Blogs from Moshi, North, Tanzania, Africa - page 12


Africa » Tanzania » North » Moshi October 29th 2008

26/10 Don’t really know what time I woke up this morning, but it was definitely still dark out for a long time after I was awake. Thankfully, there was plenty to listen to while I was laying awake. No joke, people wake up to roosters here…awesome. So after the rooster alarm clock went off I got out of bed and met my roommate Brian. Yep, the two dudes in this program are Ryan and Brian. Real cool guy, lives in New York speaks like 5 languages, good guy to know in a foreign country so far. He has been here for 4 weeks and plans on staying as long as he can. We talked for a bit and then headed out for breakfast, where I met the rest of the people in the house. There are ... read more

Africa » Tanzania » North » Moshi October 29th 2008

28/10 The last two days have been very interesting and very busy. Tuesday was the first day that we got to go to our placement where we would be working everyday from here on out. Right from the start I knew that my placement would be a little more interesting than the others dues to the fact that no one had heard of it and when our mentors from these placements came to our house, mine did not show up. Valley View secondary school, that is where I was to teach. So, I show up there the first day and they didn’t even know that I was coming. I sit down with the assistant head master and try to figure out exactly what I will be doing. I told him I would feel most comfortable teaching ... read more

Africa » Tanzania » North » Moshi October 16th 2008

Alright, so I have a list of people I subscribed to get email updates for this blog. I think it should work this time. If you could just post a message on the message board to let me know you are getting it. Thanks, Ryan... read more

Africa » Tanzania » North » Moshi October 16th 2008

Alright, so I have about a week until I am off to Tanzania. I wanted to set up a blog so I could let everyone back home what is going on and have a way for you guys to leave messages and let me know how great everything back home is going... like shoveling snow. Internet access is pretty sketchy over there so it would be difficult to send emails to everyone. When I post a new blog it will email everyone who has subscribed to the blog. Hopefully, I will be able to keep this thing pretty up to date. Can't wait to get over there and start exploring!... read more

Africa » Tanzania » North » Moshi August 20th 2008

We finally met God (aka Godfrey) our World Vision sponsor child. His family live in a mud hut in a group of three huts (his fathers widower father and his fathers brothers family live int he other two). They live in the middle of the bush, surrounded by red dirt, shrubs, a few goats and a flock of chickens. They grow maze and beans and this year they only made two bags full. They also keep a few bees. He has a baby sister and a little brother - 3 years old who is the spitting image of him. His mother is very pretty and his father and grandfather are very friendly. His gradfather somewhat of a character. He is the most gorgeous, healthy little 5.5 year old. He absolutely loved his football, the blower whistles, ... read more

Africa » Tanzania » North » Moshi August 18th 2008

Mount Kilimanjaro (as a MasterCard advertisement) days on a mountain - 7 Snickers Bars - 8 (3 on summit day) liters of water - 21 "watering" of rocks and trees on the way up - 21 (or more) Songs sang by the girls and guides on the way up - HUNDREDS! (to the dismay of everyone else in our group) Blisters on hands from treking poles - 2 waking up at 11 PM to walk on a 70 degree slope of sand to the summit - 1 Feeling like I was going to die - 1 Watching the sunrise at the Roof of Africa - PRICELESS! I really can't belieive I made it to the top. The four days before we summitted were so amazing. We basically trekked all the way around the mountain, up and ... read more

Africa » Tanzania » North » Moshi August 16th 2008

This blog is going to be a random post of various things that have happened throughout he last week or so. Last week, on August 8, we celebrated Julia's 21st birthday. We are so proud of the beautiful young woman she has become. She is such a blessing to our family. Last Sunday, the 9th, George taught Bible class and preached two lessons at Moshi. In America, when people wish to respond to the invitation after a lesson, they usually come forward and sit in the front. In Tanzania, after a song is sung, those who wish to request prayers, etc. remain standing. One thing that we have noticed is not only do many Christians request prayers for various needs that they have, but they also ask for prayers of thanksgiving when they feel that their ... read more
Kipton by a Bayobob Tree
Kipton near the Falls
Too Close for Comfort

Africa » Tanzania » North » Moshi August 10th 2008

What an incredible week it's been! It is going to be hard to condense it down into just a few paragraphs, but here goes: The first day (after I slept off my jetlag for abuot 15 hours) I did a lot of things for the first time. all very interesting. I got ripped off for the first time by a street boy selling banana leaf artwork. He got a really good deal out of me, but I didn't know how much I should be paying. Now he won't leave me alone anytime he sees me he says, "Hey you goody friend, I give you goody price! I met my first local Tanzanian friend who was very upset that I didn't know any Swahili, so he tutored me while we walked around the market. We went for ... read more

Africa » Tanzania » North » Moshi August 8th 2008

Dear Family and Friends: Before we launch into Tanzania, we thought we would touch on two small subjects that may be of interest to at least one of you! First, laundry and luggage. As you will recall, we brought only carry-on luggage, which has meant that we wear the same clothes over and over and over again, as they get grungier and grungier. The wash water is always very brown. We started the trip with everyone's bag having some of everyone's clothes, in the event that one bag was lost or stolen. That lasted about 24 hours! It was such a pain to search for some item of clothing in someone else's bag...we also could not purchase much more than a few tiny items (earrings for Lauren and candy bars, for their wrappers, for Sam), which ... read more
Sam with Friends
Craft Time with Lauren
Playing with the little ones

Africa » Tanzania » North » Moshi August 6th 2008

We finally made it to the heart of Africa. The Africa that gave us a song by Toto, one of Angelina Jolie's children, and most of Paul Simon's music since the early eighties. And the "Lion King". Flying out of Cairo to Tanzania was another marathon session. We connected in Nairobi, Kenya and made it to Moshi, Tanzania (in the foothills of Mount Kilimanjaro) in the early afternoon. We did see Kilimanjaro from our plane as we descended, and I wish we'd taken a picture because it was the only time we'd see it. As close as we were to it while staying in Moshi, Kilimanjaro is usually surrounded by clouds and is rarely visible. We stayed at the Springlands Hotel which is owned by Zara Tours, the operators of our safari as well as ... read more
Springlands Hotel in Moshi
Blue Monkey
Our Safari Jeep

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