africa Cup (EAC) er godt i gang, og foer eg veit ordet av det er den nesten over. I morgon er det finalar og underhaldningskamp der vi skal spele mot nokre lokale heltar. Organiseringa av EAC er betre enn det kunne sjaa ut til ved foerste augekast. Det er fantastisk aa sjaa afrikanarar planlegge og gjennomfoere eit saa stort arrengement! Kvaliteten paa laga varierar enormt, noko og haldningane gjer. Ein finn laga som set seg ned og nektar aa spele vidare av di dei meinar dommaren er ein dust, ... read more

Africa » Tanzania » North » Moshi June 27th 2008

I am learning the meaning of 'Pole Pole' the hard way. It means 'slowly slowly' and is a mantra for African living. Things just happen here on a different time scale with different priorities. Today we had some time to kill after we had eaten lunch and before we had to go to our afternoon projects so we decided to get a coffee, which we ordered at 1pm. By 1.40 we thought we better ask if it was coming because we had to go at 2pm... 'yes yes it is coming - pole pole'. Phew, it's a far cry from London where everything has to happen now if not yesterday. Techonology is also something that takes its time - text messages often choose not to send, hot water decides to take a short break as does ... read more

Africa » Tanzania » North » Moshi June 25th 2008

The 25th of June is now a dedicated day of celebration for all Art in Tanzania volunteers. Yesterday was just one of those days for everyone. The torrential rain (yes, we all thought we were going in dry season) of Tuesday had stopped and the rivers of mud were drying, the sun was out.... and so was Mt Kilimajaro - which was an amazing sight - so close but so mysterious and imposing too - I can see why a trek to the top can take 7 days. My projects are going really well, Wes & Ciara were told that there bags were found, we got hot water finally, and the Head Honcho from I-to-I UK was over for a visit so he put on a BBQ and Beer. Now that's a good day. I'm now ... read more

Africa » Tanzania » North » Moshi June 24th 2008

For aa folgje det som skjer her i Moshi vil eg vise til teambloggen, 'Tanzania 08' paa Eller er det aa jobbe med tanzanianske frivillige ei saers delt opplveving. Dei som er dedikerte er enormt energiske og har ein voldsom innsats, noko som inspirera til innsats. Planen og organiseringa er ikkje alltid paa topp med det dekkar engasjementet over. Dei som ikkje er dedikerte er det grusomt aa jobbe med. Vaerre enn i Noreg. Her er det med frivillig arbeid ikkje vanleg, og naar folk daa stillar opp er dei med slik at dei kan seie at dei har gjort noko, trass i at dei for det meste berre staar i vegen. Ta berre gaarsdagen som doeme. Vi skulle baere stolar. Som alltid tek dei norske den boera dei klarar, tre eller fleire stolar. I ... read more

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