Blogs from South Africa, Africa - page 566


Africa » South Africa » KwaZulu-Natal » Durban August 8th 2007

LO QUE MAS ME GUSTO * Ir a un partido de RUGBY. En mi vida habia ido a uno, es un ambiente muy parecido al del estadio de futbol, pero la gente, por lo menos en este partido, estaba vuelta loca, gritando como locos, con tambores, cantos y demas. Es un deporete de mucho contacto y sin proteccion, asi que se meten buenos trancazos. Habia un jugador del equipo local de mas de 100kg que le apodaban "The Beast", cada vez que tocaba el balon (con forma de sandia) todo el publico coreaba al unisono "Beeeeeeeeast", muy gracioso. De la comida, ni se diga, vendian de todo, desde carne disecada de avestruz, hasta hot dogs de 30cm. El marcador final fue de 53 vs 12 a favor de los locales (Durban vs. Free Territitory). ... read more
Jugada de Rugby
Circulo estilo sudafricano
Surf Lesson

Africa » South Africa » Western Cape » Cape Town August 6th 2007

I am sorry that the blog site has been down lately. I have been very eager to update all of you. I have had quite the week. Last week, I had two days in the school. I am helping with the 6th grade teaching English, Geography, History, and PE. I am not teaching yet, just helping students at their desks with their work. I like the 1 on 1 time I get with the students. The school is definetely in need of many resources. Like for instance, the students do not have textbooks. They have photocopies of the pages that are handed to them at the beginning of the class period. Then they have to cut the edges off and paste the pages into their notebooks. This usually takes up about 15 minutes of a 40 ... read more

Africa » South Africa » KwaZulu-Natal » Durban August 6th 2007

Ok, so i think the blog is up and running again... i guess we'll see... I think i am still missing the blog entry of my lat day in Chintsa, so here again is the short version: I went on a mountain bike ride with two of my roommates from Bucaneers and our guide through the Xhosa villages that are in this area. We visited Mama Tofus village, got a taste of Xhosa culture, signing and dancing, and mingled with the kids of the village, before we continued our bike ride through the rather hilly area around Chintsa. An awesome time, and great experience in the village. The Xhosa people are super nice and very traditional in their beliefs, and we really got the impression that this was not just put on for the 'tourists" but ... read more

Africa » South Africa » KwaZulu-Natal » Durban August 6th 2007

Hi guys, This is just a very short entry to say that I am alive and I'm sorry that you haven't heard much from me lately. I've had problems accessing my blog for some reason but it seems to be sorted now so I shall be updating you all with all my misdemeanors some time in the next few days. Hope you're all well and that the sun is shining wherever you are, Lu. xxxx... read more

Africa » South Africa » Western Cape » Cape Town August 6th 2007

Apologies for the late blog. Lisa and I have been indulging in the endless offerings that SA can give you. We thought it rude not to try some of the more traditional food they have here such as Boerewors, (a mildly spicy sausage). It was a thumbs up from me but lisa was already looking to see what else was on the menu..................ah yes, 'the menu' - it was one of those large brightly lit menu's that sits nicely above the counter, behind perspex, (kinda like the ones you get in the large fast food chains such as Mcdonalds). However, there was one major difference. Unbelievably, it was upside down - how could they not notice. In fact on closer inspection, the place we were in (a place called POZA), didn't bare any resemblence to a ... read more
Boulders beach
Zebra Crossing Hostel
Trek wounds

Africa » South Africa » Western Cape » Cape Town August 6th 2007

If you are in South Africa, it is essential that you visit Cape Town for several reasons. It's practically the New York City of SA - full of arts, culture, fashion, etc. It's a mega-city, truly! It also boasts the largest wine region in the country, for, the entire Western Cape is world famous for its wine production...amazing! If you even think that you like wine, South African wine will get you hooked! (On a special wine note - you'll be hard pressed to find wine from any other country in SA stores because they really don't import much at all. However, it's very cool to go into each liquor store you pass and find huge differences in what they carry...there is a bottle from everywhere in the country it seems! And because of minimal imports, ... read more
Two Oceans Marathon
Cape Town Backpackers
Jazz @ Marimba

Africa » South Africa » Western Cape » Cape Town August 6th 2007

Well its been a week for Lisa and I in South Africa now where we have been subject to 4 seasons of weather in just 7 days. We were prepared for bad weather as it's winter here, but we were really surprised at how random the days are. One day it could be clear blue sky and what we regard as beach weather (around 23 degree's), and the next it could be torrential rain and showing no sign of letting up. We arrived in the rain on the 28th July and at first glance, it was nothing short of where we had just left (London, Heathrow). Construction is everywhere as they prepare for the imminent world cup in 2010. Our first real taste of SA was the huge townships that greet you either side of the ... read more
At the mercy of a cheeky monkey
The view from our room
Resident rodent

Africa » South Africa August 6th 2007

Hello all! We arrived in Cape Town - fairly annoyed as our airport pick did not arrive, yet it was all sorted evetually. The hostel certainly made up for it - its in a beautiful victorian mansion (and has free coffee and internet!) We spent the first two days being pretty lazy, but generally just exploring Cape Town. We went down to the newly rennovated Waterfront, had a yummy brunch down there, wandered through the shops and markets and had a look round the Robben Island museum. The second day was spent exploring the City Bowl, and in the afternoon we did a wine tour. This was really good. The first vineyard, was owned by The Copmany of Wine People and they produce Arniston Bay and Versus wine. We did a few tastings there. Then we ... read more

Africa » South Africa » Gauteng » Johannesburg August 4th 2007

Dicen las malas lenguas que Johannesburgo es la ciudad en donde mas crimen existe en el mundo...y no lo dudo ni tantito. De las 12 personas que conoci en el transcurso de dos dias, 4 de ellas fueron asaltadas en dos eventos distintos. Los primeros en ser asaltados fueron un par de coreanos que fueron al centro de la ciudad con camara en cuello y mapa en mano (muy obvios)....y pues fueron presa facil para los ladrones, el otro asalto fue a dos amigas que iban saliendo de un restaurante en una zona nice de la ciudad, les salio un cuate de una zona obscurita y "matanga dijo la changa"...les quitaron reloj, cartera, bolsa y su sonrisa...pero bueno, ya mas adelante volvieron a sonreir. ACERCA DE JO'BERG Johannesburgo o Jo'berg, como le llaman los locales, es ... read more
Paseando en Soweto
Con chavito de Soweto
Chimeneas en Soweto

Africa » South Africa » Free State » Bloemfontein August 1st 2007

As they pictures paint a thousand words, and as at this point I can't be assed (or actually afford) to write up my blog I am going to publish the relevant pages with pictures only....then leave all you fans wondering about the stories behind them until I get home and spend a day updating them with stories...after I have updated my journal to remind myself what has actually happened...I look at some of these pictures and thought...what the hell!... read more

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