Blogs from Cape Flats, Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa, Africa


Africa » South Africa » Western Cape » Cape Town » Cape Flats July 29th 2015

One of my main objectives in South Africa is to understand more about the country. Lindsey's uncle, Paul, agreed to take us to visit NGOs he knows in the townships of Khayelitsha and Delft. Khayelitsha Khayelitsha is a Xhosa word meaning "new home". The township, a response to the Group Areas Act, was meant to keep Black people out of White areas of Cape Town. People were forcibly resettled to this area which is essentially a huge sand dune with little agricultural potential and limited building capacity. Wikipedia suggests Khayelitsha is both the biggest and fastest growing township in South Africa. If true, then the official statistics from the 2011 census are woefully out of date. Those statistics make bleak reading. They suggest a population density of around 7500 people per square kilometre, three times that ... read more
The Cape Flats
Delft Shopping

Africa » South Africa » Western Cape » Cape Town » Cape Flats August 20th 2013

an african proverb says ‘birds sing not because they have answers but because they have a song.’ wearing shorts for our legs, t-shirts for our arms + this proverb as our song, the troubadours landed down at a surprisingly cold + stormy cape town international airport. the hope of meeting in depth creative south african’s living courageous + adventurous lives was quite an aspiration considering we didn’t yet know anybody other than the email contacts given to us by the remarkable amanda jackson (international advocacy + campaigns director of micah challenge). deliberately only planning the first step of this new adventure, we left the airport with instructions of how to get to our accommodation. so we turned up to rene august + caroline powells house (our one contact) to the news that it was rene’s birthday ... read more
climbing lions head
4 peace makers
paragliding off lions bum

Africa » South Africa » Western Cape » Cape Town » Cape Flats January 28th 2012

Tja, nun sind die 3,5 Wochen rum und ich sitze am Flughafen In Kapstadt. Die Zeit ist schnell vergangen, was sicherlich auch daran liegt, dass Frauke und ich super viel gesehen und erlebt haben: Berge und Aussichten, Strände und verlassene Buchten, große und kleine Tiere, Weinberge und steinige Landschaften, Dörfer und Megacitys.... Und trotzdem war es nur ein kleiner Ausschnitt von Südafrika. Fest steht: ich werde nochmal kommen ... Muss ja schließlich noch mit meiner Schwester und Henning reisen, die kennen ja noch nicht so viel;-) @Frauke: vielen Dank!! Es hat Super viel Spass gemacht, wir waren eine tolle Reisekombo :-) (Couch Ladys....). Ich Wünsche Dir auf dem weiteren Weg durch Afrika ganz viel Spass. Genieße es und komm dann zum Skifahren wieder!!! Ach ja, heute haben wir noch typisches Mädelsprogramm gemacht: Shopping auf dem sensationellen ... read more

Africa » South Africa » Western Cape » Cape Town » Cape Flats January 27th 2012

Heute morgen war wieder strahlender Sonnenschein angesagt und diesmal wollten wir auch gleich das gute Wetter nutzen und haben uns nach dem mäßig leckeren Früchstück auf zum Tafelberg gemacht. Nach etwas Schlange stehen sind wir dann (Schande auf unser Münchner Haupt) nicht hochgewandert, sondern haben die Seilbahn mit 360 Grad View genommen. Zu unserer Verteidigung muss man sagen, dass es bereits gut 30 Grad hatte und es einfach viel zu warm zum hochwandern war. Oben auf dem Berg haben wir dann aber noch eine schöne kleine Rundwanderung gemacht... es ist so touristisch wie im Sommer auf der Zugspitze, aber nach den ersten 3 Höhenmetern ist es wieder fast menschenleer. Es war keine Wolke am Himmel und wir konnten bis zum Kap der guten Hoffnung gucken und hatten auch auf Kapstadt eine grandiose Sicht. Auf dem Rückweg ... read more

Africa » South Africa » Western Cape » Cape Town » Cape Flats January 26th 2012

Heute haben wir zunächst noch ein tolles Frühstück auf der Terasse des Chartfield Guesthouse mit Blick auf das Meer und die Kaphalbinsel genossen. Dann war ein wenig Organisieren angesagt: zum Glück war der Inhaber von Chartfield ein Deutscher, der uns Super geholfen hat. In nur 30 min sind wir dann nach Kapstadt reingefahren und zu unserem Neunen b&b. Rose Lodge liegt im Bo-Kap-Viertel und ist für seine Noten Häuser bekannt: wir sind in einem grauen, aber daneben ist noch rot, Grün, gelb, ...... Da es irrsinnig heiß war, haben wir nach der Rückgabe des Autos erst mal beschlossen eine Tour durch das Viertel zu machen und die Wanderung auf den Tafelberg auf den NachMittag zu verschieben. Allerdings war es auch hier Super warm, so dass man immer nach dem Schatten sucht. Wir waren aber schon auf ... read more

Africa » South Africa » Western Cape » Cape Town » Cape Flats November 30th 2010

WILSONS ARRIVE IN CAPETOWN AFTER LONG SERIES OF FLIGHTS The kids where amazing during what eneded up being a marathon of airports and flights - Brisbane, Perth, Bangkok, Jo Burg and then finally into Capetown. We where met a airport by Aunty Hazel( Sarahs Aunt ) and followed her home to Welgemood an afluent suburb in Northen Capetwon - with views overlooking TAble Mountain and its so called "Table Cloth" white lacy cloud peeling of the high top forced by the South Westerlies of the southern Atlantic. Knackered - slept - update better tomorrow. Wilsons...... read more

Africa » South Africa » Western Cape » Cape Town » Cape Flats November 2nd 2010

SHOOTING UBUNTU By David Beaumont Perfect lily, imperfect world. 1/60th, ISO 100, f8 - 1 step, fl 47mm After a year in the limelight, it’s not news that South Africa offers an amazing diversity of treats for the tourist to enjoy. The country’s crime is an issue which attracts plenty of news, all unwanted. There’s no dispute that the worst crime takes place in the townships, so I was amazed to find out that these over-populated and impoverished shanty towns are open for tourists. The Big 5, namely lion, leopard, elephant, buffalo and rhino are what this country is otherwise famous for. My personal South African favourite five in no particular order are Cape Town and its environs, Kruger Park, rafting the Orange river, the Karoo and the great value hostelries offering world-class food and lodging ... read more
Sheep searer
Looking for work

Africa » South Africa » Western Cape » Cape Town » Cape Flats January 24th 2009

Today was more of the same—Delft with Maggie and Mitchell’s Plain with Waseema and Moegisen. This time he/she was wearing jeans and a woman’s embroidered blue shirt. While in Mitchell’s Plain, we drove past a large house, and Derek asked us to stop. It was a rehab center for drug addicts. One of the guys staying there came out and got in the car with us. Again, Derek seemed to enlist random people to help us pick out a few shebeens. I was absolutely exhausted when we got home, and even took a nap. But I went back to the apartments to have dinner with the owners. I moved to a guest house down the block called Maroela House so that I would have a little more privacy, but everyone else is still staying in the ... read more

Africa » South Africa » Western Cape » Cape Town » Cape Flats January 23rd 2009

We went back to Delft today to try to mark all of the shebeens in a couple more sectors with Maggie’s help in guiding. One of the first places where we stopped had a tiny ambulance and a police car parked out front, and a bunch of people were gathered around. Maggie got out to talk to them and reported that a man had been stabbed in the shebeen only a few minutes before. We saw him walk out with the assistance of others, blood stains on his button down shirt. He slowly climbed into the back of the ambulance as we drove away. That was the most excitement that happened today in Delft. The afternoon was spent back in Mitchell’s Plain. This time Maggie brought her friend Moegisen, who she referred to as a “he-she”, ... read more

Africa » South Africa » Western Cape » Cape Town » Cape Flats January 22nd 2009

The last couple of days were spent mapping—driving around Delft and Mitchell’s Plain with people from the communities who could point out the shebeens and drug houses. We discovered that the best way to get our job done is to find people who know the neighborhoods well. In Mitchell’s Plain we have Waseema, who was a social worker of some sort and knows many of the sectors well. We’ve got a system going now—the community person guides us, J. drives, either B. or I mark the points on the GPS, and the research assistants take notes on the points. In Delft we also stopped at one of Derek’s friend’s house, but he was not around. His mother told us to go to the school down the street and ask for Maggie, who is a community liaison ... read more

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